Senate Chamber, Pierre
Monday, January 25, 2016

    The Senate convened at 2:00 p.m., pursuant to adjournment, the President presiding.

    The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Josh Baumann, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Senate pages Ruth Burkhalter and Hannah Cleveland.

    Roll Call: All members present except Sens. Fiegen and Frerichs who were excused.



    The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Secretary of the Senate has had under consideration the Senate Journal of the eighth day.

    All errors, typographical or otherwise, are duly marked in the temporary journal for correction.

    And we hereby move the adoption of the report.

Respectfully submitted,
Gary Cammack, Chair

    Which motion prevailed.
    The oath of office was administered by the President to the following named persons:

    Pages_ Ruth Burkhalter, Hannah Cleveland, Mallory Gauer, Hannah Gruenwald, Alexendra Hansen, Layne Hohn, Rylee Homandberg, Kathryn Paulson, Elizabeth Petersen, Molly Walker.

    Which was subscribed to and placed on file in the office of the Secretary of State.


January 6, 2015

The Honorable Matt Michels
President of the Senate
State Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501

Dear President and Members of the Senate:

    Pursuant to the provisions of 41-2 of the South Dakota Codified Laws and subject to your consent, I have the honor to inform you that I have appointed Russell Olson, Lake County, Wentworth, South Dakota, to the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.

    This appointment is effective January 11, 2016, and shall continue until January 10, 2020.

Dennis Daugaard

    The President announced the referral of the appointment to the Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.



    The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 27 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass.


    The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 6 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass and be placed on the consent calendar.

Respectfully submitted,
Gary Cammack, Chair


    The Committee on Health and Human Services respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 28 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass.


    The Committee on Health and Human Services respectfully reports that it has had under consideration HB 1026 and 1028 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bills do pass and be placed on the consent calendar.

Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Rampelberg, Chair



    I have the honor to transmit herewith HB 1034, 1035, 1037, 1049, and 1050 which have passed the House and your favorable consideration is respectfully requested.

Arlene Kvislen, Chief Clerk


    Sen. Brown moved that SB 50 be referred to the Joint Committee on Appropriations.

    Which motion prevailed.


    SB 74 Introduced by: Senators Van Gerpen, Heinert, and Sutton and Representatives Peterson (Kent), Schoenfish, and Soli

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to authorize members of certain governing bodies who are displaced by a natural disaster to continue their term of office.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

    SB 75 Introduced by: Senators Tidemann, Cammack, Fiegen, Haverly, Jensen (Phil), Novstrup (David), Omdahl, Otten (Ernie), Peters, Peterson (Jim), Rampelberg, Rusch, Soholt, Tieszen, Van Gerpen, Vehle, and White and Representatives Hunhoff (Jean), Anderson, Bartling, Bordeaux, Cronin, Deutsch, Dryden, Duvall, Gibson, Greenfield (Lana), Hawley, Jensen (Alex), Killer, Munsterman, Peterson (Kent), Rasmussen, Schoenfish, Soli, Solum, Willadsen, and Zikmund

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish a grant program for adult community residential services designed to reduce the risk of recidivism, to provide a report to the Legislature, and to make an appropriation therefor.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Joint Committee on Appropriations.

    SB 76 Introduced by: Senators Greenfield (Brock), Curd, Ewing, Novstrup (David), and Peterson (Jim) and Representatives Wiik, Novstrup (Al), Rounds, Willadsen, and Wollmann

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain codes and standards regarding wind energy system set back requirements.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Energy.

    SB 77 Introduced by: Senators Olson, Bradford, Greenfield (Brock), Jensen (Phil), Omdahl, and Rampelberg and Representatives Qualm, Campbell, Craig, May, Russell, Verchio, and Wiik

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to repeal the prohibition against carrying a concealed weapon in the state capitol.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

    SB 78 Introduced by: Senators Olson, Brown, Frerichs, Greenfield (Brock), Heineman (Phyllis), Jensen (Phil), Peterson (Jim), Soholt, Solano, and Tieszen and Representatives May, Brunner, Campbell, Craig, Hunt, Klumb, Marty, Qualm, Russell, Sly, and Verchio

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to deposit money in the permanent school fund based on certain acres of school and public lands open to public hunting.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.

    SB 79 Introduced by: Senators Peters, Bradford, Brown, Cammack, Ewing, Fiegen, Frerichs, Haverly, Heinert, Holien, Novstrup (David), Omdahl, Rusch, Tidemann, and White and Representatives Hunhoff (Jean), Anderson, Cronin, Dryden, Hawks, Hawley, Johns, Partridge, Romkema, Rounds, and Willadsen

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to expand the list of professionals authorized to perform certain examinations required for a plea of guilty but mentally ill.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

    SB 80 Introduced by: Senators Brown, Cammack, and White and Representatives Harrison, Cronin, Deutsch, Duvall, Feickert, Otten (Herman), Schoenbeck, Solum, Willadsen, and Wink

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to limit certain liability for hosts of fishing tournaments.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.

    SB 81 Introduced by: Senators Heinert, Bradford, Brown, Frerichs, Hunhoff (Bernie), Peters, Sutton, and Tieszen and Representatives Bordeaux, Haggar (Don), Hawks, Killer, McCleerey, Ring, Schoenfish, Verchio, and Wollmann

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to create the paraprofessional tuition assistance scholarship program.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Education.

    SB 82 Introduced by: Senators Heinert, Bradford, Brown, Frerichs, Hunhoff (Bernie), Peters, Sutton, and Tieszen and Representatives Bordeaux, Haggar (Don), Hawks, Killer, Schoenfish, Verchio, and Wollmann

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish the Native American achievement schools grant program.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Education.

    SB 83 Introduced by: Senators Monroe, Holien, Jensen (Phil), Olson, and Van Gerpen and Representatives Campbell, DiSanto, Heinemann (Leslie), Latterell, Qualm, Stalzer, and Zikmund

    FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to protect the teaching of certain scientific information.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Education.


    HB 1034: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions concerning local government elections.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

    HB 1035: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise and repeal certain provisions concerning voter registration, vote centers, and conducting elections.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

    HB 1037: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions concerning petitions for initiated constitutional amendments, initiated measures, and candidates.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

    HB 1049: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding references to the Internal Revenue Code.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxation.

    HB 1050: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to repeal certain obsolete mini-storage tax refund provisions.

    Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxation.


    The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the executive reappointment of Sheldon E. Cotton of Brookings County, Volga, South Dakota, to the South Dakota State Railroad Board.

    The question being "Does the Senate advise and consent to the executive reappointment of Sheldon E. Cotton pursuant to the executive message as found on page 33 of the Senate Journal?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 33, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0

Bradford; Brown; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heineman (Phyllis); Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peters; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tidemann; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Fiegen; Frerichs

    So the question having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the President declared the reappointment confirmed.

    The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the executive reappointment of Gary Doering of Beadle County, Cavour, South Dakota, to the South Dakota State Railroad Board.

    The question being "Does the Senate advise and consent to the executive reappointment of Gary Doering pursuant to the executive message as found on page 33 of the Senate Journal?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 33, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0

Bradford; Brown; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heineman (Phyllis); Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peters; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tidemann; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Fiegen; Frerichs

    So the question having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the President declared the reappointment confirmed.


    SB 2: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the distribution of the revenue from the alcoholic beverage fund.

    Was read the second time.

    The question being "Shall SB 2 pass as amended?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 28, Nays 5, Excused 2, Absent 0

Bradford; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Brown; Heineman (Phyllis); Monroe; Peters; Tidemann

Fiegen; Frerichs

    So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-elect, the President declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

    SB 13: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish a new retirement benefit structure for certain public employees who are members of the South Dakota Retirement System.

    Was read the second time.

    The question being "Shall SB 13 pass?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 32, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0

Bradford; Brown; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heineman (Phyllis); Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tidemann; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Fiegen; Frerichs; Peters

    So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the President declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

    SB 14: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain administrative provisions and repeal certain obsolete provisions concerning the South Dakota Retirement System.

    Was read the second time.

    The question being "Shall SB 14 pass?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 32, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0

Bradford; Brown; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heineman (Phyllis); Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tidemann; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Fiegen; Frerichs; Peters

    So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the President declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

    SB 15: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions concerning the membership of the South Dakota Investment Council.

    Was read the second time.

    The question being "Shall SB 15 pass?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 32, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0

Bradford; Brown; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heineman (Phyllis); Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tidemann; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Fiegen; Frerichs; Peters

    So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the President declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

    SB 20: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions related to behavioral health.

    Was read the second time.

    The question being "Shall SB 20 pass?"

    And the roll being called:

    Yeas 32, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0

Bradford; Brown; Buhl O'Donnell; Cammack; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Haggar (Jenna); Haverly; Heineman (Phyllis); Heinert; Holien; Hunhoff (Bernie); Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Novstrup (David); Olson; Omdahl; Otten (Ernie); Parsley; Peterson (Jim); Rampelberg; Rusch; Shorma; Soholt; Solano; Sutton; Tidemann; Tieszen; Van Gerpen; Vehle; White

Fiegen; Frerichs; Peters

    So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the President declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

    Sen. Shorma moved that the Senate do now adjourn, which motion prevailed and at 3:27 p.m. the Senate adjourned.

Kay Johnson, Secretary