SB 9*
revise certain provisions pertaining to landowner liability for injuries sustained on flooded
Senators Vitter, Diedtrich (Elmer), Drake, and Symens and Representatives Fryslie, Hanson
(Gary), Konold, and Lintz at the request of the Interim Agriculture and Natural Resources
SB 26
eliminate the South Dakota Farm Loan Mediation Board and transfer program authority to
the secretary of agriculture, to provide civil liability immunity for certain agricultural
finance counselors, and to authorize the department to contract with businesses for
mediation services.
The Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources at the request of the Department of
SB 55
change the name of Union County State Park.
The Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources at the request of the Department of
Game, Fish and Parks
SB 98*
establish certain penalties for failure to control weeds and pests.
Senator Hutmacher and Representatives Nachtigal and Bartling
SB 135
revise the grounds for the refusal, suspension, or revocation of certain veterinary medicine
licenses and certificates.
Senators Ham, Albers, McCracken, and Symens and Representatives Jaspers, Elliott,
Flowers, Nachtigal, Pederson (Gordon), and Valandra
SB 152*
revise certain vaccination and brucellosis testing provisions related to the importation of
Senators Bogue, Diedrich (Larry), Diedtrich (Elmer), Duxbury, Hainje, Ham, Hutmacher,
Kleven, and Symens and Representatives Duenwald, Hansen (Tom), Hanson (Gary),
Hargens, Jensen, Klaudt, Lintz, Pitts, and Rhoden
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If circumstances do
not permit a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of the committee to be
determined by the chair. Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had a hearing.