Study Committee on County Funding and Services
Representative Roger Chase, Chair
Senator Randy Deibert, Vice Chair
First Meeting, 2023 Interim Room 414 – State Capitol
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Pierre, South Dakota
8:30 AM (CT) Call to order; Determination of Quorum
Chair and Vice Chair remarks
9:30 AM Presentation of Covid-19 Stimulus and Counties
Joey Knofczynski, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Research Council
10:00 AM Russell Olson, Auditor General, Legislative Audit
11:00 AM Michael Houdyshell, Secretary, Department of Revenue
Noon Working Lunch
12:30 PM Greg Sattizahn, State Court Administrator, Unified Judicial System
1:00 PM Dan Nelson, President, State's Attorney Association
1:30 PM Staci Ackerman, South Dakota Sheriffs Association
2:00 PM Doug Clark and Brittni Skipper, Department of Corrections
2:30 PM County Commissioners Association
3:00 PM Committee Discussion
Future Meeting Date
3:30 PM Adjourn
PLEASE NOTE: The above
times are approximate. Written
testimony must be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to
be considered at the meeting. Members:
Senators Jim Bolin,
Randy Deibert,
Helene Duhamel,
David Johnson,
Liz Larson,
Jim Mehlhaff,
and Al Novstrup
and Representatives Amber Arlint,
Kirk Chaffee,
Roger Chase,
Lance Koth,
John Mills,
Neal Pinnow,
and Tim Reisch This
meeting is being held in a physically accessible location. Any
individual needing assistance, pursuant to the Americans with
Disabilities Act, should contact the Legislative Research Council
(605-773-3251) in advance of the meeting to make further
arrangements. All
committee agendas, minutes, and audio are available on the LRC
Live committee audio is provided by South Dakota Public
Broadcasting and is also available at
You may subscribe to electronic delivery of agendas and minutes at
My LRC on the LRC website.