Committee: House Agriculture and Natural Resources
Thursday, January 10, 2013
P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Bartling
P Cammack
P Craig
P Feickert
P Kopp
E May
P Olson (Betty)
P Otten (Herman)
P Qualm
P Schoenfish
P Schrempp
P Schaefer, Vice-Chair
P Hoffman, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Representative Hoffman.
Representative Hoffman asked the committee members and staff to introduce themselves.
The Black Hills Regional Mountain Pine Beetle Working Group, consisting of presenters Larry Mann;
Dave Thom, Coordinator for the Black Hill Regional Mountain Pine Beetle Working Group;
Ben Wudtke, Forest Programs Manager, Black Hills Forest Resource Association; and Nancy Trautman,
Pennington County Commissioner, made a presentation about the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic and the
efforts to combat the spread of the beetles in the Black Hills. The group then answered questions from
the committee.
Ray Sowers, Director of State Forestry answered a question.
Mark Hollenbeck, Project Manager for the Dewey _ Burdock Uranium Mining Project, gave an
informational presentation about Uranium, the history of it and the current efforts to recover it in South
West South Dakota thru the use of
In Situ mining. Mr. Hollenbeck then answered questions of the
Moved by: Olson (Betty)
Second by: Schaefer
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Joshua Klumb
Committee Secretary
Charles B. Hoffman, Chair
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