96th Legislative Session – 2021

Committee: House Legislative Redistricting Committee Tuesday, March 09, 2021 10:00 AM

Roll Call

Present: Rep. Gosch, Rep. Kent Peterson, Rep. Hansen, Rep. Derby, Rep. Dennert, Rep. May, Rep. Soye, and Rep. Cwach

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Senator Duvall.

The meeting was held jointly with the Senate Legislative Redistricting Committee.

Mr. Matt Frame, Legislative Attorney, LRC presented on the redistricting process in South Dakota.

Rep. Derby and Sen. Bolin gave insights on previous redistricting efforts from 10-20 years ago.

Rep. Gosch laid out the schedule for future meetings. Meetings will be held in June, July, and August with field hearing being held in October.


Moved by: Gosch

Second by: Bolin

Action: Prevailed by voice vote

Rachael Person, Committee Secretary


Spencer Gosch, Chair

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