P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Vehle, Chair
P Fryslie, Vice-Chair
P Cutler
P Hansen (Tom)
E Krebs
P Maher
P Hundstad
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Senator Mike Vehle, Chair.
Darin Bergquist, Secretary of the Department of Transportation, appeared before the committee.
After introducing Kellie Beck, the department's Director of Finance and Management, Mr. Bergquist
provided the committee with information on federal highway funding; state highway funding
(handout #1); the SDDOT 2011 Statewide Customer Satisfaction Assessment (handout #2); and gave
a short summary of state projects outside the state highway system - railroads, transit, and aviation.
He responded to committee questions.
Moved by: Hansen (Tom)
Second by: Hundstad
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Rena Ortbahn