

Senator Arlene Ham, Chair

Representative B. Michael Broderick, Jr., Vice Chair

First Meeting LCR 1 & 2

2001 Interim State Capitol Building

June 26, 2001 Pierre, South Dakota

Tuesday, June 26, 2001

9:00 a.m.

Call to Order

Determination of Quorum

Opening Remarks

  • Senator Arlene Ham, Chair
  • Members

9:15 a.m.

2001 Legislation Review

  • Mark Zickrick, Legislative Research Council

9:30 a.m.

Teacher Credentialing in South Dakota: Current Requirements for Teachers

  • Department of Education and Cultural Affairs--Janelle Toman
  • South Dakota Education Association--Lona Lewis
  • School Administrators of South Dakota--Christie Johnson
  • Associated School Boards of South Dakota--Gene Enck
  • Committee Discussion

12:00 Noon

Lunch Recess

1:15 p.m.


Resume Committee Discussion

1:30 p.m.

Actions in Other States on Alternative Methods of Teacher Certification

And Compensation

  • Eric Hirsch, National Conference of State Legislatures

Committee Discussion

Set Next Meeting Date

3:30 p.m.



Members: Senator Arlene Ham, Chair; Representative B, Michael Broderick, Jr., Vice-chair; Senators John McIntyre, Garry Moore, Kermit Staggers, and Dan Sutton; Representatives Jim Bradford, Cooper Garnos, Margaret Gillespie, Jim Holbeck, Matt McCaulley, Alice McCoy, Burdette Solum, John Teupel, and Hal Wick.

NOTE: Individuals needing assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact the Legislative Research Council (605/773-3251) in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements.


This agenda and all Legislative Research Council committee minutes and agendas are available on the LRC section of the South Dakota Homepage (http://legis.state.sd.us.).