___________________ moved that SB 149 be amended as follows:
On page 3, line 6 of the Senate engrossed bill, after "agency" insert "that shall be contained in
a written policy, statement of faith, or other document adhered to by a child-placement agency".
On page 3, between lines 6 and 7, insert:
If a child-placement agency declines to provide any services, the child-placement agency shall
provide in writing information advising the applicant of the Department of Social Services website
and a list of licensed child-placement agencies with contact information.".
On page 3, line 11, delete "a" and insert "the agency's written".
On page 4, line 1, after "agency's" insert "written".
On page 6, after line 3, insert:
" Section 15. That chapter 26-6 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
If a child-placement agency declines to provide any services under section 3 of this Act, the
child-placement agency's decision does not limit the ability of another child-placement agency to
provide those services and shall not be a factor in determining whether a placement in connection
with the service is in the best interest of the child.".