___________________ moved that HB 1137 be amended as follows:
On page 2 of the printed bill, delete lines 6 to 11, inclusive, and insert:
"shall be distributed as follows:
(1) One and three-fourths percent shall be credited to the state motor vehicle fund;
(2) Two and one-half percent shall be credited to the state license plate special revenue fund;
(3) One-fourth of one percent shall be credited to the county treasurer fund to cover expenses
for supplies such as toner, paper, etc.;
(4) Sixty-seven percent shall be credited to the county road and bridge fund;
(5) Twenty-three percent shall be placed in the special highway fund and shall be distributed
to the townships in accordance with §§ 32-11-5 to 32-11-7, inclusive; and
(6) Five and one-half percent shall be distributed to municipalities within the county in
accordance with subdivision 32-11-4.1(3).".