
___________________ moved that SB 207 be amended as follows:

    On the printed bill, delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

    "    Section 1. The Legislature finds, as a matter of law, that the personal and states' rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America should be interpreted strictly so that our citizens and the states may be secure in the preservation of their rights under the Bill of Rights against any unconstitutional intrusion by the federal government. This is especially the case with respect to the Second Amendment where the Founding Fathers freely and willingly irrevocably rescinded all legislative and executive authority to regulate gun ownership and usage, as well as the related issue of the maintenance and armament of state militias, and reserved such authority to individual citizens and the states respectively. Therefore we can neither identify any means nor rationalize any legal theory that the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights does not effectively foreclose any and all federal initiatives directed at the restriction of gun ownership and the right of self defense. We look with disapproval and skepticism at all federal legislation and executive orders that attempt to evade or elude the sacred, hallowed, and clear intent and purpose of the Second Amendment which specifically and definitively prohibits all infringement of this fundamental right by either overt or covert federal acts.

    Section 2. We hereby direct the Office of the Attorney General to be vigilant and proactive in protecting, by litigation if necessary, the rights of South Dakota and its citizens against all dilution and diminution of Second Amendment rights from whatever source and by whatever means."