___________________ moved that HB 1179 be amended as follows:
On page 1, line 7, of the printed bill, delete "municipal offices and".
On page 1, line 8, delete "and second".
On page 1, line 9, delete "municipality" and insert "municipal".
On page 1, line 13, after "questions" insert "or elections for municipal offices".
On page 2, line 4, delete ", municipal,".
On page 2, line 4, after "or" insert "county, municipal, or school district".
On page 2, line 10, delete "office or ballot questions" and insert "ballot question".
On page 2, line 12, delete "office or".
On page 2, line 24, delete "office" and insert "ballot question".
On page 3, line 3, delete "delegate" and insert "direct".
On page 3, delete line 4, and insert "chapter be electronically filed with the secretary of state,
rather than being filed with the county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision.".
On page 3, after line 4, insert:
Section 4. That chapter 12-27 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Nothing is this chapter prevents any political subdivision from adopting additional standards or
requirements relating to campaign finance for elections held under the political subdivision's own
jurisdiction that are more stringent than the provisions of this title.".