___________________ moved that HB 1034 be amended as follows:
58-11-58. Any schedule of rates or rating plan for private passenger motor vehicle bodily injury
and property damage liability insurance and collision insurance submitted to, or filed with, the
Division of Insurance shall provide for an appropriate reduction in premium charges for persons
fifty-five years of age or older who have successfully completed a motor vehicle accident prevention
course meeting the criteria approved by the Department of Revenue and Regulation.
Section 2. That § 58-11-59 be amended to read as follows:
58-11-59. Upon successfully completing the approved course, each person shall be issued a
certificate by the organization offering the course which shall be used to qualify for the premium
discount required by § 58-11-58.
Section 3. That § 58-11-60 be amended to read as follows:
58-11-60. A person shall take and pass the approved course every three years to continue to be
eligible for the premium discount required by § 58-11-58.
Section 4. That § 58-11-61 be amended to read as follows:
58-11-61. The premium discount required by § 58-11-58 shall be effective for an insured for a
three-year period after successful completion of the approved course. However, the insurer may
require, as a condition of providing and maintaining the discount, that the insured:
been found liable for a three-year period prior to course completion.