The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Secretary of the
Senate has had under consideration the Senate Journal of the thirty-second day.
All errors, typographical or otherwise, are duly marked in the temporary journal for
And we hereby move the adoption of the report.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Office of Engrossing
and Enrolling has carefully compared SB 32 and finds the same correctly enrolled.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that SB 5, 19, 35, 36, 57, 58,
81, 87, 89, 90, 94, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 130, 134, 136, 141, 144, 156, 157, 158, 165, 167,
168, 180, 184, 185, and 186 were delivered to his Excellency, the Governor, for his approval
at 8:57 a.m., February 22, 2002.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has appointed Reps.
Adelstein, Garnos, and Bartling as a committee of three on the part of the House to meet with
a like committee on the part of the Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses on
HB 1160.
Sen. Bogue moved that SB 151, 166, and 182 be placed to follow HCR 1029 on today's
Which motion prevailed and the bills were so placed.
HCR 1028:
Urging awareness and support for reading
programs in our homes and communities.
Was read the second time.
Sen. Olson (Ed) moved that HCR 1028 as found on page 722 of the House Journal be
concurred in.
The question being on Sen. Olson's motion that HCR 1028 be concurred in.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 29, Nays 0, Excused 6, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
President declared the motion carried and HCR 1028 was concurred in.
HCR 1029:
Expressing the support of the Legislature
for the South Dakota Math, Science, and Technology Council.
Was read the second time.
Sen. Duxbury moved that HCR 1029 as found on page 791 of the House Journal be
concurred in.
The question being on Sen. Duxbury's motion that HCR 1029 be concurred in.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 32, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
President declared the motion carried and HCR 1029 was concurred in.
Albers; Apa; Bogue; Brosz; Brown (Arnold); Cradduck; Daugaard; Dennert; Diedrich (Larry);
Diedtrich (Elmer); Duxbury; Greenfield; Hagen; Ham; Hutmacher; Kleven; Koetzle; Koskan;
Madden; McCracken; McIntyre; Moore; Munson; Olson (Ed); Reedy; Staggers; Vitter; Volesky;
de Hueck; Drake; Everist; Putnam; Sutton (Dan); Symens
Albers; Apa; Bogue; Brosz; Brown (Arnold); Cradduck; Daugaard; Dennert; Diedrich (Larry);
Diedtrich (Elmer); Drake; Duxbury; Everist; Greenfield; Hagen; Ham; Hutmacher; Kleven;
Koetzle; Koskan; Madden; McCracken; McIntyre; Moore; Munson; Olson (Ed); Reedy;
Staggers; Symens; Vitter; Volesky; Whiting
de Hueck; Putnam; Sutton (Dan)
Sen. Everist moved that SB 182 be immediately considered.
Which motion prevailed.
Sen. Everist moved that the Senate do not concur in House amendments to SB 182 and that
a committee of three on the part of the Senate be appointed to meet with a like committee on
the part of the House to adjust the differences between the two houses.
Sen. Brosz moved that the Senate do not concur in House amendments to SB 166 and that
a committee of three on the part of the Senate be appointed to meet with a like committee on
the part of the House to adjust the differences between the two houses.
Which motion prevailed and the President appointed as such committee Sens. Brosz, Apa,
and Dennert.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has failed to concur in
Senate amendments to HB 1197 and has appointed Reps. Richter, Pummel, and Nachtigal as
a committee of three on the part of the House to meet with a like committee on the part of the
Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses.
The President appointed as such committee Sens. Drake, Putnam, and Moore.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has appointed Reps. Bill
Peterson, Napoli, and Mel Olson as a committee of three on the part of the House to meet with
a like committee on the part of the Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses on
SB 182.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has concurred in Senate
amendments to HB 1087 and 1137.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has adopted the reports of
the Conference Committees on HB 1024, 1052, 1135, 1160, and 1283.
in public or private institutions for the mentally ill and shall be of a good moral character
at least one of the following requirements:
Sen. Everist moved that the report of the Conference Committee on HB 1052 be adopted.
The question being on Sen. Everist's motion that the report of the Conference Committee
on HB 1052 be adopted.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 33, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
President declared the motion carried and the report was adopted.
Sen. Putnam moved that HB 1135 be placed to follow SB 177 on today's calendar.
Which motion prevailed.
Albers; Apa; Bogue; Brosz; Brown (Arnold); Cradduck; Daugaard; de Hueck; Dennert;
Diedrich (Larry); Diedtrich (Elmer); Duxbury; Greenfield; Hagen; Ham; Hutmacher; Kleven;
Koetzle; Koskan; Madden; McCracken; McIntyre; Moore; Munson; Olson (Ed); Putnam;
Reedy; Staggers; Sutton (Dan); Symens; Vitter; Volesky; Whiting
Drake; Everist
On page
1 of the House Judiciary Committee engrossed bill,
delete line 6 and insert:
"(1) The abduction
or enticement
of a husband from his wife or of a parent from
On page 1,
delete lines
10 to 12
, inclusive, and insert:
(4) The seduction of a husband, son, or orphan brother
On page 1, line 2 of the House Judiciary Committee engrossed bill, delete "reduction" and
insert "seduction".
Sen. McCracken moved that the report of the Conference Committee on HB 1160 be
"Section 1. That chapter
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Section 4. That chapter
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Section 5. That chapter
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Section 6. That chapter
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Session Laws to value agricultural land in the remaining counties. The secretary shall submit
a report detailing the information collected to the Governor and the Seventy-eighth Legislature.
Section 4. There is hereby appropriated from the general fund the sum of fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the Department of Revenue for
the purpose of conducting a pilot study concerning the use of agricultural income value as a
means to value agricultural land.
Section 5. The secretary of the Department of Revenue shall approve vouchers and the state
auditor shall draw warrants to pay expenditures authorized by this Act.
Section 6. Any amounts appropriated in this Act not lawfully expended or obligated by
June 30, 2003, shall revert in accordance with
Section 7. Whereas, sections 3 to 6, inclusive, of this Act are necessary for the support of
the state government and its existing public institutions, an emergency is hereby declared to
exist, and sections 3 to 6, inclusive, of this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after
its passage and approval."
"Section 1. That
be amended to read as follows:
Custody of a child may be sought by a person other than the parent under this
chapter and the substantive law of this state. A person other than the parent may not use this
chapter to seek custody if a proceeding is pending pursuant to chapter 25-3, 25-4, 25-5A, 25-6,
25-8, 26-7A, 26-8A, 26-8B, or 26-8C, or if the child is subject to the continuing jurisdiction of
another court.
Nothing in this chapter affects the provisions of chapters
25-4, 25-5, 25-5A, 25-6,
26-7A, 26-8A, 26-8B, and 26-8C relating to the appointment of guardians and
conservators and the administration of guardianships and conservatorships for children who
have been adjudicated to be delinquent, abused, neglected, or in need of supervision. Nor may
anything in this chapter affect the provisions of Title 27A, relating to individuals with mental
illnesses. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict, the provisions of chapters
25-4, 25-5, 25-
5A, 25-6, 25-8,
26-7A, 26-8A, 26-8B, and 26-8C or of Title 27A shall control, and the
provisions of this chapter are in all respects to be supplementary thereto.
A petition pursuant to
this chapter seeking custody by a person other than the parent shall be dismissed if an action
concerning the child is filed pursuant to chapter 26-7A, 26-8A, 26-8B, or 26-8C. If, while a
guardianship petition pursuant to this chapter seeking custody by a person other than the parent
is pending, an action is commenced pursuant to chapter 25-4, 25-5, 25-5A, 25-6, or 25-8, the
court may, in its discretion, dismiss the guardianship proceeding and defer the child custody
matter to the other proceeding or considering the stage of the proceedings, judicial economy,
and best interests of the child, retain jurisdiction and establish the guardianship, or enter an
appropriate protection order pending resolution of the pending proceedings.
Section 2. That chapter
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has failed to adopt the report
of the Conference Committee on SJR 5 and has reappointed Reps. McCaulley, Pitts, and Mel
Olson as a new committee of three on the part of the House to meet with a like committee on
the part of the Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses.
The President appointed as such committee Sens. Bogue, Koskan, and Koetzle.
"Section 1. The Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council shall appoint a
special interim committee to study Article III and related legislative provisions of the South
Dakota Constitution during the 2002 and 2003 legislative interims. The membership of the
special interim committee shall consist of nine current legislators and six South Dakota citizens
who are not currently serving in the Legislature. Each member is eligible to serve throughout
the duration of the special interim committee; but the executive board may make new
appointments if any vacancy occurs. Lay members of the special interim committee shall be
compensated in the same manner as legislative members. The committee shall make
recommendations to the 2004 Legislature regarding any constitutional provision concerning the
Legislature or the legislative process, including, but not limited to, the length of legislative
sessions, legislator term limits, the legislative redistricting process, legislator conflicts of
interest, the appropriations and the interim appropriations processes, special vote requirements,
and the powers and duties of the Legislature."