P - Present
Roll Call
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Richter
(The meeting was held jointly with the House Appropriations Committee)
Mr. Jason Dilges, Bureau of Finance and Management, presented the committee with FY2002
Economic and Revenue Forecast (Document #1 and #2).
Included in his presentation was a series of charts showing the United States and South Dakota
economies. He shared that the economic forecast has a more positive outlook than was previously
reported in December, 2001. Mr. Dilges said that there will be a $14,300,000 shortfall for the
FY2002 and for FY2003, there will be a $35,000,000 shortfall.
In his prepared remarks, Mr. Dilges told the committee that due to the 0 percent financing for
vehicles and the warm winter weather, the economy is looking better. Automobile sales are up and
construction continues to grow. He said that consumers are paying their bills.
Included in his presentation was a sales tax collections history along with other economic variables.
He explained that there are countless factors which affect the amount of sales and use tax paid into
the state treasury in any fiscal year. These factors include economic variables that are quantifiable
such as production, income, and consumer price data. Other factors are measurements of consumer
confidence, natural occurrences such as drought, flood, blizzards, etc. Also entering into the mix
are changes in consumer patterns and changes to the tax laws that may provide for tax exemptions
or expansions to the tax base.
Senator Putnam made a motion to adopt the FY2003 Bureau of Finance and Management revenue
estimate of $843,576,456. Senator Madden seconded the motion.
Representative Adelstein asked what the consequences of a $2,000,000 deficit would be.
Senator Duxbury said the LRC and the Bureau of Finance and Management estimates are so close
that he would be comfortable with the lower estimate.
A substitute motion was made by Senator Apa to adopt the FY2003 LRC revenue estimate of
$841,429,859 and seconded by Senator Dennert. Motion prevailed on a roll call vote.
Senators voting aye: Kleven, Greenfield, Apa, Duxbury, Dennert
Representatives voting aye: Lange, Burg, Adelstein, Sutton (Duane), Klaudt
Representative Richter deferred the pending motion, and asked for a motion for the FY2002 revenue
Senators voting aye: Putnam, Madden, Cradduck, Kleven, Greenfield, Apa, Duxbury, Dennert,
Representatives voting aye: Lange, Burg, Adelstein, Sutton (Duane), Klaudt, Richter.
Representatives voting nay: Derby, Pummel, Clark
Carol Carney
E - Excused
A - Absent
P Putnam, Vice-Chair
P Madden
P Kleven
P Greenfield
P Apa
P Duxbury
P Dennert
P Drake, Chair
P Cradduck
Mr. Dale Bertsch, LRC, presented the committee with FY2002 and FY2003 General Fund Revenue
Estimate (Document #3).
Senators voting nay: Putnam, Madden, Cradduck, Drake
Representatives voting nay: Derby, Pummel, Clark, Richter
Representative Adelstein made a motion to adopt a revenue estimate for FY2002 of $833,000,000.
It was seconded by Senator Apa. Motion prevailed on a roll call vote.
Excused: Senator Drake.
Moved by: Adelstein
Second by: Madden
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Committee Secretary