The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Chief Clerk of the
House has had under consideration the House Journal of the twenty-ninth day and finds that the
following corrections should be made:
On page 694 of the House Journal, delete lines 26 to 27, inclusive, and insert:
"HCR 1025:
Encouraging the Department of Military
and Veterans Affairs to conduct a feasibility study of the possibility of establishing an East
River State Veterans Home."
On page 694, line 28, delete "HB 1025" and insert "HCR 1025".
On page 694, line 29, delete "HB 1025" and insert "HCR 1025".
On page 695, line 15, delete "HB 1025" and insert "HCR 1025".
And we hereby move the adoption of the report.
Section 1. That
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SUBDIVISION to read as
Section 4. There is hereby established an education enhancement program within the
Department of Education and Cultural Affairs. The education enhancement program shall
distribute money to school districts to be used to reward teachers who have demonstrated their
excellence in the teaching profession.
Section 5. Any money appropriated to the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs for
education enhancement shall be distributed to school districts as provided by this Act.
Section 7. Criteria established by the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs for
school districts to receive money appropriated for education enhancement include but are not
limited to:
Section 9. That
be amended to read as follows:
Terms used in this chapter mean:
Section 1. That
be amended to read as follows:
A petroleum release compensation and tank inspection fee is imposed upon any
petroleum products upon which the fuel excise tax is imposed by
10-47B-5 to 10-47B-10,
inclusive, and 10-47B-13. None of the exemptions from fuel excise tax allowed in
shall apply to this fee. The parties required to pay the fuel excise tax under the provisions of
10-47B-21 to 10-47B-26, inclusive, and 10-47B-29 and 10-47B-31 are liable for payment
of the petroleum release and tank inspection fee. In cases where the fuel is exempt from the fuel
excise tax under the provisions of subdivisions 10-47B-19(1), (3), and (5), the supplier shall pay
the fee. Responsibility for payment of the fee ceases if the petroleum product is sold and
delivered by a licensed exporter outside of the state. The amount of the fee imposed is twenty
dollars per one thousand gallons of petroleum.
Beginning on January 1, 2003, the fee is ten
dollars per one thousand gallons of petroleum.
Section 3. That
be amended to read as follows:
A petroleum release compensation and tank inspection fee is imposed upon any
petroleum products upon which the fuel excise tax is imposed by
10-47B-5 to 10-47B-10,
inclusive, and 10-47B-13. None of the exemptions from fuel excise tax allowed in
shall apply to this fee. The parties required to pay the fuel excise tax under the provisions of
10-47B-21 to 10-47B-26, inclusive, and 10-47B-29 and 10-47B-31 are liable for payment
of the petroleum release and tank inspection fee. In cases where the fuel is exempt from the fuel
excise tax under the provisions of subdivisions 10-47B-19(1), (3), and (5), the supplier shall pay
the fee. Responsibility for payment of the fee ceases if the petroleum product is sold and
delivered by a licensed exporter outside of the state. The amount of the fee imposed is twenty
dollars per one thousand gallons of petroleum.
Beginning on January 1, 2003, the fee is ten
dollars per one thousand gallons of petroleum.
Section 5. That
be amended to read as follows:
During fiscal year 1999, the Bureau of Finance and Management shall transfer each
month three and six-tenths percent of the monthly state capital construction fund revenues from
the state capital construction fund to the public and special transportation fund.
Beginning in
fiscal year 2000 to December 31, 2002, inclusive, the Bureau of Finance and Management shall
transfer each month three and one-half percent of the monthly state capital construction fund
revenues from the state capital construction fund to the public and special transportation fund.
Beginning on January 1, 2003, the Bureau of Finance and Management shall transfer each
month two and six-tenths percent of the monthly state capital construction fund revenues from
the state capital construction fund to the
public and special transportation
state highway
Section 6. That
be amended to read as follows:
The fuel excise tax rates for the tax imposed by this chapter are as follows:
Section 8. That
be amended to read as follows:
A production incentive payment of twenty cents per gallon is available to
ethanol producers for ethyl alcohol which is fully distilled and produced in South Dakota. To
be eligible for this payment, the ethyl alcohol shall be denatured and subsequently blended with
gasoline to create ethanol blend. The ethyl alcohol shall be ninety-nine percent pure and shall
be distilled from cereal grains. Annual production incentive payments for any facility may not
exceed one million dollars. No facility may receive any production incentive payments in an
amount greater than ten million dollars. The cumulative annual production incentive payments
made under this section may not exceed
an amount which has been appropriated by the
Legislature for this purpose and has been deposited into the ethanol fuel fund in the state
seven million dollars
. Payments from the ethanol fuel fund shall be made on a first in
time basis until the fiscal year appropriation is reached. During the month when the
appropriation limit is to be reached, all claims received by month end shall be reimbursed
proportionately on a pro-rata basis for each gallon claimed.
Section 9. That
be amended to read as follows:
Section 10. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the support of the state government and its
existing public institutions, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in
full force and effect from and after its passage and approval."
Rep. Richard Brown moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1001.
The question being on Rep. Richard Brown's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1001.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 58, Nays 9, Excused 3, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-
elect, the Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Rep. Richard Brown moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1003.
The question being on Rep. Richard Brown's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1003.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 60, Nays 7, Excused 3, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Rep. Bill Peterson moved that the House do not concur in Senate amendments to HB 1052
and that a committee of three on the part of the House be appointed to meet with a like
committee on the part of the Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses.
Which motion prevailed and the Speaker appointed as such committee Reps. Bill Peterson,
Napoli, and Mel Olson.
Rep. Tom Hansen moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1075.
The question being on Rep. Tom Hansen's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1075.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 67, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0
Rep. Lintz moved that the House do not concur in Senate amendments to HB 1135 and that
a committee of three on the part of the House be appointed to meet with a like committee on the
part of the Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses.
Which motion prevailed and the Speaker appointed as such committee Reps. Lintz,
Konold, and Van Norman.
Rep. Mel Olson moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1141.
The question being on Rep. Mel Olson's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1141.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 65, Nays 2, Excused 3, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Rep. Madsen moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1181.
The question being on Rep. Madsen's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1181.
And the roll being called:
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Rep. McCaulley moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1226.
The question being on Rep. McCaulley's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1226.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 67, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Rep. Eccarius moved that the House do not concur in Senate amendments to HB 1283 and
that a committee of three on the part of the House be appointed to meet with a like committee
on the part of the Senate to adjust the differences between the two houses.
HCR 1026:
Urging South Dakota to adopt a
prescription savings program modeled after the Iowa Priority Prescription Savings Program and
to combine with Iowa for negotiating influence to reduce prescription prices for Medicare-
eligible individuals.
Rep. Kloucek moved that HCR 1026 as found on page 695 of the House Journal be
The question being on Rep. Kloucek's motion that HCR 1026 be adopted.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 19, Nays 49, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the motion not having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect,
the Speaker declared the motion lost.
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski;
Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lange;
Lintz; Madsen; Murschel; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson
(Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum;
Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick
Hundstad; Klaudt; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Napoli; Valandra; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Richter
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski;
Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lange; Lintz;
Madsen; Michels; Murschel; Nachtigal; Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon);
Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt;
Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Hundstad; Klaudt; Kloucek; McCaulley; McCoy; Monroe; Valandra
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Richter
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski;
Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold;
Kooistra; Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal;
Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts;
Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Richter
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark; Davis;
Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen
(Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck;
Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Konold; Kooistra; Lange; Lintz;
Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal; Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson
(Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert;
Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen;
Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Begalka; Koistinen
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Richter
Yeas 67, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 0
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski;
Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold;
Kooistra; Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal;
Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts;
Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Richter
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski;
Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold;
Kooistra; Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal;
Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts;
Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Richter
Which motion prevailed and the Speaker appointed as such committee Reps. Eccarius,
Michels, and Mel Olson.
Bartling; Bradford; Burg; Davis; Elliott; Flowers; Gillespie; Glenski; Hanson (Gary); Hundstad;
Kloucek; Lange; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Peterson (Jim); Sigdestad; Valandra; Van
Abdallah; Adelstein; Begalka; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Clark; Duenwald; Duniphan; Frost;
Fryslie; Garnos; Hansen (Tom); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lintz;
Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Napoli; Pederson (Gordon);
Peterson (Bill); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Richter; Sebert; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton
(Duane); Teupel; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
South Dakota Legislature calls on the citizens of South Dakota to ensure that every child is in
a safe place reading together with a caring adult on March 1, 2002; and
Was read the first time and the Speaker waived the committee referral.
The Committee on Education respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB
57 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
Section 2. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace,
health, or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and approval.".
The Committee on Education respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB
89, which was reconsidered, and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be
amended as follows:
Section 1. That
be amended to read as follows:
10-12-43. The governing body of the school district may raise additional revenues for general fund purposes only, from property tax through the imposition of an excess tax levy. The governing body of a school district may impose the excess tax levy with an affirmative two-thirds vote of the governing body on or before July fifteenth of the year prior to the year the taxes are payable. The decision of the governing body to originally impose or subsequently increase an excess tax levy shall be published within ten days of the decision. The decision may be referred upon a resolution of the governing body of the school district or by a petition signed by at least five percent of the registered voters in the school district and filed with the governing
body within twenty days of the publication of the decision. The referendum election shall be
held on or before October first of the year prior to the time the taxes are payable.
Section 2. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the support of the state government and its
existing public institutions, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in
full force and effect from and after its passage and approval."
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate has failed to adopt the
report of the Conference Committee on HB 1038 and no new committee was appointed.
Rep. Bill Peterson moved that the reports of the Standing Committee on
State Affairs on SB 81 as found on page 686 of the House Journal
; also
State Affairs on SB 182 as found on pages 686 to 688 of the House Journal
; also
State Affairs on SB 184 as found on page 688 of the House Journal
; also
Which motion prevailed and the reports were adopted.
State Affairs on SJR 5 as found on pages 688 and 689 of the House Journal be adopted.
Rep. Michels requested that SB 148 be removed from the Consent Calendar.
Which request was granted and the bill was so removed.
Rep. Garnos requested that SB 134 be removed from the Consent Calendar.
Which request was granted and the bill was so removed.
SB 35:
revise the proration of ethanol payments to
ethanol producers.
Having had its second reading was up for consideration and final passage.
Rep. Bill Peterson moved that SB 35 be placed to follow SB 168 on today's calendar.
Which motion prevailed and the bill was so placed.
Section 2. That
be amended to read as follows:
There shall be a provision as follows: "Entire contract; changes: This policy,
including the endorsements and the attached papers, if any, constitutes the entire contract of
insurance. No change in this policy is valid until approved by an executive officer of the
insurance company and unless such approval is endorsed or attached to this policy. No insurance
producer has authority to change this policy or to waive any of its provisions. Any rider,
endorsement, or application
which modifies, limits, or excludes coverage under this policy must
be signed by you, the insured, to be valid." This provision applies to any rider, endorsement, or
amendment of an application whether attached at the time of the application or after
added to
a policy after the date of issue or at reinstatement or renewal which reduces or eliminates
benefits or coverage in the policy requires signed acceptance by the policyholder. After the date
of policy issue, any rider or endorsement which increases benefits or coverage with an
accompanying increase in premium during the policy term must be agreed to in writing signed
by the insured, unless the increased benefits or coverage is required by law
The question being "Shall SB 108 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 0, Excused 4, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed.
The question being on the title.
Rep. Garnos moved that the title to SB 108 be amended as follows:
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Davis;
Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen
(Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck;
Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra;
Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal; Napoli;
Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel;
Rhoden; Richter; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Valandra; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Clark; Derby; Van Etten
SB 58:
establish a nursing workforce center under
the direction of the Board of Nursing and to provide funding through a fee assessed upon
nursing license renewal.
Was read the second time.
Rep. Bill Peterson moved that SB 58 be deferred to Wednesday, February 20th, the 31st
legislative day.
Which motion prevailed and the bill was so deferred.
SB 14:
revise certain requirements and
responsibilities of the administrator of the Human Services Center.
Was read the second time.
Which motion prevailed and the bill was so deferred.
SB 19:
create the crime of communicating a
terroristic threat or hoax terroristic threat and to provide certain penalties therefor.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 19 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 54, Nays 12, Excused 3, Absent 1
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 156:
provide for the revision of the South
Dakota Family Farm Act of 1974 to conform with a proposed amendment to the South Dakota
Constitution regulating corporate farming in South Dakota.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 156 pass as amended?"
Yeas 56, Nays 11, Excused 3, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Kloucek announced his intention to reconsider the vote by which SB 156 was passed.
SB 83:
reduce the capitalization rate for determining
nonagricultural acreage.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 83 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 16, Nays 51, Excused 2, Absent 1
So the bill not having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill lost.
SB 157:
revise certain provisions concerning who
may hold a light wine license.
Was read the second time.
Rep. Bill Peterson moved that SB 157 be deferred to Wednesday, February 20th, the 31st
legislative day.
Which motion prevailed and the bill was so deferred.
SB 168:
permit certain nonprofits to have a
temporary on-sale license.
Was read the second time.
Rep. Bill Peterson moved that SB 14 be deferred to Wednesday, February 20th, the 31st
legislative day.
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan;
Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Heineman; Hennies
(Thomas); Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Konold;
Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nesselhuf; Olson
(Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Richter;
Sebert; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Valandra; Van Gerpen; Wick;
Speaker Eccarius
Begalka; Bradford; Clark; Elliott; Hargens; Hennies (Don); Kloucek; Kooistra; Nachtigal;
Napoli; Sigdestad; Van Norman
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Van Etten
And the roll being called:
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark; Davis;
Duenwald; Duniphan; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Glenski; Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary);
Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen;
Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Monroe;
Murschel; Napoli; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts;
Pummel; Rhoden; Richter; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Wick
Bradford; Elliott; Gillespie; Hundstad; Kloucek; Lange; Michels; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf;
Valandra; Van Norman
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Richard); Duniphan; Frost; Hanson (Gary); Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies
(Thomas); Konold; Murschel; Sebert; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Van Etten;
Speaker Eccarius
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Burg; Clark; Davis; Duenwald;
Elliott; Flowers; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen (Tom); Hargens; Holbeck;
Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Kooistra; Lange;
Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Nachtigal; Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson
(Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Richter;
Sigdestad; Slaughter; Valandra; Van Gerpen; Wick
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
Van Norman
There being no objection, the House reverted to Order of Business No. 7.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate has appointed Sens. Brosz,
McCracken, and Hagen as a committee of three on the part of the Senate to meet with a like
committee on the part of the House to adjust the differences between the two houses on HB
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate has appointed Sens. Everist,
Bogue, and Duxbury as a committee of three on the part of the Senate to meet with a like
committee on the part of the House to adjust the differences between the two houses on HB
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate has appointed Sens. Drake,
de Hueck, and Symens as a committee of three on the part of the Senate to meet with a like
committee on the part of the House to adjust the differences between the two houses on HB
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate has appointed Sens.
Daugaard, Koskan, and Koetzle as a committee of three on the part of the Senate to meet with
a like committee on the part of the House to adjust the differences between the two houses on
HB 1283.
Having had its second reading was up for consideration and final passage.
The question being "Shall SB 35 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 63, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 4
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 158:
clarify the calculation of state aid to
education to certain school districts.
Was read the second time.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 0, Excused 3, Absent 1
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark; Davis;
Duenwald; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen (Tom); Hanson
(Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff;
Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lange; Lintz; Madsen;
McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson
(Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter;
Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman;
Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Wick
Abdallah; Duniphan; Napoli; Richter
The question being "Shall SB 158 pass as amended?"
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark; Davis;
Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen
(Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck;
Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra;
Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal; Napoli;
Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel;
Rhoden; Richter; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby; Wick
Section 1. That
be amended to read as follows:
Any commercial
power production facility, utilizing renewable resources,
such as sun, wind, geothermal, or biomass, that begins generating electricity after June 30, 2001,
produces ten megawatts or less of electricity as measured by nameplate rating,
and is
within one county and
owned by a natural person, corporation, nonprofit or for profit business
organization, or tribal council (if the facility is located outside the boundaries of the
reservation), irrigation district, drainage district, or other political subdivision or agency of the
state authorized by statute to carry on the business of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or
distributing electric power is subject to the provisions of
49-34A-80 to 49-34A-92, inclusive,
for any new or expanded facility.
Section 2. That
be amended to read as follows:
Rural electric cooperatives developing commercial
power production
facilities utilizing renewable energy are not subject to tax pursuant to
10-35-1.2 but are subject
to a gross receipts tax as defined in
Section 3. That
be amended to read as follows:
Terms used in
49-34A-80 to 49-34A-92, inclusive, mean:
Any person may apply for and obtain a refund or credit for contractors' excise
taxes imposed and paid under the provisions of chapter 10-46A or 10-46B for the construction
of a new or expanded facility that is a commercial
power production facility that is
defined in
A roll call vote was requested and supported.
The question being on Rep. Don Hennies' motion that SB 167 be amended.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 31, Nays 37, Excused 2, Absent 0
Abdallah; Adelstein; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Clark; Duenwald; Duniphan; Frost; Fryslie;
Garnos; Heineman; Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra;
Madsen; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Napoli; Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Pitts;
Richter; Sebert; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Van Etten; Wick; Speaker
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
So the motion not having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members
present, the Speaker declared the motion lost.
The question being "Shall SB 167 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 43, Nays 24, Excused 2, Absent 1
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Begalka; Bradford; Brown (Richard); Burg; Duenwald; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos;
Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Lange; Lintz; McCaulley;
McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Nachtigal; Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Peterson (Bill); Peterson
(Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Smidt; Teupel; Van Gerpen; Van Norman
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Broderick; Clark; Davis; Duniphan; Heineman; Hundstad;
Konold; Kooistra; Madsen; Murschel; Pederson (Gordon); Richter; Sebert; Sigdestad;
Slaughter; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Valandra; Van Etten; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
SB 178:
revise the procedure for assessing certain
agricultural land.
The question being "Shall SB 178 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 36, Nays 32, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Hargens announced his intention to reconsider the vote by which SB 178 was passed.
Abdallah; Bartling; Begalka; Brown (Richard); Clark; Davis; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers;
Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Heineman; Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Madsen; McCoy;
Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Napoli; Richter; Sebert; Slaughter; Smidt; Sutton (Duane); Van
Adelstein; Bradford; Broderick; Burg; Duenwald; Frost; Fryslie; Hargens; Hennies (Don);
Hundstad; Hunhoff; Klaudt; Lange; Lintz; McCaulley; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel);
Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Sigdestad; Solum;
Teupel; Valandra; Van Etten; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
SB 151:
regulate deferred presentment service
Section 32. After procuring a license from the Division of Banking, the licensee may engage
in the business of deferred presentment service transactions and may contract for and receive
interest charges and other fees at rates, amounts, and terms as agreed to by the parties consistent
with this Act, which may be included in the principal balance of the loan and specified in the
Speaker Pro tempore Michels now presiding.
A roll call vote was requested and supported.
The question being on Rep. Mel Olson's substitute motion that SB 151 be amended.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 36, Nays 32, Excused 2, Absent 0
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Burg; Clark; Davis; Duenwald; Elliott;
Flowers; Frost; Gillespie; Glenski; Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Hundstad; Jensen; Kloucek; Kooistra; Lange; McCoy; Monroe; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson
(Mel); Peterson (Jim); Sigdestad; Smidt; Sutton (Duane); Valandra; Van Etten; Van Norman;
Broderick; Brown (Richard); Duniphan; Fryslie; Garnos; Hansen (Tom); Heineman; Holbeck;
Hunhoff; Jaspers; Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Konold; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; Michels;
Murschel; Napoli; Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Richter; Sebert;
Slaughter; Solum; Teupel; Van Gerpen; Speaker Eccarius
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present,
the Speaker declared the motion carried and SB 151 was so amended.
Section 1. That chapter
be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Speaker Eccarius now presiding.
The question being "Shall SB 151 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 44, Nays 24, Excused 2, Absent 0
Rep. Davis announced her intention to reconsider the vote by which SB 151 was lost.
SB 90:
appropriate money for the Northern Crops
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 90 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 65, Nays 3, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-
elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Hargens moved that the House do now reconsider the vote by which SB 178 was
The question being on Rep. Hargens' motion to reconsider the vote by which SB 178 was
And the roll being called:
Yeas 36, Nays 32, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and SB 178 was up for reconsideration and final passage.
SB 178:
revise the procedure for assessing certain
agricultural land.
Having had its second reading was up for reconsideration and final passage.
Rep. Mel Olson moved that SB 178 be deferred to Wednesday, February 20th, the 31st
legislative day.
Which motion prevailed and the bill was so deferred.
SB 186:
appropriate funds from the water and
environment fund and the environment and natural resources fee fund and to declare an
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 186 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 68, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-
elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Davis moved that the House do now reconsider the vote by which SB 151 was lost.
The question being on Rep. Davis's motion to reconsider the vote by which SB 151 was
And the roll being called:
Yeas 54, Nays 14, Excused 2, Absent 0
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and SB 151 was up for reconsideration and final passage.
SB 151:
regulate deferred presentment service
Rep. Mel Olson moved that SB 151 be deferred to Wednesday, February 20th, the 31st
legislative day.
Which motion prevailed and the bill was so deferred.
SB 111:
revise per diem for certain legislative
committees and to declare an emergency.
Was read the second time.
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Fryslie; Gillespie; Glenski; Hanson (Gary);
Hargens; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Hundstad; Juhnke; Klaudt; Lange; Madsen;
McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon);
Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Richter; Sigdestad; Smidt; Valandra; Van Etten; Van Norman; Wick;
Speaker Eccarius
Frost; Garnos; Hansen (Tom); Heineman; Holbeck; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Kloucek;
Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lintz; McCaulley; Napoli; Peterson (Bill); Pummel; Rhoden;
Sebert; Slaughter; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel; Van Gerpen
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
So the bill not having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-
elect, the Speaker declared the bill lost.
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen (Tom);
Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck; Hundstad;
Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Lange; Lintz;
Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel);
Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts; Pummel; Rhoden; Richter; Sebert;
Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van
Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Duniphan; Napoli; Teupel
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
Adelstein; Begalka; Bradford; Burg; Davis; Elliott; Flowers; Fryslie; Gillespie; Glenski; Hansen
(Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Hennies (Don); Hundstad; Hunhoff; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek;
Lange; Lintz; McCaulley; Michels; Nachtigal; Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson
(Gordon); Peterson (Jim); Pummel; Rhoden; Sigdestad; Teupel; Valandra; Van Gerpen; Van
Abdallah; Bartling; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Clark; Duenwald; Duniphan; Frost; Garnos;
Heineman; Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck; Jaspers; Jensen; Koistinen; Konold; Kooistra; Madsen;
McCoy; Monroe; Murschel; Peterson (Bill); Pitts; Richter; Sebert; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum;
Sutton (Duane); Van Etten; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Frost; Fryslie; Garnos; Gillespie; Glenski;
Hansen (Tom); Hanson (Gary); Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas);
Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers; Jensen; Juhnke; Klaudt; Kloucek; Koistinen; Konold;
Kooistra; Lange; Lintz; Madsen; McCaulley; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel; Nachtigal;
Napoli; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts;
Pummel; Rhoden; Richter; Sebert; Sigdestad; Slaughter; Smidt; Solum; Sutton (Duane); Teupel;
Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
Abdallah; Adelstein; Bartling; Begalka; Bradford; Broderick; Brown (Richard); Burg; Clark;
Davis; Duenwald; Duniphan; Elliott; Flowers; Fryslie; Gillespie; Glenski; Hanson (Gary);
Hargens; Heineman; Hennies (Don); Hennies (Thomas); Holbeck; Hundstad; Hunhoff; Jaspers;
Juhnke; Klaudt; Koistinen; Kooistra; Lange; Madsen; McCoy; Michels; Monroe; Murschel;
Nachtigal; Nesselhuf; Olson (Mel); Pederson (Gordon); Peterson (Bill); Peterson (Jim); Pitts;
Pummel; Richter; Sigdestad; Smidt; Sutton (Duane); Valandra; Van Etten; Van Gerpen; Van
Norman; Wick; Speaker Eccarius
Frost; Garnos; Hansen (Tom); Jensen; Kloucek; Konold; Lintz; McCaulley; Napoli; Rhoden;
Sebert; Slaughter; Solum; Teupel
Brown (Jarvis); Derby
Having had its second reading was up for reconsideration and final passage.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Office of Engrossing
and Enrolling has carefully compared HB 1001, 1003, 1068, 1075, 1121, 1141, 1181, 1189,
1226, 1257, 1265, 1280, 1281, 1299, 1304, and 1305 and finds the same correctly enrolled.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that HB 1049, 1050, 1054,
1079, 1091, 1109, 1129, 1130, 1133, 1134, 1149, 1151, 1153, 1165, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1180,
1187, 1188, 1190, 1219, 1222, 1254, 1255, and 1256 were delivered to his Excellency, the
Governor, for his approval at 9:36 a.m., February 19, 2002.