SB 41*
revise certain provisions regarding the higher education savings plan and to declare
an emergency.
The Committee on State Affairs at the request of the Investment Council
SB 17
revise certain provisions regarding university admission requirements for foreign
language instruction.
The Committee on Education at the request of the Board of Regents
SB 16*
provide that certain postsecondary school information be given to parents and
guardians of students in middle schools and high schools.
The Committee on Education at the request of the Board of Regents
SB 31
update references to the codes of ethics for teachers and administrators.
The Committee on Education at the request of the Department of Education and
Cultural Affairs
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If
circumstances do not permit a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of
the committee to be determined by the chair. Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had
a hearing.