P - Present
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Representative Bill Peterson, Chair
E - Excused
A - Absent
P Brown (Richard)
E Duenwald
P Duniphan
P Eccarius
P Glenski
P Hanson (Gary)
P Jaspers
P Juhnke
P Michels
P Olson (Mel)
P Smidt
P Napoli, Vice-Chair
P Peterson (Bill), Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
Moved by: Duniphan
Second by: Smidt
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
HB 1302: provide for a report to the Legislature of a study of certain laws pertaining
to child custody and visitation.
Presented By: Max Gors, self, Unified Justice System/Governor's Commission
Moved by: Napoli
Second by: Michels
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Moved by: Eccarius
Second by: Michels
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote.(9-3-1-0)
Voting Yes: Brown (Richard), Duniphan, Eccarius, Hanson (Gary), Jaspers, Juhnke, Michels,
Smidt, Peterson (Bill)
Voting No: Glenski, Olson (Mel), Napoli
Excused: Duenwald
HB 1304: revise the emergency powers of the Department of Health.
Presented By: Deb Bowman, Director of Homeland Security, Governor's Office
Proponents: Doneen Hollingsworth, Secretary, Department of Health (handouts 1, 2)
Kevin Forsch, Department of Health
Dick Howard, lobbyist, SD Association of County Officials, Pierre
David Hewett, lobbyist, SD Association of Health Organizations, Sioux Falls
Karl J. Blessinger, M.D., SD State Medical Association, Huron
Opponents: Ray Lautenschlager, lobbyist, SD Gunowners, Rapid City
Section 26. That
be repealed.
All county boards of health and health officers shall make such investigations and
reports and obey such directions concerning communicable diseases as the Department of Health
may require or give, and under the general supervision of the department they shall cause all laws
and regulations relating to public health and sanitary matters to be obeyed and enforced.
Section 27. That
be repealed.
Every county board of health member or officer refusing or neglecting to perform any
duty imposed upon him by or pursuant to this chapter or by any statute, ordinance, bylaw, or rule or
regulation relating to public health and sanitary measures shall be punished according to the
provisions of
Section 28. That
be repealed.
Whenever the township board of health thinks it necessary for the preservation of the
health of its inhabitants to enter any building, car, truck, automobile, or vessel in the township for
the purpose of examining into and destroying, removing, or preventing any nuisance, source of filth,
or cause of sickness, and shall be refused such entry, any member of the board may make complaint
under oath to a judge of the circuit court for the county, stating the facts in the case so far as he has
knowledge thereof.
Section 29. That
be repealed.
The circuit court judge to whom complaint is made pursuant to
34-16-6 shall
thereupon issue a warrant directed to the sheriff or any constable of the county, commanding him
to take sufficient aid and, accompanied by two or more of the board of health, between the hours of
sunrise and sunset, to repair to the place where such nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness
complained of may be and to destroy, remove, or prevent the same under the direction of the
members of such board of health.
Section 30. That
be repealed.
Whenever any nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness is found on private
property, the township board of health shall order the owner or occupant thereof at his own expense
to remove the same within twenty-four hours; and if the owner or occupant thereof neglects so to do
he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, to be recovered in the name of and for the use of
the township.
Section 31. That
be repealed.
Whenever an owner or occupant of private property shall not comply with an order of
the board of health under
34-16-8, the board may cause the nuisance, source of filth, or cause of
sickness to be removed, and all expenses incurred thereby shall be paid by the owner or occupant
or by such other person as has caused or permitted the same.
Section 32. That
be repealed.
Whenever it shall be brought to the knowledge of any member of the board of
township supervisors that the dead, putrid, or decaying body of any animal is unburied in his
township and is or may become offensive or endangers or may endanger the health of persons or
domestic animals, such supervisor shall forthwith notify the person who was at the time of its death
the owner of such animal and also the person who was at such time in charge thereof, if known to
him and residing in the township, to burn or bury such body or otherwise dispose of such body in
the manner provided by law within a reasonable time to be fixed by the said supervisor.
Section 33. That
be repealed.
If the owner or person in charge shall fail, neglect, or refuse to burn or bury or
otherwise dispose of such body in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations provided by
34-16-10 to 34-16-13, inclusive, within the time required by such supervisor, or if such persons
are unknown to the said supervisor or do not reside in the township, the said supervisor shall at once
cause the same to be buried or burned and the expense of the same shall be paid by the township
where such animal is found dead.
Section 34. That
be repealed.
The burning or burial provided for in
34-16-10 and 34-16-11 shall be done
effectively and thoroughly so that the body shall not emit any stench or be offensive or in any manner
endanger the health of persons or domestic animals.
Section 35. That
be repealed.
The owner of such animal and the person in charge thereof shall at once become liable
to the township for the costs and expenses of burning or burial and notice pursuant to
and the same may be recovered in an action to be instituted against both or either of such persons.
Section 36. That
be repealed.
When a disease dangerous to the public health breaks out in any township the township
board of health shall immediately provide such hospital or place of reception for the sick and
infected as is judged best for their accommodation and the safety of the inhabitants, which shall be
subject to the regulations of the board; and the board may cause any sick or infected person to be
removed thereto, unless his condition will not admit of such removal without danger to his health,
in which case the house or place where he remains shall be considered as a hospital and with all its
inmates subject to the regulations of the board.
Section 37. That
be repealed.
When any person coming from abroad, or residing in any civil township in this state,
is infected or has lately been infected with smallpox or other contagious or infectious disease
dangerous to the public health, the board of health of the township where such sick or infected
person is may immediately cause such person to be removed to a separate house, if it can be done
without danger to his health, and shall provide for such person, nurses, medical attendance, and other
necessities which shall be a charge in favor of such township against the person so provided for, his
parents or guardian, if able to pay the same, otherwise against the county to which he belongs, or the
state, if such person be a nonresident of the state.
measures as it may deem necessary for the safety of the inhabitants.
Section 2. That
be amended to read as follows:
The authority may establish by resolution a special purpose corporation which shall be
body corporate and politic and instrumentality of, but having a legal existence independent and
separate from, the State of South Dakota and the authority. The corporation shall be established for
the express limited public purposes set forth in
5-12-48 to 5-12-60, inclusive, and no part of the
net earnings of the corporation shall inure to any private individual.
the pledge shall be valid and binding as against the state and all parties having claims of any kind
in tort, contract, or otherwise against the corporation irrespective of whether such parties have notice
thereof. No ordinance, resolution, trust agreement, or other instrument by which such pledge is
created need be filed or recorded except in the records of the corporation.
Section 3. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the support of the state government and its existing
public institutions, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and approval."
On page 1, line 2 of the printed bill, after Authority insert and to declare an emergency.
Moved by: Juhnke
Second by: Duniphan
Action: Prevailed on a voice vote
HB 1128: require that certain reviews for worker's compensation be conducted by
similarly qualified health care professionals as those who provided the service under
Presented By: Representative Jeff Monroe, prime sponsor
Proponents: Jim Hood, lobbyist, SD Chiropractors Association
Opponents: Mike Shaw, lobbyist, National Association of Independent Insurors, Pierre
Lorin Pankratz, lobbyist, Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls
James Marsh, Department of Labor
Any health care provider conducting case management or utilization review under a
case management plan for an injured or disabled employee for injuries and diseases compensable
under Title 62 shall be a health care provider licensed, registered, or certified in the same profession
as the provider whose treatment is being managed or reviewed or a health care provider who has
qualified expertise in treating the medical condition under management or review."