HB 1184
allow the excess tax levy for school districts to be expressed as a tax rate.
Representatives Jaspers, Elliott, Madsen, and Olson (Mel) and Senators McIntyre, Dennert,
Hutmacher, Moore, Munson, Olson (Ed), and Sutton (Dan)
HB 1105
revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
Representatives Brown (Richard), Broderick, Davis, Murschel, and Olson (Mel) and Senators
Munson, Albers, Cradduck, Dennert, Hutmacher, Koetzle, McIntyre, Moore, Olson (Ed), Sutton
(Dan), and Symens
HB 1096
revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
Representatives Hennies (Thomas), Adelstein, Bartling, Bradford, Burg, Davis, Elliott, Flowers,
Gillespie, Hanson (Gary), Hargens, Hennies (Don), Holbeck, Hundstad, Kloucek, Kooistra, Lange,
McCoy, Nachtigal, Nesselhuf, Olson (Mel), Peterson (Jim), Sigdestad, and Van Norman and
Senators Olson (Ed), Dennert, Duxbury, Ham, Hutmacher, McIntyre, Moore, Reedy, and Sutton
HB 1213
affect education in South Dakota.
Representatives McCaulley, Eccarius, and Garnos
HB 1101
provide funding to school districts for operating a school term greater than one hundred seventy-
five days.
Representatives Richter, Adelstein, Begalka, Holbeck, Murschel, and Sutton (Duane) and Senators
McCracken, McIntyre, Moore, Olson (Ed), and Putnam
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If circumstances do not permit
a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of the committee to be determined by the chair.
Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had a hearing.
HB 1068
require the recalculation of the allocation for the disability levels in the state aid to special
education formula.
Representatives Richter, Brown (Richard), Davis, Eccarius, Flowers, Michels, Murschel, and
Olson (Mel) and Senators Olson (Ed), Cradduck, Hutmacher, Koetzle, McCracken, Moore,
Munson, and Sutton (Dan)
HB 1199
revise certain provisions relating to the general fund levy of a school district.
Representatives Richter, Begalka, Broderick, Frost, Hansen (Tom), Hennies (Thomas), Murschel,
and Smidt and Senators Apa, Olson (Ed), and Putnam
HB 1154
establish an alternative method for the calculation of average daily membership for school districts.
Representatives Kooistra, Flowers, Frost, Hanson (Gary), Hennies (Don), and Rhoden and
Senators Dennert, Albers, and Koskan
**All Bills not receiving final action will be heard at 7PM in room 412