HB 1255
provide that the provisions limiting the number of retail alcohol licenses that may be
issued to one person do not apply to certain additional convention facility on-sale
Representatives Madsen, Broderick, Derby, Duenwald, Jaspers, McCoy, Nachtigal,
Peterson (Bill), Pummel, Teupel, and Valandra and Senators Apa, Cradduck, Ham,
Madden, McCracken, and Symens
HB 1211
provide for the use of electric personal assistive mobility devices.
Representative Abdallah and Senator McCracken
HB 1216
authorize shareholders to vote and to make certain other communications by
electronic means.
Representatives Duniphan, Abdallah, Burg, Derby, Klaudt, Madsen, McCoy,
Pederson (Gordon), Pitts, Van Gerpen, and Wick and Senators Vitter, Brown
(Arnold), Daugaard, Madden, Munson, and Whiting
SB 13
revise certain municipal and school election procedures.
The Committee on Local Government at the request of the Secretary of State
SB 9
permit certain full-time postsecondary students to vote in municipal and school
The Committee on Local Government at the request of the Secretary of State
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If
circumstances do not permit a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of
the committee to be determined by the chair. Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had
a hearing.