Moved by: Sutton
Second by: Klaudt
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Mark Zickrick, Legislative Research Council, distributed budget information to the committee
(Document #1).
Board of Regents
Harvey C. Jewett IV, President, Board of Regents began the budget presentation with the distribution
of a booklet titled South Dakota Board of Regents, Joint Appropriations Committee Budget Request
Hearings (Document #2).
President Jewett introduced members from the Board of Regents. He said this last year the Board
of Regents has focused on communications, through meetings with legislators, students,
communities, school boards , K - 12 superintendents, etc. He gave a brief synopsis of Board
concerns including salary issues, long term facility plans, technology centers, student performance,
electronic universities, and AP high school exams.
In response to a question from Senator Drake, President Jewett said that in 2002 there was a 28,828
headcount enrollment for the universities, with 20,003 students on campus. He indicated that the
Board of Regents is comfortable with the high school AP proficiency exams, and that the results
show that students are making progress.
President Jewett indicated that Discipline Councils meet with high schools to facilitate better
communications between K-12 and higher education.
President Jewett briefly referred to page 21 of the 2002 Board of Regents Fact Book which details
the teacher education majors, and indicated that some majors are hard to fill. Senator Drake
questioned how students could be encouraged to take these majors. President Jewett indicated that
the Board of Regents tries to focus on these areas and is looking for funding sources that would give
students additional incentive to undertake these majors.
Senator Putnam had a question on the State Policy Incentive Funding of $5,666,793 (page 20,
Document #2). President Jewett indicated that these funds could not be used to pay student tuition.
Senator Drake questioned the worth of these funds. Mr. Jewett indicated that these funds are used
by the universities to fund various programs.
Senator Apa questioned the enrollment figures. He was referred to pages 4 and 5 of the Regents
2002 Fact Book and told that the full-time equivalent enrollment had been 24,021 in 1994 and
22,442 in 2001.
Representative Lange questioned the brain-drain of South Dakota students going to other states.
President Jewett said the only mechanism addressing this issue in South Dakota is private fund-
raising efforts. He indicated to Senator Drake that private foundations do have scholarships
available for students with high ACT scores.
Representative Clark questioned the physical capacities of the universities. Mr. Jewett responded
that classroom space is available for approximately 29,000 students, which would be about 7,000
more than present enrollment. Senator Greenfield had questions about faculty members receiving
reduced rates for classes. President Jewett responded that the reduced rate is for state employees.
He said the head count is based on individuals that pay for the class. He gave the formula of total
hours purchased/15 = full time students in undergraduate classes.
Senator Drake requested a clarification as to whether high school students counted as part of the
student enrollment. Mr. Jewett said that if the high school student is taking a college course through
dual enrollment and pays college tuition, that student would show up in the enrollment.
Regent David Gienapp gave a brief overview of the budget process. As chairman of the budget
committee for the Board of Regents, he described the process for developing the Board of Regent's
budget request. He referred to page 1 (Document #2), and said the Board of Regents is in agreement
with the Governor's recommended budget. He said the Board had dropped a $1,400,000 tuition
waiver request from their original budget and that a $387,000 request for a medical school office was
not included in the budget. He said the O & M based funding had not increased since 1989, and that
the institutions had lost approximately $1.6 million in purchasing power. Some of this loss was
funded by an increase in student fees and a Great Plains Foundation grant.
Regent Gienapp said salary competiveness will have to be addressed and that the costs will have to
be shared between the general funds and student tuition. He also mentioned that a School and Public
lands revenue shortfall was not included in the budget. Regent Gienapp said that South Dakota
students are getting a quality education and that the Board of Regents strives to maintain this quality
and keep students in South Dakota.
Responding to a question from Senator Drake, Robert T. Tad Perry, Executive Director, Board of
Regents, told Senator Drake that there are 4,740.4 FTE's system-wide and indicated that he would
provide Senator Drake with information about vacancies by university.
Representative Clark questioned why students are going out of state. Board of Regent Vice-
President Jack Rentschler said the main reason students leave South Dakota to attend schools in
other states is that they want to. Representative Clark indicated that South Dakota should try to be
a state that other states send their kids to.
Dr. Perry referred Senator Greenfield to page 21, Document #2, for a list of maintenance and repair
products. He referred Senator Kleven to page 38 of the Regent's 2002 Fact Book for information
on costs per student, and the state's share of that cost.
Dr. Perry told Senator Apa that Higher Education Facilities Funds (HEFF) are placed into one fund,
after which the Board of Regents decides the funding priorities.
In response to a question from Representative Adelstein, Dr. Perry explained that faculty salaries are
set in the spring. During the year a faculty member may get a grant and be replaced by another
teacher getting a lower salary. At the end of the year any dollars left in personal services would be
transferred and used for equipment purchases. Dr. Perry said he would provide Representative
Adelstein with further information on these transfers.
Regent Gienapp responded to a question from Senator Putnam concerning the Incentive Funding
Program by saying that any reversions of these funds go into technology.
Responding to Representative Richter, President Jewett said a 3 percent increase in the state's salary
policy translates into a 4 percent increase in tuition funds. He said to achieve salary competiveness,
the salary increase should be closer to 4.5 percent to 7 percent, which would also increase tuition.
He said a 1 percent tuition increase is equivalent to roughly $1 million. Representative Richter
estimated that the state would have to kick in $2 million for salary competiveness to keep the system
on track. President Jewett agreed.
President Jewett indicated that the Board of Regents will decide the tuition increase after the
legislative session, in response to a question from Representative Adelstein. President Jewett
responded to questions from Representative Richter and Representative Lange by stating that
although South Dakota students pay a little higher percent of tuition compared to surrounding states,
overall the costs are less than surrounding states. He said that 80 percent of students get federal
loans, and that student default rates are as low as it gets, demonstrating that South Dakota students
are getting education at a reasonable price.
Dr. Perry began briefly reviewing Document #2, the Board of Regent's budget request. He said
pages 1 and 2 (Document #2) contain the best summary of the Board's FY 2003 budget request. He
referred to page 31 for the FY03 HEFF Condition Statement and page 34 for the nine Higher
Education Policy Goals.
Dr. Perry reviewed the Board's funding framework on page 35 (Document #2). He said they are
in the fourth year of a five year funding framework He further discussed the incentive funds. He
said every year the institutions have target goals that they try to improve upon over previous years.
If the campus achieves their goal, they keep the incentive monies; if the campus exceeds their goal,
they receive more incentive money; and if the campus does not meet their goal, they lose their
allocated incentive money. The Board has made the decision that any leftover monies go into
technology. These funds are looked upon as one-time dollars and every year the Board starts with
a new $5.5 million. Senator Putnam suggested a revolving five-year program planning process for
the incentive program. Senator Putnam questioned why any reversions from the incentive program
couldn't be placed into salaries. Dr. Perry suggested that this could be done under instructions from
the Appropriations Committee.
Representative Richter suggested the $5,666,793 State Incentive Funding had run it's course and
should be redistributed. President Perry replied that the institutions use these funds on an ongoing
basis and that any changes would make major disruptions in ongoing operations. He referred the
committee to pages 42 and 43 of Document #2, saying these funds can translate into cumulative
gains or losses of approximately $400,000. He also referred to page 47, Document #2, saying the
chart on this page takes into account the FY02 Base Enrollment Adjustments and the Incentive Fund
totals in the Net Impact. Dr. Perry referred Representative Adelstein to pages 42, 43, and 47,
Document #2, as a good place to see the impact of the Incentive Funds on each university. Dr. Perry
said he would provide more detailed information on the Incentive Funds broken down by university
for Representative Adelstein. In response to Representative Clark, Dr. Perry said the Board may
have to discuss new policy goals.
Co-chair Drake recessed the committee at 10:30 a.m. and reconvened it at 10:50 a.m.
Dr. Perry resumed the Board of Regents budget presentation reviewing pages 52, 75, 83, 87 and 89
of Document #2. A handout titled Tech Fellows Home Towns (Document #3), was distributed. Dr.
Perry reviewed the information on this handout. He said college freshmen are eligible to become
Tech Fellows. He continued, briefly reviewing pages 101, 102, 112, 116, 117 140, 143, and 145 of
Document #2.
Responding to Senator Drake, Dr. Perry advised that it now takes an average of 5 years for a student
to earn a baccalaureate degree. Dr. Perry briefly explained the status of the California recruiter
project for Representative Klaudt. He told Senator Apa that a student's average credit hour load is
now 14 hours as there are now many working, non-traditional students or students taking more
majors, and not every course is available every semester.
Dr. Perry said the distance education charges for out-of-state students and in-state students are the
same and the program has a self-supporting rate.
Allen Godsell, SD Student Federation, addressed the committee. He spoke in favor of the Tech
Fellow program and made available student letters favoring this program for those committee
members that were interested.
Northern State University
President Hilpert referred to a handout titled Northern State University, Celebrating a Century of
Leadership, while making the University's budget request. The handout consisted of twelve graphs.
He said the University is down in headcount and FTE enrollment. He also said about 400 students
are dual enrolled.
President Hilpert said faculty salaries have been enhanced as part of salary competiveness, but that
in doing so, 14.5 faculty members have been sacrificed.
In response to Representative Adelstein, President Hilpert said that if the university had more
students, it would need more faculty, and that the university has the physical capacity to handle
approximately 710 additional students. He also explained the status of the Incentive Funds.
Dr. Erika Tallman, Director of the Center for Statewide E-learning, addressed the committee. She
used a report titled Summary Report for the Joint Appropriations Committee: Jan. 23, 2002
(Document #5), as the basis for her presentation. Her presentation covered the following topics:
Service to South Dakota K-12 Schools, E-learning in Teacher Education, E-learning Across the NSU
Curriculum, and New E-learning Programs.
Dr. Erika Tallman introduced Tech Fellows Jeremy Iverson and Dawn Hegley. They described their
function and activities as Tech Fellows. Dr. Tallman said there are 20 Tech Fellows at Northern
State University (listed in Document #6), and that they receive approximately $11/hr. She said they
are available to assist all teachers on campus and assigned as needed to faculty members.
Representative Klaudt introduced a high school government class from McIntosh.
Dr. Tallman further described the Master Teachers program for Representative Clark.
Don Erlenbusch, Vice President, Finance and Management, discussed the 1 percent retirement
Don Cozzetto, Vice President, Academic affairs, spoke about the Reinvestment Through Efficiencies
funds as outlined on pages 81 and 82, Document #2.
Moved by: Klaudt
Second by: Adelstein
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Rena K. Ortbahn
Committee SecretaryBob Drake, Chair
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