SB 64
establish certain wage requirements for the recipients of REDI fund loans.
Senators Koetzle, Dennert, Duxbury, Hagen, Hutmacher, McIntyre, Moore, Reedy,
Sutton (Dan), and Volesky and Representatives Flowers, Bartling, Bradford, Burg,
Davis, Elliott, Glenski, Hanson (Gary), Hargens, Hundstad, Lange, Nachtigal,
Nesselhuf, Olson (Mel), Peterson (Jim), Sigdestad, and Van Norman
SB 65
establish certain benefit requirements for the recipients of REDI fund loans.
Senators Koetzle, Dennert, Duxbury, Hagen, Hutmacher, McIntyre, Moore, Reedy,
and Volesky and Representatives Flowers, Bartling, Bradford, Burg, Davis, Elliott,
Glenski, Lange, Nesselhuf, Olson (Mel), and Van Norman
SB 119
provide for the establishment of a no telephone solicitation contact list.
Senators McCracken, Brown (Arnold), Olson (Ed), Sutton (Dan), and Symens and
Representatives Konold, Davis, Flowers, Rhoden, Solum, and Teupel
SB 132
revise the provisions for moving a structure under or across a utility line and to
provide a penalty therefor.
Senators Munson, Cradduck, Drake, McCracken, and Volesky and Representatives
Frost, Abdallah, Broderick, Hargens, Jaspers, Lange, and Wick
SB 136
allow state chartered banks to expand their investment options to include certain
Senators Cradduck, Bogue, Brosz, Drake, Greenfield, Hutmacher, McCracken,
Putnam, and Whiting and Representatives Sebert, Abdallah, Broderick, Brown
(Jarvis), Duniphan, Hansen (Tom), Hunhoff, McCaulley, Pummel, Richter, Solum,
and Sutton (Duane)
SB 172
revise the effective date of certain provisions related to insurance taxes.
Senators Everist and Munson
SB 173
provide for an alternative base period for the purposes of determining unemployment
Senators Koetzle and McIntyre and Representatives Bradford and Burg
SB 29
revise certain fees for special inspections and examination of certain weighing and
measuring devices and certain standards and testing equipment.
The Committee on Commerce at the request of the Department of Commerce and
SB 108
require the acceptance of certain uniform life insurance request forms.
Senators Sutton (Dan), Brown (Arnold), Diedtrich (Elmer), Hutmacher, McIntyre,
Reedy, and Symens and Representatives Garnos, Bartling, Pitts, Slaughter, and
SB 109
exempt certain insurers and intermediaries from mortgage lending licensing.
Senator Munson and Representative Broderick
SB 163
prohibit discrimination by health insurers against individuals who participate in
certain activities.
Senator Putnam and Representative Monroe