P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Putnam, Vice-Chair
P Madden
P Kleven
P Greenfield
P Apa
P Duxbury
P Dennert
P Drake, Chair
P Cradduck
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Richter
(Meeting jointly with House Appropriations)
Mr. Reed Holwegner, LRC, provided budget information for the committee (Document #1)
Ms. Betty Oldenkamp, Secretary, Department of Human Services and Mr. Dan Lusk, Director,
Budget and Finance presented the FY2003 Budget Recommendation ( Document #2 and Document
#3). The mission of the Department of Human Services is to promote the highest level of
independence for all individuals regardless of disability or disorder.
Ms. Oldenkamp informed the committee about the FY2003 Community Based Target Population
Total Clients Served. The populations include: Alcohol and Drug Abuse(17,900), Developmental
Disabilities(4,054), Mental Health(14,357), Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired(1,345), and
Rehabilitation Services (18,472).
Mr. Dan Lusk informed the committee of theFY2003 Facility Based Target Population. Projected
Average Daily Census include the following: Human Services Center (266), West Farm (50), SDDC-
Redfield (190) Projected Admissions: Human Services Center (1,800), West Farm (10), and
SDDC-Redfield (38).
The FY2003 Recommended Budget includes Full Time Employees =1,239.9.
Funding=$166,997,034. Total change from FY02 of =$5,121,701. General Fund = $2,407,862,
Federal Funds= $2,806,663, Other Funds= -$92,824, and FTE = -8.
Budget Detail for Secretary. The Secretary's office monitors and reviews the programs and services
of the department to ensure efficient and effective delivery of services. The Secretary coordinates
the administrative and financial services by managing substantive and fiscal policy. TOTAL:
Governor's Recommendation FY2003=$1,401,832, Dollar Change From FY 2002=$4,907, Percent
Change From FY 2002= -0.3 percent, and Governor's Recommendation FY2003 FTE =26.0.
Ms. Wanda Seiler, Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities (Document #4) presented
information to the committee. The division supports individuals with developmental disabilities
and their families by responding to individual needs and promoting inclusion, growth, choice, and
productivity. The Governor's Recommendation FY 2003 is $66,241,571. Dollar change from
FY2002 is $3,925,376. The Governor recommends 14.0 FTEs.
Ms. Seiler informed the committee about Family Support. The Governor recommends $1,807,857
which includes $1,141,220 from the general fund and $666,367 from federal funds. This is an
increase of $233,071 (14.8 percent) from the FY 2002 budget. The recommendation includes
$33,071 ($23,595 from the general fund) for an inflationary increase of 2.1 percent and $200,000
from a federal grant for services.
The Family Support program enables children with developmental disabilities to reside at home with
their families rather than in an institutional setting. Family Support has a statewide component and
a local one administered by 11 local non-profit organizations that also cover the state. There are
programs in Sioux Falls (two), the southeast, Mitchell, the northeast, Aberdeen, Brookings, the
central area, the northern Black Hills, the southern Black Hills, and the south central area.
According to the agency, services provided by the statewide program are less than what the local
programs provide. For FY 2001, the statewide program average was $454 per family and the local
program average was $2,388 per family. Currently there are 168 families on a waiting list to receive
services from a local program. The program serves approximately 826 families.
Adult Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). The Governor recommends $55,666,727
which includes $19,232,854 from the general fund and $36,433,873 from federal funds. This is an
increase of $3,601,158 (6.9 percent) from FY 2002. The Home and Community Based Services
(HCBS) Program provides services through 19 providers fro 2,238 individuals. The agency
anticipates the number of individuals served to increase to 2,280. The enhancement includes:
$1,561,967 ($536,926 from the general fund) for an inflationary increase of 3.0 percent, $2,039,191
($1,265,706 from the general fund) for an additional 48 clients.
Senator Drake asked how the department estimated an additional 48 clients. Ms. Seiler said that the
number was based on historical information of the average number of people have admitted for the
last two years.
Community Adjustment Training Centers. The following services are provided: residential
habilitation, pre-vocational training, supported employment, service coordination,
physical/occupational/speech therapy, nursing services, community living training, recreation and
leisure skills training, and transportation.
Representative Lange asked about the history of Community Adjustment Training Centers. Ms.
Oldenkamp responded that they were started in the early 1980's with a Title Block Grant.
Senator Putnam asked about the Safe and Stable Families Program (an independent living program)
money figures from the federal government. Ms. Oldenkamp said that they would find out more
information on the program.
Ms. Seiler informed the committee about Developmental Disabilities Consumer Expansion. The
FY03 Recommended Budget Total is $ 2,039,191.
Senator Madden asked about the larger cost of the daily rate for kids turning 21. Ms. Seiler said that
these individuals have more behavior problems which requires more supervision.
Senator Greenfield asked how many individuals under 21 are served. Ms. Seiler said that there are
300 students under 21. The local school districts pay for the individuals while they are in school
until they are 21 years old. After their twenty- first birthday, funds need to be made available for
Developmental Disabilities. FY2003 total recommended budget is $66,241,571. This includes
$23,740,671 from the general funds and $42,500,900 from federal funds. Major items recommended
total $4,125,571.
Ms Anne Rieck Mosena, President and CEO of Sioux Vocational Services, Sioux Falls introduced
Carol and Al Miller who talked about a family member who has been helped tremendously by the
opportunity to learn independent skills at Sioux Vocational Services.
Joel Dykstra and his daughter, Sarah Dykstsra, who is a client at Sioux Vocational Services told the
committee about the benefits and offerings at the site.
Misty Galerin, Sioux Vocational Supervisor told the committee about a typical day dealing with
Senator Drake asked about the turnover rate at Sioux Vocational shop areas and group homes. Ms.
Galerin said that there is significant turnover. Joel Dykstra said that supervisor continuity would be
helpful for clients in group homes.
Senator Dennert asked Mr. Dykstra about England's organizations to help those with disabilities.
His daughter, Sarah had been taking advantage of the services. Mr. Dykstra said that it is hard to
compare the two countries methods of dealing with individuals with different abilities.
The meeting recessed at 10:20AM.
The meeting reconvened at 10:40AM.
Ms. Anne Rieck Mosena, South Dakota Association of Community Based Services, Sioux Falls,
and Rebecca Carlson, South Dakota Association of Community Based Services, Winner, South
Dakota (Document #5) presented information from a 2002 Position Paper on their non-profit
organization representing and advocating for 15 Adjustment Training Centers (ATCs) who serve
approximately 90 percent of adults with developmental disabilities receiving services in South
Dakota. Approximately 2,000 people with disabilities receive residential, vocational and other
supportive services in community based settings. With the assistance of the ATCs, many individuals
with developmental disabilities are able to become productive members of society.
ATCs have saved South Dakota taxpayers substantial amounts of money providing services to
individuals with developmental disabilities. Working with the state, ATCs have significantly
reduced waiting lists for services.
The Adjustment Training Centers primarily receive their funding from the Department of Human
Services. Despite increasing costs, there have been limited increases in the funding provided to the
ATCs. The association estimated the five year average funding increase to be 68 percent.
Ms. Betty Oldenkamp, Secretary, Department of Human Services and Ted Williams, Director, South
Dakota Developmental Center-Redfield (Document #6) presented information to the committee.
The mission statement of South Dakota Development Center-Redfield reads as follows: to provide
individualized services to individuals with developmental disabilities in a structured residential
setting only when appropriate community-based services are not available and to provide services
which enable individuals to reach their highest level of independence in the least restrictive
environment possible. The Center encourages family involvement as a variety of services are offered
to meet the client's needs
South Dakota Development Center - Redfield. The Governor's recommended budget for FY2003
total is $18,665,561. The dollar change from FY2002 is 575,663. The percent change from FY2002
is 3.2 percent. Funding Sources: General Fund ($6,830,267), Federal Funds ($11,670,873), and
Other Funds ( $164,416). Federal Fund Sources: Title XIX($11,393,539), School Lunch ($212,013),
and Title IV ($65,326).
Job Reclassification. The Governor recommends $142,805 ($68,415 from the general fund) for the
job reclassification of 4.0 FTE positions in Health Services: 1.0 Behavior Therapist, 1.0 Behavior
Intervention Specialist, 1.0 Medical Services Coordinator. Also 1.0 Developmental Disabilities
(DD) Tech I was transferred from another program.
The recommendation for the entire Health Services program is $4,155,307 ($1,554,699 from the
general fund). This is an increase of $197,055 (5.0 percent) from FY 2002. This includes
$3,045,386 ($1,136,703 from the general fund) for the salaries and benefits of 72.6 FTE positions
and $1,109,921 ($417,996 from the general fund) for operating expenditures. The increase in
operating expenditures is primarily for prescription drugs.
Youth Instructors. The Governor recommends $251,796 ($112,730 from the general fund) for the
salaries and benefits of 8.0 new FTE Youth Instructor positions. The new staff, coupled with 2.0
reclassified, current FTE positions, are to serve a new female module that was created in April, 2001.
According to the agency, there has been an increase in the number of youth admitted to the Turtle
Creek Youth Program. Additional staff are needed to provide a safer, more therapeutic environment.
According to the performance indicators listed in the Governor's recommended budget, the average
daily population is estimated to be 190 for FY 2003. This is the same number for FY 2002 and a
decrease of 6 persons from the average daily population from three fiscal years ago. The admissions
of youth is projected to decrease to 8 in FY 2003; this is half of the admission from FY 2001.
Senator Putnam reminded the committee that the increase in personnel was for safety purposes. Staff
have been injured by clients.
Ms. Oldenkamp said that 95 percent of the clients have co-disabilities (mental and physical). There
are 190 clients served today. The level of developmental disabilities of clientele shows 87.03
percent mental retardation with 32.43 percent in the Mild category, 36.22 percent - Profound, 9.73
percent - Moderate, and 8.65 percent - Severe. The number of those in the Mild category is growing
and the number in the Profound category is decreasing.
Senator Apa asked about building use. Mr. Williams said that the administration building he
referred to is a 100 years old building, and it is used for staff offices.
Representative Burg asked how the Development Center was using the availability of the Redfield
Hospital. Mr. Williams replied that two physicians assistants are on staff. The Center is developing
a working relationship with the hospital.
Mr. Williams said the education services have been taken over by the Redfield School District.
There are presently 40 students in attendance. South Dakota Development Center personnel work
as teacher aides in the Redfield School System.
South Dakota Development Center - Redfield. The FY2003 total recommended budget is
$18,665,561. This is an increase of $575,663 which includes $370,943 from the general fund and
$204,720 from federal funds.
Mr. Williams reported that there are 410 current authorized employees at the South Dakota
Development Center -Redfield.
Senator Greenfield asked if clients abused staff and if the staff could be compensated for damages
such as torn clothing or broken glasses. Mr. Williams said that the clients would pay for damages.
Moved by: Greenfield
Second by: Clark
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Carol Carney____________________________
Committee SecretaryBob Drake, Chair
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