P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Putnam, Vice-Chair
P Madden
P Kleven
P Greenfield
P Apa
P Duxbury
P Dennert
P Drake, Chair
P Cradduck
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Co-chair Drake
Annie Mertz, Legislative Research Council, distributed two budget summaries (Document #1 and
Document #2). She later provided an In-State Placement Report (Document #4) that had been
previously distributed at the 1/9/02 committee meeting.
Senator Drake assigned Joint Appropriation minutes to Representative Klaudt and Senator Kleven
for review.
Jeff Bloomberg, Secretary Department of Corrections, returned to the committee to answer
questions. A Juvenile Out-Of-Home Placement report (Document #3) was distributed to the
committee. He said that as December 31, 2001, State Training School statistics no longer appear.
Referring to a Juvenile Out-of-Home Placement Chart (Document #3), he said that as of December
31, 2001 the total juveniles under placement was 527, that the population had been at it's highest
on June 30, 1999 and that the numbers had come down since. He indicated that the number of Chins
placements at the State Training School had gone from 28 on 5/30/99 to three on 6/30/01.
Mr. Bloomberg reviewed the table on Specialized/Needs Based Placement, December 31, 2001
(within Document #3). He said the nine juveniles in Private Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities and 37
Sex Offenders in Private Treatment Facilities came out of the DOC budget, that the 52 juveniles in
Foster Care were under DECA and would be switched to DOC in the next budget, and that the
remaining Special Needs Placements came out of the Human Services budget. He advised that the
out-of-state placement kids were all under the DOC budget and that the best breakdown of Juvenile
Out-of-Home placements could be found on the chart presented at the 1/9/02 meeting (Document
#2, 1/9/02 Joint Appropriations).
Senator Drake brought out that although DOC juvenile numbers are down, intensive probation
numbers are up. Representative Richter commented that the quality of care has improved in the last
couple of years.
There were questions as to whether the State Plan is cheaper than the old medical contract's system.
Mr. Scott Bollinger brought out that all mental health and medical costs of adult inmates, not
juveniles, are included within the Department of Corrections budget. Costs for chemical
dependency problems, adult or juvenile, are included in the Department of Human Services budget.
Mental health costs for juveniles are also included in the Department of Human Service's budget.
In response to a question from Representative Burg, Scott Bollinger, Department of Corrections said
that DOC is responsible for base level health services for juveniles. When they go to a clinic or a
hospital, the costs are paid by the parent, insurance, Title 19, or as a last resort - DOC. Mr. Bollinger
referred to the Medical Budget chart (Document #2, 1/9/02 Joint Appropriations meeting) and said
that although medical costs are down at Custer, medical costs have increased for the adults.
In response to a question from Representative Lange, Mr. Bloomberg said they are looking at
different options for inmate phone accounts which might address situations where relatives
contribute money toward inmate accounts.
Senator Drake and Mr. Bollinger had a discussion as to whether the cost savings from switching
from medical contracts to the state plan was $100,000 or $20,000. Mr. Bollinger indicated that the
information DOC has provided the committee is as accurate as the Department can provide, and that
it is an apple to apples comparison. He advised Representative Richter that Chemical Dependency
had not been a factor in the recent change.
In response to a question from Representative Klaudt, Mr. Bollinger brought out that the girl's
programs are eligible for Title 19 because they are licensed. The Boot Camp is ineligible for Title
In response to a question from Representative Adelstein, Mr. Bollinger indicated that the $7,680,119
amount included in the FY 2002 State Plan (Document #1) does include medical service and mental
health costs for adults only, not juveniles. The same went for the FY 2002 Sioux Valley bid.
Mr. Bloomberg brought out that the decision to go with the state plan had not been a DOC decision,
but it had come out of a committee established by the Governor.
In response to Representative Adelstein's question regarding inmate phone calls, Mr. Bloomberg
advised that if money is not appropriated, inmates' families will have to be charged.
In response to a question from Representative Adelstein, Mr. Bloomberg explained that correctional
programs aren't eligible for Title 19. When a state program is licensed, the maximum clientele
number is 25; hence the two girl's programs being at the 24 number.
In response to a question from Senator Apa, Mr. Bollinger indicated that if a juvenile from the Custer
facility is admitted to the hospital, after 24 hours they become Title 19 eligible, although DOC could
ultimately become responsible. Mr. Bollinger said the Department will look into whether DOC is
eligible to be billed at the Medicare rate.
Senator Putnam advised that the whole problem with trying to determine whether there has been a
cost savings by going to the state plan is that the hospitals were not asked to submit a bid for FY
2003, so the committee members don't have those figures to compare.
Mr. Bloomberg indicated that he would provide Representative Klaudt with regulations concerning
Title 19 eligibility.
Representative Adelstein inquired as to how closely the Department was following the $7,680,119
FY2002 State Plan budget (Document #1). Mr. Bollinger indicated he would provide that
In response to a question from Representative Clark, Mr. Bloomberg advised that it would not be
feasible to start a new, licensed Title 19 program, as it is hard to efficiently administer small, stand
alone programs. He thinks the 75 number is minimal for a viable facility. He indicated to Senator
Dennert that even if DOC could come up with a boy's program meeting Title 19 eligibility
requirements, the program couldn't be operated in close proximity to a Juvenile Prison. Mr.
Bloomberg indicated that the Boot Camp program is a 3 - 4 month program, whereas many of the
juveniles that were at the State Training School need a much longer program. He also indicated that
a privately run prison would not be Title 19 eligible.
In response to a question from Representative Burg, Mr. Bloomberg indicated the juvenile programs
in the Department of Corrections do use Indian Health Services programs when warranted.
In response to a question from Representative Pummel, Mr. Bloomberg advised that the Department
is looking into the feasibility of leasing the State Training School facilities along with other options.
Mr. Bloomberg advised Representative Richter that a State Engineer's study had estimated the cost
for fixing the Jameson security system at $500,000..
In response to a question from Representative Clark, Mr. Bollinger advised that the 105 number for
the State Training School and the 64 for the Juvenile Prison are maximum numbers (Document #3).
He said it could be possible to do things with the physical facilities, and that the Department would
provide Representative Clark with more detailed information on the physical facilities, number of
buildings, square footage, etc.
In response to a question from Senator Kleven, Mr. Bloomberg indicated that the number of those
severely handicapped is too small to make a program feasible at the State Training School facilities,
and that a state operated program wouldn't be eligible for Title 19.
Mr. Bloomberg indicated that, although stated differently, DOC's mission statement does include
rehabilitation and restoration, in response to a question from Representative Lange.
Moved by: Klaudt
Second by: Madden
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Rena Ortbahn
Committee SecretaryBob Drake, Chair
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