P - Present
Roll Call
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chair Bogue.
SB 1: revise the refund of certain taxes attributed to the construction of certain new
or expanded commercial power production facilities.
SB 2: revise the tax refund requirements for certain power production facilities.
SB 4: assess and tax renewable power companies.
Ryan Olson
E - Excused
A - Absent
P de Hueck
P Diedrich (Larry), Vice-Chair
P Koetzle
P McCracken
P McIntyre
P Moore
P Staggers
P Bogue, Chair
P Koskan
Moved by: Koetzle
Second by: McCracken
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
*** Hearing and testimony were not specific to an individual bill unless otherwise noted.
Presented By: Senator Munson and Senator Symens, (Handouts: A,B,C & D)
Proponents: Todd Epp, FPL Energy, (Handout E, and 2 Video Tapes and 1 CD-ROM Disk)
Ken Hach, Clipper Windpower
John Dunlop, American Wind Association
David Owen, South Dakota Chamber of Commerce
Gary Jacobsen, self
Randy Berry, self
Linda Luymes, Wessington Springs Area Development Corporation
Joan Kazmerzak, self
Bernice Hackett, Dakota Rural Action, (Handout F)
Bob Miller, South Dakota Electric Utility
Dennis Wiese, South Dakota Farmers Union
Dave Blair, East River Electric
Mike Held, South Dakota Farm Bureau
Gail Brock, South Dakota Association of Towns and Townships
Dick Howard, South Dakota Association of County Commissioners
Opponents: Gary Viken, Department of Revenue
Paul Kinsman, Department of Revenue (SB 4)
The Chair deferred SB 1, 2, and 4 to a later date for further testimony and possible
Moved by: Diedrich (Larry)
Second by: McCracken
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Committee Secretary