77th Legislative Session _ 2002

Committee: Senate Appropriations Sub 2
Monday, January 14, 2002

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Burg
P    Clark
P    Dennert
E    Derby, Vice-Chair
P    Greenfield
P    Kleven
P    Madden
P    Pummel
P    Drake, Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chair Drake

Bureau of Personnel
Mr. Reed Holwegner, Legislative Research Council, distributed a budget handout (Document #1) to the committee.

Ms. Sandy Zinter, Commissioner, Bureau of Personnel, presented the FY 2003 Bureau of Personnel Budget Request (Document #2). The agency has 68.5 approved FTE's, a $5,111,562 budget and is making zero new requests for FY 2003.

Ms. Winter briefly reviewed the Bureau's responsibilities, including the administration of the state compensation plan, insuring compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, human resource functions, processing agency payrolls, administering the state's career service program, implementing a training program and working with the Career Service Commission and the Law Enforcement Civil Service Commission. She said that in 1996, all the state's human resource functions and training programs were consolidated within the Bureau of Personnel.

Starting with a question from Senator Drake, the committee had several questions concerning a

computer payroll upgrade system. Jim Neiles, Bureau of Finance and Management, responded to most of the questions. This computer payroll upgrade system was functioning as of July 1, 2001. The total cost of the program was a little under $3,000,000. Originally the cost of the program was going to be recouped over three years. The time limit for recovering costs has now changed to six years, as this would make less impact on participating state agency budgets. Fund 6010 paid for the system under Other Fund expenditures. These costs are being recovered from the agencies and won't show up on the Bureau of Finance and Management budget. There is a development pool of authority that is in the Bureau of Finance and Management. The money is credited to the 6010 fund within the Bureau of Finance and Management. Money that is recovered for costs, goes back into the 6010 fund. The Bureau of Finance and Management keeps this as a revolving fund. He said these recovered funds are considered revenue, hence there is no need for funding authority. He repeated several times that the development pool has no authority, and that the money is in Bureau of Finance and Management revolving 6010 fund.

Mr. Jim Neiles said he would provide a chart from last year to Representative Clark, at her request, explaining the original $3,000,000 cost being billed over a three year period. He also advised Senator Drake that the Bureau would provide him with the dollar amount that is in the development pool.

Ms. Zinter advised Senator Kleven that the Bureau has 66 on the payroll today with 2.5 vacancies which will be announced.

In response to questioning from Senator Drake and Representative Clark, Ms. Zinter explained the state's health screening program. Four thousand state employees have been screened this year compared to last year's goal of 3,000. Ms. Zinter explained that if the screening can help to detect health problems in advance, such as heart problems, the program will have paid for itself. Ms. Zinter advised that the program does take advantage of existing screening programs when possible. She explained to Senator Dennert that the increase in contractual services was due to the purchase of an imaging machine.

Senator Greenfield requested a listing of the average and median salaries in the Bureau. Ms. Zinter further explained contractual services.

In response to a question from Representative Clark, Ms. Zinter advised that in a change from last year, a full-time FTE has been moved to Redfield and a .5 FTE has been laid off.

Mr. Neiles said that the Bureau of Finance and Management has determined that the new payroll system can handle payroll deductions and that the Bureau won't be billing vendors and didn't bill them for this final quarter.

Senator Drake recessed the meeting at 9:10 and reconvened it at 9:30.

Governor's Office of Economic Development

David Becker, Legislative Research Council, distributed budget information (Document #3). The Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED) provided a summary of their FY 2003 Budget Request (Document #4) and a handout called Building South Dakota (Document #5).

Chris Braendlin, Commissioner of the Governor's Office of Economic Development, started his presentation by going page by page through Document #5.

He reviewed the economic impacts of the last year. South Dakota has been negatively impacted in the areas of technology, travel, and tourism. The Office concentrates on companies promoting consolidation and retention.

Mr. Braendlin and Toby Morris, Governor's Office of Economic Development, in response to questions, described the Office's role in the refinancing of the Fetro project. Mr. Braendlin said it has been a challenging, cooperative effort and Representative Burg was complementary as to how well the process had worked.

Mr. Braendlin said there have been structural changes in the Office, with the aim of having all representatives answering to one person and consolidating some programs under one division.

He continued, reviewing the Goals of the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity. In response to a question from Senator Dennert as to whether the state was promoting low-waged jobs, he said he could only speak for the Office of Economic Opportunity and that the REDI program tries to bring in companies that offer good paying jobs with living wages. Mr. Braendlin continued, describing the Office's marketing campaign and Web traffic. He also reviewed the GOED key indicator's, as detailed in the handout.

As described in the handout, he explained the responsibilities of the six regional representatives and presented a regional map for the committee's review.

He reviewed the REDI fund. In response to a question from Representative Burg, he said the Office is concentrating on the quality of jobs, versus the number of jobs created. Mr. Braendlin said there is less than a 1% loss from REDI loans and advised that the program mostly gives out loans, not grants in response to questions from Senator Madden and Senator Kleven.

Representative Clark had a question as to whether REDI was promoting the building of the South Dakota work force and wondered how many new people were moving into the state because of the REDI program.

Mr. Braendlin advised that 75% of the companies REDI works with are in-state companies and that REDI assisted companies are hiring South Dakotans. In response to Senator Kleven, he advised that

number of jobs, job quality, capital investment, the impact on the community, retention issues, etc. are all elements looked at in REDI fund loans. Since the inception of the REDI Fund, wages have increased from $6.03 in 1987 to $12.12 in 2001.

Mr. Braedlin then reviewed the MicroLOAN South Dakota program, reviewing a map of loans approved to date. In response to a question from Representative Pummel, he said there is a maximum of $20,000 ) on these loans over a five year period of time. He continued paging through the handout. He further explained the Venture Capital Investment program in response to a question from Senator Drake.

In reference the Workforce Development page of the handout, he said that the Office is sitting down with the technical institutions and universities and advising them of the companies that will probably come into South Dakota in the next three years, so that they can plan their educational programs, so the trained workforce will be there.

In response to a question from Senator Drake concerning the Governor's Math Science and Technology Council, Mr. Braendlin described the purpose of the program and advised that the program is funded by a grant that the University of South Dakota received from the National Science Foundation, and the state has no plans to staff the program. Also in response to a question from Senator Drake, he said there has been success with the Value Added Subfund projects and described where the six subfund projects were located. According to Cheri Rath, GOED, there are about six projects in the next year where the Office hopes to see big rewards.

Mr. Braendlin emphasized that the Davisco Foods International business is truly a high tech project. He also brought out that when companies come into South Dakota, they are interested more interested in the region than the community.

In response to additional questions Mr. Braendlin explained that the underemployment of South Dakotans is a selling point.

Ms. Marty Davis, Governor's Office of Economic Development, further explained the REDI fund. She explained the program has six full-time FTE's and thirteen board members. The Office has a history of eight unfilled FTE's from way back. Concerning these eight FTE's, presently the Office has contracts for4 FTE's, 1 FTE is being advertised, and 3 FTE's are not being advertised.

Senator Greenfield requested a listing of the average and median salaries for the Office. He also noted that $70.33 had been reverted from last year. She answered additional questions for Senator Greenfield regarding a community development block grant program. The Office will report further information back to Senator Greenfield on this program.

Senator Dennert had a question concerning the Future Fund. Mr. Braendlin reported that the balance

in the Future Fund is actually about $12 million and that several upcoming projects could draw the REDI fund down.

Ms. Marty Davis answered Representative Clark's question by saying that administration costs for REDI funds comes out of the REDI program.

The Office will provide Representative Clark with a breakdown in the Future fund workforce development and also the REDI fund administrative costs for 2001.


Moved by:    Burg
Second by:    Madden
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Rena Ortbahn


Committee Secretary
Bob Drake, Chair

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