P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Adelstein
P Apa
P Cradduck
P Duxbury
P Klaudt
P Lange
P Putnam, Vice-Chair
P Sutton (Duane)
P Richter, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chair Richter
Annie Mertz, LRC provided budget information for the committee (Document #1)
Attorney General Mark Barnett proposed a $0 budget increase for FY2003 and Kay McLain, Finance
Officer assisted in the presentation.
Attorney General Total - reduction in Federal Funds of $121,036 and an increase in other funds of
the same amount.
Division of Legal Services shows increase of $15,000 Other Funds Request includes: $15,000 to
print new consumer handbooks using Consumer Litigation Settlement Funds.
Division of Criminal Investigation shows a decrease of $30,000. Request includes: fees associated
with forensic lab accreditation - $12,000 other funds, annual maintenance contracts on lab
instruments to ensure reliability - $24,536 other funds, telecommunications -$4,4000 other funds,
lab supplies for DNA testing -$50,000 other funds, reduction in federal authority no longer needed
to pass NCHIP funds to other state agencies. ($61,036 federal fund authority), reduction in capital
assets - ($60,000 federal fund authority).
Law Enforcement Training shows an increase of $15,000 other funds. Request includes: The Law
Enforcement Training Fund (LEOTF) receives its funding from liquidated costs assessed from
violations of state statutes or county or municipal ordinances. An increase is requested in personal
services funding of $15,000 for an increase in wages to help the office stay competitive in the job
market. Other funds -LEOTF.
Attorney General Barnett informed the committee about the sex offender data base. Mug shots of
sex offenders are on certain web sites. His office will be the support network for the data base. This
is not mandated for law enforcement offices.
Attorney General Barnett presented a DNA laboratory update. The crime lab is capable of extensive
forensic capabilities. The upgrade will be completed in the next two weeks.
Methamphetamine is the problem to watch. Could pose serious problems in the future.
The automated finger print system has 140,000 fingerprints in the South Dakota data base. They are
presently hooking up towns to Live Scan. The prints are scanned in electronically and checked for
matches. The potential matches are verified by a person.
Attorney General Barnett stated that there may be more terrorist training opportunities coming from
the federal government.
Representative Richter asked about the four agents working with Department of Education and
Cultural Affairs on the Internet Crimes Against Children. The Attorney General said the agents are
not assigned specifically to DECA. That is only a part of their job duties.
Representative Richter asked for a break out of the consumer settlement fund report. (FY00
2,252.89) (FY01 39,032.63).
Senator Putnam asked if the drug task forces were still working and could this help smaller
communities deal with drug manufacturing in local farm houses. Attorney General Barnett
responded that Governor Janklow has a grant and takes a lot of the monies. The local law
enforcement wanted out of the drug task force. The Attorney General's office gets drug detectives
into the communities. Federal grant money has been available for high incident areas.
911 Training- No Change
The meeting recessed at 9:25AM
The meeting reconvened at 10:02AM
Dale Bertsch, LRC provided budget information for the committee (Document #2)
Mr. Jim Fry, Director of The Legislative Research Council reported to the committee.
Legislative Operations_This program funds all activities of the Legislature_including Legislator
expenses during session and interim, the expenses of the Legislative session and the interim and the
operation of the Legislative Research Council. The overall general fund budget is increased by
$156,868. The Legislative Contingency Fund shows no change. The Legislative Employee
(including Legislative Audit) 3 per cent salary policy.
Mr. Jim Fry informed the committee that $116,000 will be spent on a two- year lease for new laptop
computers to be made available to the legislators. Computers may be available for purchase by
legislators at its residual value. This will be arranged with Gateway later on in the year.
Senator Apa informed the committee that laptop computers could be converted to Braille. There are
organizations that would take used laptop computers.
Dale Bertsch, LRC provided budget information for the committee (Document #3)
Mr. Clint Harris, Director of South Dakota Lottery presented information assisted by Sherry
Lauseng. (Document #4).
Instant and On-Line Operations -No significant changes in this budget. The one change is the shift
of $20,000 to travel (increased billings) from prizes in contractual services_reduction in instant high
tier prizes. The large item in contractual services is for the payment of prizes.
The budget is continuously appropriated. Instant and On-Line contractual services. Computer
related-$2,145,000; advertising-$707,315; rent-$136,000; telecommunications $64,293;
commissions-$2,066,277; Prizes-$19,549,182; Other-$444,601; Total $25,112,668.
Mr. Harris stated when speaking about the lotto games that a minimum of 50 per cent of the state's
share of net proceeds goes to fund state projects. A maximum of 50 per cent of the state's share of
net proceeds goes to meet Lottery operating costs. Since lotto sales began in November, 1990
through FY01: Total sales_$150.5 million, Total prizes $74.7 million, Total retailer commissions
and bonuses $8.3 million, Total proceeds for state projects $36.1 million.
Mr. Harris explained that there are separate numbers for Video Lottery and Lotto Games for audit
purposes. The state's share of net machine income is currently 50 per cent (49.5 per cent goes to the
property tax reduction fund, .5 per cent to the Lottery operating fund.) Private share of net machine
income is divided between operators and establishments according to private contract. Prizes are
paid by the establishment. Since start-up in October 1989 through FY01: Total cash in (sales)-- $5.2
billion; Total cash out (prizes)_$3.3 billion. Total private share net machine income ($1.04 billion);
Total revenues to the state ($778.4 million).
Video Net Machine Income: Year to Date (26 Weeks) FY2001 - $103.09 M; FY2000 - $96.92 M.
This is 6.37 per cent ahead of last year.
Establishment Numbers: At the end of 26 Weeks FY2002 - 1,410; FY2001 - 1,380. This shows
2.17 per cent ahead of the same point last year.
Terminal Numbers: At the end of 26 Weeks FY2002 - 8,058; FY2001 - 7,886. This shows 2.18 per
cent ahead of the same point last year.
Senator Putnam asked Mr. Harris to update the committee on the Gaming Commission. Mr. Harris
responded that he is responsible to a seven member commission appointed by the Governor. These
individuals are from a wide spectrum of careers. Quarterly reports of financial statement are made
Moved by: Sutton
Second by: Klaudt
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Carol Carney
Committee SecretaryMitch Richter, Chair
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