P - Present
Roll Call
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chair Broderick
Representative Broderick introduced Intern, Matt Sawyer, LRC staffer Fred Baatz,? and Secretary,
Lois Henry to the committee.
Representative Broderick then introduced Major Dan Mosteller of the Highway Patrol, who then
gave an overview of his department.
Next on the schedule was Captain Jim Carpenter of the Highway Patrol
Deb Hillmer of the Division of Motor Vehicles gave her report. (Handout #1)
Gary Viken, Secretary of the Department of Revenue spoke.
Ron Wheeler, Secretary of the Department of Transportation presented a report of the operations of
the DOT. (Handout #2) (Handout #3)
Next Mike Durick of the Department of Transportation responded to questions..
Lois Henry
E - Excused
A - Absent
E Abdallah
P Elliott
P Flowers
P Fryslie
P Hennies (Don)
P Koistinen
P Konold
P Kooistra
P Peterson (Jim)
P Teupel
P Van Norman
P Pederson (Gordon), Vice-Chair
P Broderick, Chair
Colonel Tom Dravland of the Highway Patrol spoke next.
Moved by: Pederson (Gordon)
Second by: Van Norman
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Committee Secretary