P - Present
Roll Call
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
Meeting Jointly with House Appropriations
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drake
Mr. Dale Bertsch, LRC, provided the committee with the FY2002 Draft Letter of Intent (Document
Senator Drake provided the committee with proposed amendments to the Letters of Intent that
included (Document #2):
Department of Agriculture- (Insert after line three ...specialists) The committee requests that these
specialists work with all areas of municipal, county, state & federal government to address the weed
problems in this state. This notably includes U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Department of Transportation and
GF&P. If chemical spraying of Custer State Park and other parks and lands can only be done by spot
application, we request that you work with the Governor and the Department of Corrections to
assemble and train a weed spraying crew that can hit these weeds at the proper time. The legislature
has passed legislation getting tough on farmers and others in this state who do not control their
weeds. It is only right that the state also address our problem.
Bureau of Personnel - (Insert) The committee in the past has approved several transfers from
Personal Services to Operating Expenses. While the committee realizes some transfers are necessary,
the committee would like the actual FTE in state government to more accurately reflect the budgeted
Department of Game, Fish and Parks - (Insert) The committee requests that the Secretary of Game,
Fish and Parks work with the Secretary of Agriculture to address the weed problem on state lands.
Department of Transportation - (Insert) The committee requests that the Secretary of the Department
of Transportation work with the Secretary of Agriculture to address weed problems along our
highways in South Dakota.
Board of Regents - (Strike line 6 & 7 from: The committee...University. Insert) The committee added
that money to the Cooperative Extension program to fund the dissemination of Dr. Satterlee's
demographic information to all rural South Dakota Communities. These communities can then use
this information for future planning in the areas of economic development, education, government,
healthcare, etc.
Department of Human Services - (Insert at end of bullet one) The committee also plans on an interim
study of the Adjustment Training Centers this summer. We would like to look at all funding sources,
salaries, etc. Realizing we may not have legal authority and the ADJUSTMENT TRAINING
CENTERS may refuse, we feel this information is vital to future state funding.
Department of Education and Cultural Affairs - To include technology as a line item in the state
The South Dakota State Historical Society, an Office of the Department of Education and Cultural
Affairs, and the State Historic Preservation Office are instructed to increase historic Deadwood Fund
grants to a $25,000 per project limit, or more if the project is justified as of community - wide
importance. Matching funds are NOT to be calculated as included in this limit. Deadwood Fund
monies are for investment in South Dakota communities, and not for accumulation in bank accounts.
Following a brief committee discussion Representative Clark and Senator Duxbury will work with
staff to address concerns and report to the committee during an interim meeting.
Adjustment Training Centers
East River Tour set for July 16, 17, & 18. The committee requested visiting an ethanol plant, the Soy
Bean Processing Plant at Volga, and Dakota State University. Final details will be finalized by LRC
No date was set for the West River Tour.
Monday, May 21, 2001 was set for hearings on the Adjustment Training Centers.
Jeanette Black
E - Excused
A - Absent
P Putnam, Vice-Chair
P Madden
P Koskan
P Kleven
P Greenfield
P Apa
P Duxbury
P Dennert
P Drake, Chair
Representative Clark submitted a letter of intent (Document #3) that stated:
Interim Study Topics
State Salary policy- requesting from the Bureau of Personnel a breakdown of salaried workers and
hourly wage earners.
Moved by: Duxbury
Second by: Greenfield
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Committee Secretary