Arnold M. Brown President Pro tempore |
Carole Hillard PRESIDENT |
Patricia Adam Secretary |
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
Senate Resolution 3
SCR 2* (deferred from 22nd LD, amended SJ 159) Urging the federal government to authorize
and fund long-term health care on Indian reservations.
SB 174 (intent to reconsider vote by which lost) provide for a refund of certain taxes
attributed to the construction of a new or expanded wind energy generation facilities.
Amended SJ 27th LD: 14, 51, 153, 220, 239, 240 & HB 1043 (Consent Calendar), 1072
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
HB 1039 subject certain health insurers to risk-based capital requirements.
HB 1094* revise certain provisions relating to credit card coverages of group personal property.
HB 1103 provide certain requirements for prescription labels when a generic drug is dispensed.
HB 1112 revise school district inventory procedures.
HB 1113 revise payment methods for school districts.
HB 1123 repeal the requirement that school districts consist of adjoining territory.
HB 1148* authorize certain activities by golf course designers.
HB 1149* provide that school districts or school bus contracting companies be notified when
the commercial driver license of a school bus driver is suspended or revoked.
HB 1200* require certain format standards for real estate documents filed at the register of
HB 1216* revise the procedure for filing for a property tax credit for renewable resource
energy systems.
HB 1224 revise certain provisions relating to motor vehicle service contracts, mechanical
breakdown insurance, and maintenance agreements.
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
SB 179* (removed from Consent Calendar) revise the appeal procedure concerning the
factor used for valuing agricultural and nonagricultural property.
SB 157 (placed by motion) require the Department of Corrections to seek accreditation by
the American Correctional Association, to make an appropriation therefor, and to
declare an emergency.
SB 226* (deferred from 27th LD) revise and supplement certain powers of the South Dakota
Building Authority, to provide for the establishment of a corporation by the South
Dakota Building Authority for the purpose of raising funds for specified purposes,
to provide for transfer and sale at any one time or from time to time of a portion of
or all future right, title, and interest of the State of South Dakota to certain
amounts payable to the state by various tobacco companies under a master
settlement agreement in exchange for the deposit of the net proceeds of such sale
into the state permanent tobacco settlement development trust fund, and to
establish certain funds.
SB 14*
create the South Dakota teacher forgivable loan program and to appropriate
money therefor.
provide for reimbursement of tuition and fees to certain students and to make an
appropriation therefor.
SB 51* provide for the distribution of certain funds from the special revolving fund and
the South Dakota-bred racing fund to promote South Dakota horse racing, to
transfer funds from the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota-bred
racing fund to the Department of Social Services for domestic and sexual abuse
shelter programs, and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 60 expand the uses of the special education extraordinary cost fund.
SB 118 make an appropriation to the ethanol fuel fund.
SB 153*
revise the index factor in the state aid to education formula.
require school districts to employ certified personnel in administrative positions.
SB 166*
repeal the sales and use tax on farm machinery, farm attachment units, and
irrigation equipment and to increase the school district general fund levy for
agricultural property.
provide for a Streamlined Sales Tax Project Task Force, to make an appropriation
therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 176 clarify the purposes for which funds in the special racing revolving fund and
South Dakota-bred racing fund may be used.
SB 192 require certain prescription drug manufacturers and labelers to enter into rebate
agreements, to establish a discount prescription drug program for certain
individuals, to require retail pharmacies to offer certain discounts, and to prescribe
penalties and remedies.
SB 220* revise certain provisions relating to the suspension of students from
extracurricular activities for certain drug and marijuana offenses.
SB 231*
ensure that covered persons of managed care plans receive certain health care
provide for the prompt payment of certain uncontested health care claims.
SB 239* establish the regents scholarship program and provide for its funding.
SB 240* make an appropriation for the regents scholarship program.
SB 242 affect the sale and pricing of prescription drugs in the State of South Dakota.
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
HB 1154* (placed by motion) clarify the application of certain driving privilege penalties
with regard to juvenile adjudications.
HB 1032* (deferred from 27th LD) revise certain provisions relating to child support.
HB 1114 (deferred from 27th LD) revise certain voting and participation requirements
related to bond issues involving two or more political subdivisions.
HB 1126* (deferred from 27th LD) limit the application of implied consent in circumstances
involving an arrest for vehicular homicide or vehicular battery.
HB 1145 (deferred from 27th LD) revise the circumstances under which certain arrests may
be effected without a warrant.
HB 1166 (deferred from 27th LD) prohibit local regulation of certain motor vehicle exhaust
brake systems.
HB 1177* (deferred from 27th LD) revise when certain assessments have to be paid before an
assessment may be appealed.
HB 1198* (deferred from 27th LD) provide for a possessory lien on the contents of certain
towed vehicles.
HB 1223 (deferred from 27th LD) clarify how the motor vehicle excise tax is calculated on
certain leased vehicles.
HB 1265 (deferred from 27th LD) revise certain provisions regarding the payment of
restitution by a defendant.
HB 1019* revise certain requirements and fees regarding various agricultural related
licenses, certificates, registrations, and inspections and to provide for the
disposition of certain fees.
HB 1020* revise certain dairy inspection fees.
HB 1070 allow vendors to sell soft drinks or other concessions on school property.
HB 1116 require that certain vehicles and equipment used for construction be registered.
HB 1134* establish license requirements for well pump installers and well repairers.
HB 1205* provide for the licensing of certain real estate corporations and limited liability
HB 1276* require historical or educational municipal corporations to maintain their property.
SC 4 (SJ 27th LD) Congratulating Kathryn Calmus of Volga for achieving national
recognition for exemplary service by receiving a 2001 Prudential Spirit of
Community Award.