HB 1228
provide for the suspension of driving privileges of certain students who are truant or who
have been suspended or expelled from school.
Representatives McCoy and Hennies (Thomas)
SB 183
allow the resignation of the registered agent of a limited liability partnership.
Senator de Hueck and Representative Madsen
SB 94*
establish a statute of limitations for veterinary services.
Senators Bogue, Duxbury, Koetzle, McCracken, Moore, Reedy, and Sutton (Dan) and
Representatives Jaspers, Bartling, Hennies (Thomas), Jensen, Kloucek, McCaulley,
Michels, Monroe, Nachtigal, Rhoden, Sebert, and Slaughter
SB 188
revise the time period when a garnishee summons and affidavit is served on the defendant.
Senators Bogue, Greenfield, Moore, and Olson (Ed) and Representatives Brown (Jarvis),
Heineman, and Olson (Mel)
SB 250*
provide that taking money or property from patients or inmates by certain institution
employees constitutes theft.
Senators Bogue, Duxbury, Greenfield, and Moore and Representatives Jaspers, Broderick,
Brown (Jarvis), Brown (Richard), Flowers, Michels, and Pederson (Gordon)
SB 155*
revise certain provisions concerning the termination of life estates and joint tenancies.
Senators Bogue, Daugaard, de Hueck, Koetzle, Moore, and Whiting and Representatives
Brown (Jarvis), Gillespie, Madsen, McCaulley, and Michels
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If circumstances do
not permit a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of the committee to be
determined by the chair. Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had a hearing.
HB 1260
adopt the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
Representatives Van Norman and Kloucek and Senators Hutmacher, Daugaard, Greenfield,
Kleven, Madden, and Whiting