P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Rep. Derby, Vice-Chair
E Rep. Pummel
P Sen. Madden
P Sen. Greenfield
P Sen. Kleven
P Rep. Clark
P Rep. Burg
P Sen. Dennert
P Sen. Drake, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drake
South Dakota Highway Patrol
Mr. Tom Dravland, Colonel, approached the committee. He explained the origination, mission, and
purpose of the SD Highway Patrol.
Mr. Dravland said that the recommended increase is for the Motor Carrier Enforcement (MCE)
program. The recommended funds would employ two additional FTEs for MCE and two additional
troopers, with one working part-time for MCE. The two FTEs in the MCE program full time will
be one hundred percent federally funded, but the part time MCE trooper will only be paid with
federal funds when working directly within that program and state funded for the other time.
Senator Drake asked what percentage of violators are over weight limits versus minor violations.
Mr. Dravland said at the Point of Entry, the violations may be minor, but the MCE deals mainly with
weight limit infractions.
Senator Greenfield asked how many FTEs were in the MCE program in 1999. Mr. Dravland said
six FTEs were employed in the program in 1999.
Senator Drake asked how many FTE positions are not filled. Mr. Dravland said seventeen positions
are currently open.
Senator Dennert asked how the scales are maintained and kept accurate. Mr. Dravland said the
scales are federally regulated to be calibrated at least one time a year, but they have been calibrating
and maintaining them three to four times per year. The Points of Entry scales are maintained by an
independent contractor and the Highway Patrol mobile scales are maintained by the SD Highway
Representative Burg discussed the issue with the Farmers Union Bus. Mr. Dravland said the
Highway Patrol is working with them to come to a mutual agreement.
Senator Greenfield asked if the troopers had satellite phones in their vehicles. Mr. Dravland said
a few have them for emergency purposes.
Moved by: Madden
Second by: Greenfield
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
LeAnn Allstot
Committee SecretaryBob Drake, Chair
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