76th Legislative Session _ 2001

Committee: House State Affairs
Monday, February 05, 2001

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Brown (Richard)
P    Duenwald
P    Duniphan
P    Eccarius
P    Glenski
P    Hanson (Gary)
E    Jaspers
P    Juhnke
P    Michels
P    Olson (Mel)
P    Smidt
P    Napoli, Vice-Chair
P    Peterson (Bill), Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Peterson.


Moved by:    Duniphan
Second by:    Glenski
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Vice Chairman Bill Napoli assumed the chair.

         HB 1297: transfer funds from the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission gross receipts tax fund for home heating assistance funding, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.

Presented By:    Representative Bill Peterson, prime sponsor
Proponents:    Robert Miller, lobbyist, SD Electric Utilities
        Jim Burg, Public Utilities Commissioner


Moved by:    Peterson (Bill)
Second by:    Duniphan
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote.(10-0-3-0)

Voting Yes:    Brown (Richard), Duenwald, Duniphan, Eccarius, Glenski, Hanson (Gary), Olson (Mel), Smidt, Napoli, Peterson (Bill)

Excused:    Jaspers, Juhnke, Michels


Moved by:    Peterson (Bill)
Second by:    Duniphan
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Chairman Bill Peterson assumed the chair.

         HB 1184: revise certain provisions related to the practice of dentistry.

Presented By:    Representative Jay Duenwald, prime sponsor
Proponents:    Doneen Hollingsworth, Secretary, Department of Health
        Thomas Schienost, lobbyist, SD Association of Community Based Services
Opponents:    Paul Knecht, SD Dental Association (handout 1)
        Roger Wilson, self, Rapid City
         Patricia Hawkins Leonard, self, Sioux Falls
        Denis Mahlstein, self, Sioux Falls
         Mark Berdahl, self, Sioux Falls

The Chair deferred HB 1184 until Wednesday evening, February 7, 2001.

The Chair deferred HB 1288 until later date.

         HB 1280: replace certain geographic names that use offensive names, words, or phrases.

Presented By:    Ron Zylstra, Governor's Office

Proponents:    MaryAnne Bear Heels McCowan, self, Pierre
        Grace Bad Hand, self, Pierre
        Madonna ThunderHawk, self, SwiftBird, SD
        Jean Koster, lobbyist, SD Peace and Justice Center, Watertown
Opponents:    James Starkey, self, Sioux Falls
        Chris Hills, self, Spearfish

The Chair deferred HB 1280 until Wednesday evening, February 7, 2001.

         HB 1211: require certain statistics regarding traffic law enforcement to be collected and maintained.

Presented By:    Representative Thomas Van Norman, prime sponsor
Proponents:    Jennifer Ring, lobbyist, ACLU, Fargo, ND
        James Starkey, self, Sioux Falls
        Representative Paul Valandra
        Grace Bad Moccasin, self, Pierre
        Grace Bad Hand, self, Pierre
        Madonna ThunderHawk, self, SwiftBird, SD

The Chair deferred HB 1211 until Wednesday evening, February 7, 2001.

The Chair deferred HB 1190 until Friday, February 9, 2001.

The Chair deferred HJR 1001 until a later date.

The Chair deferred HB 1182 until a later date..


Moved by:    Duniphan
Second by:    Juhnke
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Clara Shelbourn


Committee Secretary
Bill Peterson, Chair

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