P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Sen. Drake, Co-Chair
P Sen. Putnam, Vice-Chair
P Sen. Apa
P Sen. Dennert
P Sen. Duxbury
P Sen. Greenfield
P Sen. Kleven
P Sen. Koskan
P Sen. Madden
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The committee met jointly with House Appropriations.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richter.
Department of Education and Cultural Affairs
Mr. Ray Christensen, Secretary of the Department of Education and Cultural Affairs (DECA), and
Mr. Todd Vik, Director of Finance and Management, approached the committee.
Mr. Christensen explained the mission and goals of the reading program that is being administered
to first and second grade teachers. He stated that the teachers receive a $700 stipend and all of their
supplies for the hours they spend in training.
Representative Klaudt asked if any of the Board of Regents teachers are involved in the training
program. Mr. Christensen said DECA is working with the BOR schools to implement the training
as part of the program that education students receive.
Representative Klaudt asked if the teachers are receiving college credits for their training. Mr.
Christensen said they can receive three graduate credits.
Senator Putnam asked if there was a sign up period for the training. Mr. Christensen said that DECA
chose the school districts to pilot the training and at the end of 2001 all first and second grade
teachers will have been trained and by 2003 all of the third grade teachers will have been trained in
all of the school districts.
Representative Richter asked how the program was invented. Mr. Christensen said three programs
were used to develop the one program being implemented.
Mr. Rich Meier approached the committee and explained his part in the reading program.
Representative Richter asked if the local school districts had to supply reading materials for the
students being taught the new reading program. Mr. Meier said that they are required to purchase
a few books labeled by reading level, but are not expected to replace their whole library.
Senator Madden asked if the teachers are being trained to notice reading problems caused by physical
disabilities such as dyslexia. Mr. Meier said that within the assessment period, the student's
disability will manifest and the assessor can then make the problem known to the school
Ms. Suzanne Miller, State Librarian, approached the committee. She spoke of the mandate requiring
ten depositories within the state to hold state documents. She also explained the State Library's
intention to put each of these documents in a computerized database, which would require three
additional FTEs.
Representative Clark asked if the FTEs recommended for the Mega Web Site could also be used for
this project. Mr. Christensen said the FTEs would be used in every possible way.
Representative Klaudt asked if the FTEs being utilized for the present system could be transferred
to implementing the new system. Ms. Miller stated that there are few employees being utilized in
the current system.
Ms. Miller explained the Gates Grant, the application process, and what it will provide.
Representative Clark asked if the grant would supply computers to each of the public libraries. Ms.
Miller said that it would.
Representative Clark asked if the public and school libraries that already have computers will receive
additional computers. Ms. Miller said that they can apply as a learning lab and may receive at least
one more.
Ms. Susan Woodmansey approached the committee and explained her role within DECA. She
explained the general state aid calculations and special education calculations.
Senator Drake asked how often the ADM was calculated. Ms. Woodmansey said that at the end of
the school year, the number of students still enrolled make up the ADM as well as the students who
attended for a part of the year.
Representative Sutton asked if each district receives a portion of the ADM if a child changes schools.
Ms. Woodmansey answered affirmatively.
Senator Drake asked if students who have dropped out and are counted absent are part of the ADM.
Ms. Woodmansey said that there is extensive checking done to manage the actual ADM count in
each district and students no longer attending cannot be counted absent.
Representative Derby asked for a definition of non-adjusted ADM and adjusted ADM. Ms.
Woodmansey said that non-adjusted ADM is how many students were actually counted and adjusted
ADM is for districts with less than 650 students.
Senator Koskan asked about the revised budget and tax levees. Mr. Vik explained the process for
the state share and local effort.
Representative Lange asked who controlled the extra funds. Mr. Vik said that the Governor has
appropriated extra funds to technology advancement for schools.
Senator Koskan asked for a definition of the special education aid allocation levels of disability. Ms.
Woodmansey said that disabilities increase starting with level 1 thru level 5.
Senator Koskan asked who determines the level of disability for each child. Ms. Woodmansey said
that assessments are done on December first and the list is compiled through data collection and
federal guidelines.
Representative Lange asked if the reading program being implemented will lower the number of
students in the special education programs. Mr. Christensen said it is the intention of the program
to do so.
Senator Drake asked how the extra funds given to the Governor's technology program are used. Mr.
Christensen said they are used for infrastructure and training.
Senator Drake asked if the Rule of Eighty will affect the teachers in the state. Mr. Christensen said
he didn't feel that it would have a tremendous impact on the teachers.
Senator Drake asked if DECA intended to do a study on South Dakota teachers salary in comparison
to other states in the nation. Mr. Christensen said that several studies have been done with each
showing different results.
Senator Koskan said DECA should not refer to the teacher's salaries ranking last in the nation
without taking into account the difference in taxes and living expenses in other states versus South
Dakota. Mr. Christensen said he had not personally ranked South Dakota as last in the nation.
Representative Richter asked why the Department has not brought forth a plan to address teacher
pay. Secretary Christensen said they have considered it but have chosen not to do so.
Representative Richter asked if the Department and administration will continue to oppose all
legislative ideas and initiatives. Secretary Christensen replied in the affirmative.
Senator Kleven asked if a standards test has been implemented. Mr. Christensen said mandates have
set standards and DECA has begun to implement those standards in math and language arts.
Moved by: Drake
Second by: Duxbury
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
LeAnn Allstot
Committee SecretaryBob Drake, Chair
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