76th Legislative Session _ 2001

Committee: Appropriations Subcommittee #2
Thursday, February 01, 2001

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Rep. Derby, Vice-Chair
P    Rep. Pummel
P    Sen. Madden
P    Sen. Greenfield
P    Sen. Kleven
P    Rep. Clark
P    Rep. Burg
P    Sen. Dennert
P    Sen. Drake, Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drake

Bureau of Personnel

Commissioner Sandy Zinter approached the committee and explained the mission and purpose of the Bureau of Personnel.

The gavel was passed to Representative Derby at 8:10 AM.

Ms. Zinter explained the recommended budget for FY2002. She stated that the recommendation for the increase of .5 FTE is for an additional human resource manager in Redfield and the increase in operating expenses is $141,000 for planned health screens and $77,000 for BIT upgrades.

Representative Clark asked what type of health screens they intended to do. Ms. Zinter said the screens would include testing blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and diabetes tests.

Representative Pummel asked if the health screening would be carried out by medical doctors. Ms.

Zinter answered affirmatively.

Representative Pummel asked if the increase in contractual services included the health screens and the computer training and upgrades. Ms. Zinter said it did.

Senator Greenfield asked who the insurance provider is for state employees. Mr. Kucker, Benefits Administrator, Bureau of Personnel, approached the committee and stated that the state is its own insurance provider and claims processing are done by an outside party.

Representative Clark asked how many state employees are expected to take part in the health screening and what percentage of state employees they represent. Ms. Zinter said that 6,000 state employees are expected to be tested and they make up around 28% of the total of state employees.

Senator Greenfield asked if the 68 FTEs reflect actual staff or budgeted staff. Ms. Zinter stated that the Bureau has one vacancy.

Ms. Zinter explained that the $77,000 in BIT enhancement is for an automated payroll and scheduling database.

Representative Pummel asked why there was an increase in Rule Hearings. Ms. Zinter explained that the Bureau has implemented a new hiring policy and this has led to more grievances by current state employees.

The committee recessed at 8:30 AM

The committee reconvened at 9:00 AM

Department of Legislative Audit

Mr. Marty Guindon, Auditor General, Department of Legislative Audit, approached the committee. Mr. Guindon explained the mission and purpose of the Department and the recommended budget.

The gavel was passed to Representative Clark at 8:40 AM

Senator Greenfield asked if the Department was fully staffed. Mr. Guindon stated that the Department is currently lacking three FTEs.

Senator Kleven asked why the requested budget was less than the Governor's recommended budget. Mr. Guindon said that the department was able to rehire a former employee, but at a higher salary. The Governor's recommendation added funding to cover the increased salary.

The committee recessed at 9:15 AM.

The committee reconvened at 9:30 AM.

Representative Clark returned the gavel to Chairman Drake.

Governor's Office, Lieutenant Governor, and Tribal Relations

Ms. Pam Roberts, Director of Operations, Governor's Office, approached the committee and explained the recommended budget and the role of the Governor's Office in the Bright Start Program.

Senator Drake asked how the Governor's Office was correlated with the Department of Health and its role in the Bright Start Program. Ms. Deb Bowman, Special Assistant, approached the committee and stated that the Governor's Office is the coordinating office for the Bright Start Program and the other departments work cooperatively with the Governor's Office.

Ms. Roberts explained the Governor's Contingency Fund. It is used is for emergency situations, transitions between Governors, powwows, and a $1,000 yearly donation to the Tribal Arts Council among other items.

Senator Drake asked if the total amount of the Governor's Contingency Fund was spent every year. Ms. Roberts answered affirmatively.

Ms. Roberts explained that the recommended funds for the Lieutenant Governor are for funding during the Legislative Session.

Representative Clark asked if the funds for the 5 FTEs and $550,000 for the Bright Start program have been used. Ms. Bowman stated that the 5 FTEs have not been hired and that $155,000 of the $550,000 has been used for 9,200 gift boxes and a newsletter given to mothers of newborns, each of the boxes costing $15.

Representative Clark asked who sent the boxes and newsletters to the mothers. Ms. Bowman said that the boxes are put together by Department of Correction employees and the Department of Health provides the mailing labels for the boxes and newsletters, and Central Supply prints the newsletters.

Representative Pummel asked if a central office was going to be in place to cover every area of the Bright Start Program rather than having several different departments involved. Ms. Bowman said the 5 FTE requested will be put into one office to carry out all of the duties.

Senator Drake asked if Bright Start was duplicating what Head Start already has in place. Ms. Roberts stated that each of the programs works together and each of them have different priorities.

Mr. Webster TwoHawk, Commissioner of Tribal Relations, approached the committee and explained

his duties as well as the duties of the two FTEs in his office.

Representative Pummel asked what the mission of Tribal Relations is. Mr. TwoHawk said he feels his position is to bring tribes and government together and act as their liaison.

Representative Derby asked if there had been any improvements on the Pine Ridge Reservation since President Clinton's appearance there in 1999. Mr. TwoHawk said that the tribal members are planning improvements at this time.

Representative Pummel asked if there has been a decrease in unemployment on the reservations. Mr. TwoHawk said he did not think there has been.

Senator Kleven asked if the casinos are providing jobs for American Indians on the reservations and what percentage of casino workers are tribal members. Mr. TwoHawk said that the casinos have provided many jobs and that on the Rosebud Reservation 83 percent of the workers are tribal members.

Governor's Office of Economic Development

Mr. Ron Wheeler, Commissioner, approached the committee. Mr. Wheeler spoke about the mission and purpose of the Office. He touched on marketing South Dakota, building businesses and communities in South Dakota, REDI, Microloan SD, APEX, SBA 504, EDFA, and CDBG.

Representative Clark asked if the funds provided by Microloan SD funded only startup businesses. Mr. Wheeler stated that it is for both startup businesses and existing businesses.

Representative Pummel asked if the National Science Foundation becoming part of the Homestake Goldmine facility was a part of the Office of Economic Development's responsibility. Mr. Wheeler stated that the Office will write up the proposal.

Representative Clark asked about the large amount in cash balances. Mr. Wheeler explained that although there appears to be a large amount within the cash balance, those funds are paid out as bills are received.

Senator Kleven asked if the Office retains the interest accrued on the cash balance. Mr. Wheeler said it did.

Senator Dennert inquired about the purpose of the Governor's Hunt and the Buffalo RoundUp. Mr. Wheeler said that both of the programs were implemented to bring out-of-state business owners together with South Dakota workers to attempt to gain a relationship and get the out-of-state businesses to open up businesses in South Dakota.

Senator Drake assigned the minutes of January 30, 2001 to Representative Pummel for approval.


Moved by:    Clark
Second by:    Madden
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

LeAnn Allstot


Committee Secretary
Bob Drake, Chair

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