76th Legislative Session _ 2001

Committee: House Education
Thursday, February 01, 2001

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Bartling
P    Begalka
P    Davis
P    Elliott
P    Garnos
P    Heineman
P    Juhnke
P    Kooistra
P    McCaulley
P    McCoy
P    Monroe
P    Van Norman
P    Wick
P    Smidt, Vice-Chair
P    Eccarius, Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eccarius


Moved by:    Heineman
Second by:    McCoy
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

         HB 1158: reallocate a certain portion of state aid to education.

Presented By:    Representative Mike Broderick


     On page 1, line 3 of the printed bill, delete " If " and insert "Not withstanding the provisions of chapter 13-13, if".

     On page 1 , line 5, delete " determine the amount of state aid to general education " .

     On page 1 , delete lines 6 to 9 , inclusive, and insert:

"pay state aid to education to the nonresident district in which the student is enrolled. For each student, the amount of state aid paid shall be the per student allocation as defined in subdivision 13- 13-10.1(4). The payment shall be prorated per the number of days the student was enrolled in the nonresident district compared to the number of days the nonresident district was in session. The payment shall be made in the succeeding fiscal year.

     Section 2. That chapter 13-28 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:

     Notwithstanding the provisions of §  13-28-40, any student who enrolls in another school district pursuant to the provisions contained in § §  13-28-40 to 13-28-47, inclusive, from a district that does not receive state aid pursuant to chapter 13-13 in the succeeding fiscal year remains the financial obligation of the resident district. For each student, the resident district shall pay tuition to the nonresident district in the succeeding fiscal year per the following calculation:

             (1)    Multiply the nonresident district's adjusted average daily membership calculated pursuant to subdivision 13-13-10.1(2) by the per student allocation as defined in subdivision 13-13- 10.1(4);

             (2)    Divide the result of (1) by the nonresident district's average daily membership calculated pursuant to subdivision 13-13-10.1(1);

             (3)    Multiply the result of (2) by the number of days the student was enrolled in the nonresident district;

             (4)    Divide the result of (3) by the number of days the nonresident district was in session.".

Moved by:    Smidt
Second by:    Heineman
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.


Moved by:    Smidt
Second by:    Heineman
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote.(13-2-0-0)

Voting Yes:    Bartling, Davis, Elliott, Garnos, Heineman, Juhnke, McCaulley, McCoy, Monroe, Van Norman, Wick, Smidt, Eccarius

Voting No:    Begalka, Kooistra

         HB 1168: award grants to certain school districts.

Presented By:    Representative Cooper Garnos
Proponents:    Chris Anderson (Bennett Co. Schools)
        Jack Broome (Burke School District)
        Representative Richard Brown
        Vern Brakke (Pierre School District Education Foundation)
        Stephanie Judson (SD Community Fund)
Opponents:    Ray Christensen (SD Dept. of Education and Cultural Affairs)


Moved by:    Davis
Second by:    Kooistra
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote.(8-7-0-0)

Voting Yes:    Bartling, Davis, Elliott, Garnos, Juhnke, Kooistra, Monroe, Van Norman

Voting No:    Begalka, Heineman, McCaulley, McCoy, Wick, Smidt, Eccarius

         HB 1133: revise the definition of average daily membership in the state aid to education formula.

Presented By:    Representative Jim Lintz
Proponents:    Senator Drue Vitter
        Representative Gordon Pederson
        Dianna Miller (ESD+5)
        Ron Walker (Custer Board of Education)
        Mike Bay-Borelli (Custer Board of Education)
Opponents:    Ray Christensen (SD Dept. of Education and Cultural Affairs)

         HB 1189: revise the method for determining average daily membership as it applies to the state aid to education formula.

Presented By:    Representative Clarence Kooistra
Proponents:    Representative Jim Lintz
        Senator Drue Vitter
        Representative Gordon Pederson
        Dianna Miller (ESD+5)
        Ron Walker (Custer Board of Education)
        Mike Bay-Borelli (Custer Board of Education)
Opponents:    Ray Christensen (SD Dept. of Education and Cultural Affairs)

         HB 1243: revise the definition of adjusted average daily membership in the state aid to education formula.

Presented By:    Representative Mike Jaspers
Proponents:    Dianna Miller (ESD+5)
Opponents:    Ray Christensen (SD Dept. of Education and Cultural Affairs)

         HB 1256: provide that students who graduate early be counted in a school district's average daily membership for the entire school term.

Presented By:    Representative Richard Brown
Proponents:    Dianna Miller (ESD+5)
Opponents:    Ray Christensen (SD Dept. of Education and Cultural Affairs)

         HB 1227: include certain students in the state aid to education formula.

Presented By:    Representative John Teupel
Proponents:    Randy Morris (Black Hills Special Services Cooperatives)
        Pat McElgunn (Rapid City Chamber of Commerce)


Moved by:    Juhnke
Second by:    McCoy
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Jeanne Bullard

Committee Secretary
Scott Eccarius, Chair

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