P - Present
Roll Call
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drake
Ms. Joyce Hazeltine, Secretary of State, approached the committee, along with Mr. Tom Leckey,
Deputy. Ms. Hazeltine explained the Dakota Fast File system.
Mr. Leckey said that payment of retirement benefits is the reason for the increase in requested
general funds for FY2002 and the increase in other funds is for the $44,000 in computer services
which were unanticipated.
Representative Burg asked if the Office had problems retaining staff as they did in FY2000. Mr.
Leckey stated that the increase in wages stopped the retention problem.
Public Utilities Commission
Mr. Jim Burg, Chairman, Public Utilities Commission, and Ms. Sue Cichos, Deputy Executive
Director, Public Utilities Commission, approached the committee.
Ms. Cichos explained the recommended budget increases for FY2002 and the different divisions of
the Public Utilities Commission.
Representative Pummel asked who funded the One Call Notification system. Ms. Cichos stated that
the requesting contractor does.
Senator Drake asked if the travel costs in FY2001 are actual cost. Ms. Cichos stated that the travel
was for the Transportation/Warehouse division and is actual.
Senator Drake asked about the $40,000 increase in travel in FY2000. Ms. Cichos said that in that
year the travel was posted for all divisions and in FY2001 and FY2002 travel for each division is
Senator Greenfield asked why the contractual services have increased 100% since FY99. Ms. Cichos
said it wasn't an actual increase, rather a comparison of actual expenditure to budgeted expenditure.
Senator Greenfield asked why the budget didn't show a decrease in actual cost if there wasn't an
actual cost. Mr. Burg said that the Rate Case/Utility Investigations require lawyers and the
Commission must retain a budget for variables.
Senator Drake asked why there was an increase in the budget for supplies. Ms. Cichos said that in
FY2000 the One Call Notification division was added to the budget and in FY1999 it was not.
LeAnn Allstot
E - Excused
A - Absent
P Rep. Derby, Vice-Chair
P Rep. Pummel
P Sen. Madden
P Sen. Greenfield
P Sen. Kleven
P Rep. Clark
P Rep. Burg
P Sen. Dennert
P Sen. Drake, Chair
Moved by: Greenfield
Second by: Kleven
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Moved by: Drake
Second by: Kleven
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Secretary of State
Mr. Leckey spoke about the cost of computer programming for Dakota Fast File and the cost was
higher than anticipated. He also stated that the Secretary of State Office would be decreasing its FTE
by two in the near future because the new central filing system would eliminate encoding positions.
Chairman Drake assigned the minutes of January 19, 2001 to Senator Madden.
Moved by: Madden
Second by: Greenfield
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Committee Secretary