P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Rep. Derby, Vice-Chair
P Rep. Pummel
P Sen. Madden
P Sen. Greenfield
P Sen. Kleven
P Rep. Clark
P Rep. Burg
P Sen. Dennert
P Sen. Drake, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drake
Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs
Adjutant Major General, Philip G. Killey, approached the committee. He spoke on the role of the
Adjutant Major General, the mission of the DMVA and the recommended budget for FY2002.
Representative Burg asked who determined when the National Guard Reserve Unit was to be
deployed. Maj. Gen. Killey said that the orders come from the U.S. Dept. of Defense.
Representative Adelstein asked if there was a problem with retention in the National Guard. Maj.
Gen. Killey said that the retention rate is higher in units that are deployed often than those that are
Major General Killey explained that the recommended Federal fund authority increase for FY2002
is not an actual increase but a change in reporting. He also explained the 50 percent Tuition
Reimbursement Program that the National Guard provides and that it is the number one benefit that
nets the National Guard recruits.
Representative Burg asked if the reimbursement program can be applied to privates schools. Maj.
Gen. Killey said only the G.I. Bill can be used for private schooling.
Representative Adelstein asked if the Board of Regents made allowance for out of state students to
attend the universities at state resident rates if the students were enlisted in the South Dakota
National Guard. Maj. Gen. Killey stated that SDSU is making an allowance for them and giving
them the 50 percent tuition reimbursement. Eighty percent of recruits are receiving an education in
South Dakota.
Major General Killey spoke about the Army National Guard and its mission as well as the
recommended budget requests for ANG. He stated that the $100,000 increase in general funds is
for maintenance and repair of the armories and that 75 percent of the funds for the repairs will come
from the federal government and is to be matched with 25 percent coming from the state, except for
the Watertown Readiness Center which will be funded 100 percent by the federal government.
Major General Killey explained the need for an additional FTE to aid in the repairs of the armories
and that the FTE would be an engineer.
Senator Drake asked why the ANG doesn't use a state engineer instead of hiring another engineer.
Maj. Gen. Killey explained that the engineer would be full-time on the projects and would be
stationed at Camp Rapid in Maj. Gen. Killey's office and a state engineer would not be capable of
doing either.
Major General Killey spoke about Emergency Management and its mission and location. He also
spoke about the South Dakota Veteran's Home and its mission. He said that the request for three
additional FTEs is for the Veteran's Home and they are remodeling one wing to support those who
suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Moved by: Dennert
Second by: Madden
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
LeAnn Allstot
Committee SecretaryBob Drake, Chair
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