SB 230
revise the distribution of certain sales tax revenues.
Senators Reedy and Albers and Representatives Nesselhuf, Flowers, and Lange
SB 166
repeal the sales and use tax on farm machinery, farm attachment units, and irrigation
equipment and to increase the school district general fund levy for agricultural property.
Senator Koskan and Representatives Juhnke, Jensen, and Napoli
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If circumstances do not
permit a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of the committee to be determined
by the chair. Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had a hearing.
SB 109
make the refund the payment of certain inheritance tax collections.
Senators Staggers, Apa, and Koetzle and Representatives McCoy, Begalka, Hennies (Don),
and Kooistra
SB 110
exempt certain funeral services and expenses from sales and use tax.
Senators Staggers, Dennert, Kleven, Koetzle, and Madden and Representatives Begalka,
Davis, Jensen, Kloucek, Kooistra, Lintz, McCoy, and Slaughter
SB 116
repeal the statutes concerning the imposition of the inheritance tax.
Senators Staggers, Apa, Drake, Greenfield, and Ham and Representatives Hennies (Don),
Begalka, and Van Gerpen
SB 138
provide for a capital outlay fund for rural fire protection districts.
Senator Diedtrich (Elmer) and Representatives Frost and Sutton (Duane)
SB 140
clarify certain provisions relating to the payment of taxes to municipalities from the revenues
of electric cooperatives providing service within a municipality.
Senators Sutton (Dan), Diedrich (Larry), and Koskan and Representatives Lange, Flowers,
Hargens, Kloucek, and Konold
SB 101
allow any sales and use tax paid to be deducted from the gross receipts to determine the
contractors' excise tax.
Senators Staggers, Apa, and Koetzle and Representatives Teupel, Begalka, Hennies (Don),
Kooistra, McCoy, and Monroe