76th Legislative Session _ 2001

Committee: Senate Appropriations
Monday, January 22, 2001

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Sen. Drake, Co-Chair
P    Sen. Putnam, Vice-Chair
E    Sen. Apa
P    Sen. Dennert
P    Sen. Duxbury
E    Sen. Greenfield
P    Sen. Kleven
P    Sen. Madden

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The committee met jointly with House Appropriations.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drake

Board of Regents

Mr. Harvey Jewett IV, President of the Board of Regents, appeared before the committee. Mr. Jewett introduced Ms. Peggy Elliott, South Dakota State University President.

Ms. Elliott spoke about the mission and purpose of South Dakota State University. Ms. Elliott introduced Mr. Fred Cholick, Dean of the Agriculture and Biological Sciences Department of SDSU.

Mr. Cholick spoke about the mission and purpose of the Agricultural and Biological Sciences Department of SDSU.

Mr. Larry Tiedeman, Cooperative Extension Services Director (CES), appeared before the committee and explained the purpose and mission of the Cooperative Extension Services Department.

Mr. Tiedeman passed out Document #1.

Mr. Tiedeman told the committee that the CES reached a lot of the goals established by the university and the Legislature by FY2000. The Department has brokered its resources, restructured its staff, connected the county offices together, and hired staff based on their expertise.

Mr. Tiedeman said that CES has reduced its FTEs, through attrition and reassignment and that these savings have been used to purchase digital and video cameras, and upgrade their computer system.

Mr. Tiedeman described the sixteen learning centers that CES developed in sixteen different areas across the state. He explained that each of the learning centers is hooked into the VTEL system. Each center is in one of three phases of being wired and equipped with a dedicated line to accommodate video traffic with the new VTEL system.

Senator Drake asked if the $297,000 given by the Rural Utility Service had to be matched by the state. Mr. Tiedeman said that a grant from the Rural Utility Service, together with matching funds from the South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service paid for the equipment and the leasing of the dedicated lines for the VTEL system.

Representative Richter asked if all of the learning centers were fully developed. Mr. Tiedeman stated that BIT has informed them to not complete the process at this time because it would overload the system.

Representative Richter asked if BIT was used throughout the complete process of developing the VTEL system and CES was charged the state rate for use of the lines. Mr. Tiedeman said that BIT is involved in the connectivity of VTEL and they are involved in cost negotiations for the T-1 line.

Senator Kleven asked why the city of Pierre was not included in the VTEL development. Mr. Tiedeman stated that Capital University Center is already available for use.

Mr. Kevin Kephart, Director of the Agriculture Experimental Station (AES), appeared before the committee. He stated the mission and purpose of AES and handed out Documents #3, #4, and #5.

Mr. Kephart discussed the use of the $100,000 of general funds the AES received in FY2000.

Representative Pummel asked if the Indian tribes are interested in partnering with them. Mr. Kephart stated that they shared students with the tribal universities and the Department feels they add a unique perspective to the experiments.

Senator Koskan asked if there is anything unique that AES is working toward. Mr. Kephart replied that they diagnosed Mystery Swine Disease and developed a vaccine used nationwide.

Representative Burg asked if there is any time being spent working with small farms. Mr. Kephart replied that they are working on economic balance.

Senator Kleven asked if they are cooperating with the surrounding states. Mr. Kephart stated that 25% of the federal funds they receive for agricultural research must be used outside of the state of South Dakota. They are working with surrounding states on an informal and formal basis.

Representative Richter asked who owns the land that the AES uses. Mr. Kephart stated that some of the land is original grant land, some is owned by South Dakota State University, and some of it is owned by private entities and leased to the station.


Moved by:    Pummel
Second by:    Koskan
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

LeAnn Allstot


Committee Secretary
Bob Drake, Chair

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