SB 77
provide for the issuance of certain temporary veterinary medicine permits.
Senators Duxbury and Ham and Representatives Jaspers and Nachtigal
SB 94
establish a statute of limitations for veterinary services.
Senators Bogue, Duxbury, Koetzle, McCracken, Moore, Reedy, and Sutton (Dan) and
Representatives Jaspers, Bartling, Hennies (Thomas), Jensen, Kloucek, McCaulley,
Michels, Monroe, Nachtigal, Rhoden, Sebert, and Slaughter
SB 108
prohibit willful trespass on private property or on water or ice covering private property.
Senator Symens and Representatives Hanson (Gary) and Sigdestad
SB 98
establish certain penalties for failure to control weeds and pests.
Senator Hutmacher and Representatives Nachtigal and Bartling
HB 1058
modify the daily and possession fish limits permitted for holders of a nonresident family
fishing license.
The Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources at the request of the Department
of Game, Fish and Parks
NOTE: The above bills will be taken up in this order for a hearing on the date noted. If circumstances
do not permit a hearing on this date then a hearing will be held at a future meeting of the committee to
be determined by the chair. Action on a bill may come at any time after it has had a hearing.
SB 11
permit the fencing of certain lakes, ponds, and sloughs for the containment of livestock.
Senators Symens, Diedtrich (Elmer), and Vitter and Representatives Hanson (Gary),
Fryslie, and Lintz at the request of the Interim Agriculture and Natural Resources