76th Legislative Session _ 2001

Committee: Senate Local Government
Wednesday, January 17, 2001

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Albers
P    Diedtrich (Elmer)
P    Hagen
P    Olson (Ed)
P    Reedy
P    Vitter, Vice-Chair
P    Ham, Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Senator Ham


Moved by:    Vitter
Second by:    Diedtrich (Elmer)
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

         SB 5: revise certain voting qualifications in municipal and school district elections.

Presented By:    Chris Nelson, Secretary of State's office


Moved by:    Olson (Ed)
Second by:    Vitter
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote.(7-0-0-0)

Voting Yes:    Albers, Diedtrich (Elmer), Hagen, Olson (Ed), Reedy, Vitter, Ham


Moved by:    Vitter
Second by:    Diedtrich (Elmer)
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

         SB 6: require the notification to the secretary of state of the nomination of certain convention nominees and of the election of certain party officials.

Presented By:    Chris Nelson, Secretary of State's office


Moved by:    Hagen
Second by:    Albers
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote.(7-0-0-0)

Voting Yes:    Albers, Diedtrich (Elmer), Hagen, Olson (Ed), Reedy, Vitter, Ham


Moved by:    Reedy
Second by:    Hagen
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

         SB 7: revise the dates for filing certain certificates of nomination.

Presented By:    Chris Nelson, Secretary of State's office
Opponents:    Senator Drue Vitter


     On the printed bill, delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"      Section  1.  That § 12-7-1 be amended to read as follows:

     12-7-1.   Any candidate for nonjudicial public office , except as provided in section 2 of this Act, who is not nominated by a primary election may be nominated by filing with the secretary of state or county auditor as prescribed by §   12-6-4, not prior to January first at eight a.m. and not later than the third Tuesday in June at five p.m. prior to the election, a certificate of nomination which shall be executed as provided in chapter 12-6. If the certificate of nomination is mailed by registered mail by

the third Tuesday in June at five p.m. prior to the election, it is timely submitted. The certificate shall specify that an independent candidate for nonjudicial public office shall designate the name of any national political party, or political party organized pursuant to chapter 12-5, with which the candidate has an affiliation. If no affiliation exists, the candidate shall be designated by the term, no party. It shall be signed by registered voters within the district or political subdivision in and for which the officers are to be elected. The number of signatures required may not be less than one percent of the total combined vote cast for Governor at the last certified gubernatorial election within the district or political subdivision. An independent candidate for Governor shall certify the candidate's selection for lieutenant governor to the secretary of state prior to circulation of the candidate's nominating petition. An independent candidate for President shall file a declaration of candidacy and a certification of the candidate's selection for vice president with the secretary of state prior to circulation of the candidate's nominating petitions. The candidate and the candidate's selection for lieutenant governor or vice president shall sign the certification before it is filed. The State Board of Elections shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 prescribing the forms for the certificate of nomination and the certification for lieutenant governor and vice president .

     Section  2.  That chapter 12-7 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows:

     Any candidate for President or Vice President of the United States who is not nominated by a primary election may be nominated by filing with the secretary of state or county auditor as prescribed by §   12-6-4, not prior to January twentieth at eight a.m. and not later than the first Tuesday in August at five p.m. prior to the election, a certificate of nomination which shall be executed as provided in chapter 12-6. If the certificate of nomination is mailed by registered mail by the first Tuesday in August at five p.m. prior to the election, it is timely submitted. The certificate shall specify that an independent candidate for President or Vice President shall designate the name of any national political party, or political party organized pursuant to chapter 12-5, with which the candidate has an affiliation. If no affiliation exists, the candidate shall be designated by the term, no party. The number of signatures required may not be less than one percent of the total combined vote cast for Governor at the last certified gubernatorial election within the state. An independent candidate for President shall file a declaration of candidacy and a certification of the candidate's selection for vice president with the secretary of state prior to circulation of the candidate's nominating petitions. The candidate and the candidate's selection for vice president shall sign the certification before it is filed. The State Board of Elections shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 prescribing the forms for the certificate of nomination and the certification for vice president."

Moved by:    Vitter
Second by:    Reedy
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote.(7-0-0-0)

Voting Yes:    Albers, Diedtrich (Elmer), Hagen, Olson (Ed), Reedy, Vitter, Ham


Moved by:    Vitter
Second by:    Reedy
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.


Moved by:    Diedtrich (Elmer)
Second by:    Albers
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Dawn Magee


Committee Secretary
Arlene H.
Ham, Chair

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