The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Chief Clerk of the
House has had under consideration the House Journal of the fourth day.
All errors, typographical or otherwise, are duly marked in the temporary journal for
And we hereby move the adoption of the report.
Rep. Kloucek
introduced Miss Josephine Souhrada, Tabor Czech Days Queen. She was
accompanied by Prince Daniel Vellek and Princess Shannon Souhrada.
Rep. Gary Hanson introduced LeRoy Hellwig of Sisseton, the 2000-2001 Outstanding
School Board member.
0-800 | 100 | 150 | 180 | 200 | 220 | 240 |
850 | 125 | 175 | 205 | 225 | 245 | 265 |
900 | 150 | 200 | 230 | 250 | 270 | 290 |
950 | 175 | 225 | 255 | 275 | 295 | 315 |
1,000 | 200 | 250 | 280 | 300 | 320 | 340 |
1,050 | 225 | 275 | 305 | 325 | 345 | 365 |
1,100 | 250 | 300 | 330 | 350 | 370 | 390 |
1,150 | 275 | 325 | 355 | 375 | 395 | 415 |
1,200 | 291 | 350 | 380 | 400 | 420 | 440 |
1,250 | 302 | 375 | 405 | 425 | 445 | 465 |
1,300 | 313 | 400 | 430 | 450 | 470 | 490 |
1,350 | 324 | 425 | 455 | 475 | 495 | 515 |
1,400 | 336 | 450 | 480 | 500 | 520 | 540 |
1,450 | 347 | 475 | 505 | 525 | 545 | 565 |
1,500 | 358 | 500 | 530 | 550 | 570 | 590 |
1,550 | 369 | 525 | 555 | 575 | 595 | 615 |
1,600 | 380 | 550 | 580 | 600 | 620 | 640 |
1,650 | 391 | 566 | 605 | 625 | 645 | 665 |
1,700 | 402 | 582 | 630 | 650 | 670 | 690 |
1,750 | 413 | 598 | 655 | 675 | 695 | 715 |
1,800 | 424 | 615 | 680 | 700 | 720 | 740 |
1,850 | 436 | 631 | 705 | 725 | 745 | 765 |
1,900 | 447 | 647 | 730 | 750 | 770 | 790 |
1,950 | 458 | 663 | 755 | 775 | 795 | 815 |
2,000 | 469 | 679 | 780 | 800 | 820 | 840 |
2,050 | 480 | 695 | 805 | 825 | 845 | 865 |
2,100 | 491 | 710 | 830 | 850 | 870 | 890 |
2,150 | 499 | 722 | 849 | 875 | 895 | 915 |
2,200 | 508 | 734 | 864 | 900 | 920 | 940 |
2,250 | 516 | 747 | 879 | 925 | 945 | 965 |
2,300 | 524 | 759 | 893 | 950 | 970 | 990 |
2,350 | 533 | 771 | 908 | 975 | 995 | 1,015 |
2,400 | 541 | 784 | 923 | 1,000 | 1,020 | 1,040 |
2,450 | 550 | 796 | 937 | 1,025 | 1,045 | 1,065 |
2,500 | 558 | 808 | 952 | 1,050 | 1,070 | 1,090 |
2,550 | 566 | 820 | 966 | 1,068 | 1,095 | 1,115 |
2,600 | 571 | 827 | 973 | 1,075 | 1,120 | 1,140 |
2,650 | 576 | 833 | 980 | 1,083 | 1,145 | 1,165 |
2,700 | 580 | 840 | 988 | 1,091 | 1,170 | 1,190 |
2,750 | 585 | 846 | 995 | 1,099 | 1,191 | 1,215 |
2,800 | 590 | 852 | 1,002 | 1,107 | 1,200 | 1,240 |
2,850 | 594 | 859 | 1,009 | 1,115 | 1,209 | 1,265 |
2,900 | 599 | 865 | 1,016 | 1,123 | 1,217 | 1,290 |
Delete page
The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports that it has had under consideration HB
1050 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
"25-8-7.2. Only a physician, laboratory technician, registered nurse, physician's assistant,
phlebotomist, expanded role licensed practical nurse, medical technician, or medical
technologist, acting under court order, or at the request of both the mother and any alleged father
of the child, may withdraw blood,
for the purpose of testing genetic systems to determine
parentage. Tissue, saliva
, or other bodily substances
may be withdrawn, by a qualified person,
using a noninvasive procedure,
for the".
The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports that it has had under consideration HB
1051 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
HB 1080
Introduced by:
Representatives Brown (Richard), Abdallah, Davis, Flowers,
Jaspers, Peterson (Jim), Slaughter, and Teupel and Senators Bogue, Daugaard, Koetzle, and
permit applicable sales taxes to be applied as part
of the collection costs and expenses for dishonored checks.
Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxation.
HB 1081
Introduced by:
Representatives Kooistra, Holbeck, and Kloucek and Senator
require the installation of certain supplemental guide
signs on the interstate highway system and state highway system.
Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation.
HB 1082
Introduced by:
Representatives Kooistra, McCoy, and Van Etten and Senators
McIntyre and Diedtrich (Elmer)
revise certain provisions regarding insurance
premium discounts for persons fifty-five years of age or older who complete a safe driving
Was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce.