P - Present
Roll Call
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Representative Richard Brown
HB 1001: revise certain sales and use tax provisions.
E - Excused
A - Absent
P Flowers
P Frost
P Garnos
P Hennies (Don)
P Hundstad
P Koistinen
P Nachtigal
P Napoli
P Peterson (Jim)
P Slaughter
P Teupel
P Van Etten
P Wick
P Jaspers, Vice-Chair
P Brown (Richard), Chair
Presented By: Representatives Hennies (Thomas), Clark,Kooistra, Sebert, and Smidt and Senators
Koskan, Hainje, Staggers, and Volesky at the request of the Interim Taxation
Proponents: Representative Thomas Hennies
DEFER HB 1001 UNTIL 01-18-01
Moved by: Napoli
Second by: Garnos
Action: Was not acted on.
HB 1044: revise certain dates pertaining to references to the Internal Revenue Code.
Presented By: The Committee on Taxation
Proponents: Paul Kinsman, Director of Special Taxes, South Dakota Department of Revenue
Moved by: Napoli
Second by: Garnos
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote.(15-0-0-0)
Voting Yes: Flowers, Frost, Garnos, Hennies (Don), Hundstad, Koistinen, Nachtigal, Napoli,
Peterson (Jim), Slaughter, Teupel, Van Etten, Wick, Jaspers, Brown (Richard)
HB 1048: authorize the secretary of revenue to revoke the license of a tobacco
distributor or wholesaler for failure to provide certain information.
Presented By: The Committe on Taxation
Proponents: Jack Magee, Chief Legal Council, South Dakota Department of Revenue
Charlie McGuigan, of the South Dakota Attorney General's Office.
Moved by: Slaughter
Second by: Van Etten
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote.(14-1-0-0)
Voting Yes: Flowers, Frost, Garnos, Hennies (Don), Hundstad, Koistinen, Nachtigal, Peterson
(Jim), Slaughter, Teupel, Van Etten, Wick, Jaspers, Brown (Richard)
Voting No: Napoli
At this time, Gary Viken, South Dakota Secretary of Revenue and staff continued with their
presentation on Revenue policy and process and taxation issues.