
On page 3, line 1, of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources bill, after "owned " delete "or leased "

On page 3, line 1, of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources bill, delete "resident " and insert "nonresident "

On page 3, line 2, of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources bill, after "unit, " insert "as described in this Act, "

On page 4, line 4, of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources bill, after "license" delete ", only from the"

On page 4, line 4, of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources bill, after "lands" insert ".

Resident license holders may take big game only from "

On page 4, line 7, of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources bill, after "holder" insert ".

Nonresident license holders may take big game only from land owned by the holder"