HCR 1006
Encouraging all South Dakota schools to place a sufficient number of
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in their facilities, at their athletic
fields, and with their athletic staff, and to adopt a medical emergency response
plan that includes AED use.
Representatives Rave and Curd and Senator Dempster
HB 1179
provide for the practice and regulation of licensed midwives.
Representatives Hunt, Brunner, Dennert, Elliott, Feickert, Frerichs, Greenfield, Iron
Cloud III, Jensen, Killer, Kopp, Lange, Lederman, Noem, Nygaard, Olson (Betty),
Schrempp, Steele, Thompson, Verchio, and Wink and Senators Rhoden, Bradford,
Fryslie, Howie, Maher, Nesselhuf, and Schmidt