Committee Agenda

Committee:    Senate Judiciary
Room:     413
Date:     Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Time:     7:45 AM

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         SB 37      establish certain immunity for volunteers of the statewide emergency registry of volunteers for South Dakota program.
             The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Health

         SB 70      repeal the provision requiring a forty-eight hour waiting period to purchase a pistol.
             Senators Rhoden, Abdallah, Bartling, Brown, Fryslie, Gant, Gray, Haverly, Howie, Kloucek, Maher, Novstrup (Al), Olson (Russell), Peterson, and Schmidt and Representatives Noem, Boomgarden, Brunner, Cronin, Cutler, Deadrick, Dreyer, Gosch, Greenfield, Hoffman, Juhnke, Kirkeby, Kopp, Krebs, Lederman, Novstrup (David), Olson (Betty), Peters, Pitts, Rausch, Rave, Romkema, Rounds, Russell, Steele, and Verchio

         SB 78      revise the mandatory retirement age of judges of the Supreme Court and circuit court.
             Senators Abdallah, Adelstein, Ahlers, Bartling, Bradford, Brown, Dempster, Fryslie, Garnos, Gillespie, Gray, Hansen (Tom), Hanson (Gary), Haverly, Heidepriem, Hundstad, Jerstad, Kloucek, Maher, Merchant, Miles, Nelson, Nesselhuf, Novstrup (Al), Olson (Russell), Peterson, Rhoden, Schmidt, Tieszen, Turbak Berry, and Vehle and Representatives Engels, Bolin, Cutler, Gibson, Juhnke, Kirkeby, McLaughlin, and Thompson

         HB 1015      revise certain provisions regarding inmate appeal of prison disciplinary actions.
             The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Corrections

         HB 1016 *     revise the applicability of the rules of evidence to proceedings before the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
             The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Corrections

         HB 1017      revise certain provisions regarding the escape from a nonsecure facility.
             The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Corrections



         GENE G. ABDALLAH, Chair