The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Fr. Joe Holzhauser, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance led by Senate page Sara Hemmingson.
Roll Call: All members present except Sens. Maher, Partridge, Soholt, and Wismer who
were excused.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Secretary of the
Senate has had under consideration the Senate Journal of the thirty-eighth day.
All errors, typographical or otherwise, are duly marked in the temporary journal for
And we hereby move the adoption of the report.
Unless there is an objection, the President waived the reading of the executive
communications regarding the bills the Governor has signed.
March 15, 2019
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 13, 2019, I approved Senate Bills 1, 70, 73,
99, and 124, and the same have been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 18, 2019, I approved Senate Bills 55, 68, 96,
115, and 155, and the same have been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March, 19, 2019, I approved Senate Bill 15, and the
same has been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 20, 2019, I approved Senate Bills 3, 4, 16,
48, 54, 56, 61, 64, 66, and 72, and the same have been deposited in the office of the Secretary
of State.
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 21, 2019, I approved Senate Bills 59, 74, 91,
126, 149, 153, 164, 173, 174, 175, and 177, and the same have been deposited in the office of
the Secretary of State.
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 27, 2019, I approved Senate Bills 8, 118,
123, 128, 136, 137, 140, 146, 167, 172, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 187, 189, 190, and the same
have been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 27, 2019, I approved Senate Bill 191, and
the same has been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.
Dear Mr. President Rhoden and Members of the Senate:
I respectfully return Senate Bill 176 with the following recommendation as to STYLE and
FORM. Senate Bill 176 is An Act to make an appropriation for the second century habitat fund.
Senate Bill 176 appropriates $1 million in one-time funds for pheasant habitat. Throughout the
legislative debate on this bill, it was understood that these funds would come from dollars
available in Fiscal Year 2019. That was how the bill was originally proposed and how it was
explained throughout the legislative process. Even in the last week of the legislative session,
materials prepared by legislators and legislative staff included these funds in the Fiscal Year
2019 budget.
As Senate Bill 176 passed in its final form, however, it did not include an effective date in
Fiscal Year 2019. To carry out the objective of this bill in a manner consistent with the
Legislature's clear intent, I recommend the following Style and Form correction to the Enrolled
version of Senate Bill 176:
On Page 1, after Section 5, insert "Section 6. This Act is effective on June 28, 2019."
This clarification will allow the funds to be included in the Fiscal Year 2019 budget, as was
intended. Because June 28, 2019 is ninety days from the final day of the legislative session, this
effective date would not require an emergency clause.
I respectfully request you concur with my recommendation as to STYLE and FORM.
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the recommendation of the Governor as to
change of style and form of SB 176 as found on page 734 of the Senate Journal, as provided in
Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota.
The question being Shall the recommendation of the Governor as to change of style and
form of SB 176 be approved?
And the roll being called:
Yeas 24, Nays 7, Excused 4, Absent 0
Blare; Bolin; Cammack; Cronin; Curd; Ewing; Greenfield (Brock); Heinert; Klumb; Kolbeck;
Langer; Monroe; Novstrup; Otten (Ernie); Rusch; Schoenbeck; Smith (VJ); Solano; Stalzer;
Steinhauer; Sutton; White; Wiik; Youngberg
DiSanto; Foster; Jensen (Phil); Kennedy; Nelson; Nesiba; Russell
Maher; Partridge; Soholt; Wismer
So the question having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect,
the President declared the recommendation of the Governor as to change of style and form
The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SR 7 and returns the same with the recommendation that said resolution be amended as follows:
Sen. Greenfield moved that the report of the Committee on Legislative Procedure relative
to the Joint Rules for the Ninety-fifth Legislative Session as found on pages 704-709 of the
Senate Journal be adopted.
The question being on Sen. Greenfield's motion that the report of the Committee on
Legislative Procedure relative to the Joint Rules for the Ninety-fifth Legislative Session be
And the roll being called:
Yeas 25, Nays 6, Excused 4, Absent 0
Blare; Bolin; Cammack; Cronin; Curd; Ewing; Foster; Greenfield (Brock); Heinert; Kennedy;
Klumb; Kolbeck; Langer; Nesiba; Novstrup; Otten (Ernie); Rusch; Smith (VJ); Solano; Stalzer;
Steinhauer; Sutton; White; Wiik; Youngberg
DiSanto; Jensen (Phil); Monroe; Nelson; Russell; Schoenbeck
Maher; Partridge; Soholt; Wismer
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
President declared the motion carried.
Sen. Langer moved that the reports of the Standing Committees on
State Affairs on SR 7 as found on pages 735-736 of the Senate Journal be adopted.
Which motion prevailed.
There being no objection, the Senate reverted to Order of Business No. 8.
SR 7: A RESOLUTION, Urging South Dakota's congressional representation to seek a
federal disaster declaration and to provide federal aid for counties and tribes in South Dakota
suffering from devastating effects created by Winter Storm Ulmer.
Was read the second time.
Sen. Russell moved that SR 7 as found on pages 735-736 of the Senate Journal be adopted.
The question being on Sen. Russell's motion that SR 7 be adopted.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 30, Nays 0, Excused 5, Absent 0
Blare; Bolin; Cammack; Cronin; Curd; DiSanto; Ewing; Foster; Greenfield (Brock); Heinert;
Jensen (Phil); Kennedy; Klumb; Kolbeck; Langer; Monroe; Nelson; Nesiba; Novstrup; Otten
(Ernie); Rusch; Russell; Schoenbeck; Smith (VJ); Solano; Stalzer; Steinhauer; Sutton; Wiik;
Maher; Partridge; Soholt; White; Wismer
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
President declared the motion carried and SR 7 was adopted.
There being no objection, the Senate reverted to Order of Business No. 7.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has adopted the report of
the Committee on Legislative Procedures relative to the Joint Rules for the two houses for the
Ninety-fifth Legislative Session.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has approved HB 1186 as recommended by the Governor, pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution of the
State of South Dakota, for changes as to style and form. The recommendation of the Governor
is found on page 761-762 of the House Journal
We hereby request your favorable consideration in approving the recommendation of the
Governor as to style and form on HB 1186
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the recommendation of the Governor as to
change of style and form of HB 1186 as found on pages 761-762 of the House Journal, as
provided in Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota.
The question being Shall the recommendation of the Governor as to change of style and
form of HB 1186 be approved?
And the roll being called:
Yeas 28, Nays 3, Excused 4, Absent 0
Blare; Bolin; Cammack; Cronin; Curd; Ewing; Foster; Greenfield (Brock); Heinert; Kennedy;
Klumb; Kolbeck; Langer; Monroe; Nelson; Nesiba; Novstrup; Otten (Ernie); Rusch;
Schoenbeck; Smith (VJ); Solano; Stalzer; Steinhauer; Sutton; White; Wiik; Youngberg
DiSanto; Jensen (Phil); Russell
Maher; Partridge; Soholt; Wismer
So the question having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect,
the President declared the recommendation of the Governor as to change of style and form
There being no objection, the Senate reverted to Order of Business No. 5.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the House and Senate
have, pursuant to the recommendation of the Governor as to corrections in style and form of
SB 176, approved the recommendation and that the Office of Enrolling and Engrossing has
engrossed the changes and has returned the same to her Excellency, the Governor, at
4:50 p.m., March 29, 2019.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has approved SB 176 as
recommended by the Governor, pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution of the
State of South Dakota, for changes as to style and form.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House has adopted the report of
the Committee on Legislative Procedure for the purpose of fixing the time of adjournment sine
die for the Ninety-fourth Legislative Session.
March 29, 2019
Mr. President and Members of the Senate:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 29, 2019, I approved Senate Bill 176, and
the same has been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State.
As stated a long time ago in sacred scripture, there is a time for everything. There is a
time to begin and a time to end. Now is the time to end this session. It is hoped that the good
work begun here will bring fruit to the people of South Dakota. That all issues brought to the
attention of this body of senators have been addressed most properly for the greatest number
of our state. As these good elected members go forth they do so fully cognitive they have done
the best they could do. May each of them be open to all who approach them about the past,
present or future. May you know of their genuine desire to faithfully represent those who have
voted for them and those who may have voted against them. Bless them as they travel home
to be with friends and family. The residents of Pierre have enjoyed being host and wish
everyone the best. We continue to pray for those facing difficulties because of the flooding or
any other natural disaster. Help throughout this spring and this summer with all that lies ahead.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
and give you peace.
Sen. Langer moved that the Senate do now adjourn sine die, which motion prevailed
and at 5:14 p.m. the Senate adjourned.