Travis Bies, Custer County, Fairburn, South Dakota to the Game, Fish and Parks Commission.
SB 183 revise certain provisions regarding buffer strips.
Senators Heinert, Blare, Cronin, Ewing, Foster, Greenfield (Brock), Kennedy,
Klumb, Maher, Nesiba, Partridge, Rusch, Smith (VJ), Wismer, and Youngberg and
Representatives Gosch, Bordeaux, Cwach, Duba, Hansen, Healy, Lake, Lesmeister,
Marty, McCleerey, Pourier, Qualm, Ring, Saba, Smith (Jamie), and Sullivan
SB 171 designate saltwater aquatic farms as agricultural operations.
Senators Youngberg, Blare, Cammack, Klumb, Otten (Ernie), Partridge, Soholt,
White, and Wiik and Representatives Gross, Brunner, Chaffee, Finck, Jensen
(Kevin), Lake, Latterell, Lesmeister, Otten (Herman), Peterson (Kent), Qualm,
Reimer, Saba, Wiese, and York