The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, John Fette, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
led by House page Lauren Hight.
Roll Call: All members present except Reps. Carson, Frye-Mueller, McPherson, and
Turbiville who were excused.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Chief Clerk of the
House has had under consideration the House Journal of the thirty-second day.
All errors, typographical or otherwise, are duly marked in the temporary journal for
And we hereby move the adoption of the report.
Ashton Burke, Lauren Hight, Sophie Kouri, Kelsey Lensegrav, Robert Marlow, Cooper
Mueller, Jessie Ristau.
Which was subscribed to and placed on file in the office of the Secretary of State.
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives:
I have the honor to inform you that on March 2, 2017, I approved House Bills 1010, 1013, 1056,
1061, 1066, 1127, 1136, and 1161, and the same have been deposited in the office of the
Secretary of State.
The House Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 33 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended
as follows:
The House Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 35 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended
as follows:
" Section 3. That § 13-1-65 be repealed.
13-1-65. From the proceeds of SL 2016, ch 65, each year sixty-three percent shall be
dedicated to increasing teacher salaries by school districts, thirty-four percent shall be dedicated
to reducing the property tax levies for general education for all classes of property, and three
percent shall be dedicated to increasing instructor salaries to competitive levels at postsecondary
technical institutes.
Section 4. That § 13-13-72.1 be amended to read:
13-13-72.1. Any adjustments in the levies specified in § 10-12-42 made pursuant to §§ 13-13-71 and 13-13-72 shall be based on maintaining the relationship between statewide local effort as a percentage of statewide local need in the fiscal year succeeding the fiscal year in which the adjustment is made. For school fiscal years 2017 to 2022, inclusive, the proportion of local need paid by local effort and state aid shall be adjusted annually to reflect adjustments in local effort due to the implementation of the other revenue base amount as defined in § 13-13-10.1. However, if the levies specified in § 10-12-42 are not adjusted to maintain this relationship, the target teacher salary as defined in § 13-13-10.1 shall be reduced to maintain the relationship between statewide local effort as a percentage of statewide local need. The school
general fund levy for agriculture property for taxes payable in 2018 shall be set equal to the
school general fund levy for agriculture property for taxes payable in 2017. The amount of
savings through the state aid formula shall be directed to the agriculture future development
fund through a transfer from the general fund in fiscal year 2018 and each year thereafter.
Beginning in fiscal year 2020, and each year thereafter, the amount transferred from the general
fund to the agriculture future development fund shall be adjusted annually be the index factor
as defined by subdivision 13-13-10.1(3). ".
The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 106 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
" Section 1. That § 10-45-27.2 be amended to read:
10-45-27.2. Any person required to file a return and remit the tax imposed by chapter 10-45,
who holds a license issued pursuant to chapter 10-45, who timely files the return due, and who
timely remits the tax due, is allowed, as compensation for the expense of collecting and paying
the tax, a credit equal to one and one-half four-tenths percent of the gross amount of the tax due.
However, the credit may not exceed seventy sixty-five dollars per return period.
payment of the collection allowance credit. The department may implement such allocation of
collection allowance credit directly or through the adjustment of any administrative fee charged
pursuant to § 10-59-52.
Section 2. That the code be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 171 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 176 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
" Section 11. That chapter 22-35 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
Section 12. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health, or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full
force and effect from and after its passage and approval.".
The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 54 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
" Section 1. That section 3 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-1. Terms used in this chapter mean:
created a candidate campaign committee for the purpose of obtaining public office;
or has taken all actions required by state law to qualify for nomination for or election
to public office;
12-27-2. A political committee shall have and continually maintain a chair and a treasurer,
which may be the same person. The chair and treasurer for a candidate campaign committee
shall be appointed by the candidate, and the candidate may serve as either, or both, such officers.
One person may serve as chair, candidate, treasurer, or any combination thereof. No political
committee may receive or make contributions or pay expenses while the office of treasurer is
vacant. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a
calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 3. That § 12-27-3 be amended to read:
12-27-3. The treasurer for a political action committee shall file a statement of organization
with the secretary of state not later than fifteen days after the date upon which the committee
made contributions, received contributions, or paid expenses in excess of five hundred dollars.
However, if such activity falls within thirty days of any statewide election, the statement of
organization shall be filed within forty-eight hours. A
Section 4. That § 12-27-4 be repealed.
12-27-4. A political committee may incorporate and not be subject to the provisions of
§ 12-27-18 if the political committee incorporates for liability purposes only. Notwithstanding
the corporate status of the political committee, the treasurer of an incorporated political
committee remains personally responsible for carrying out the treasurer's duties under this
Section 5. That § 12-27-5 be repealed.
12-27-5. A political committee created prior to July 1, 2007 that has not filed a termination
statement shall file a statement of organization with the secretary of state not later than fifteen
days after this chapter becomes effective. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Section 6. That § 12-27-6 be amended to read:
12-27-6. The statement of organization shall include:
electronically pursuant to § 12-27-41. A political committee continues to exist until a
termination statement is filed pursuant to §§ 12-27-25 and 12-27-26.
Section 7. That section 4 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-7. If a contributor is a person or an entity, no candidate for statewide office or the
candidate's campaign committee may accept any contribution that in the aggregate exceeds four
thousand dollars during any calendar year. A candidate campaign committee may accept
unlimited contributions from any candidate campaign committee, political action committee,
or political party. A candidate campaign committee may only accept contributions from any
candidate campaign committee, political action committee, entity, person, or political party
pursuant to the limits stated in this chapter. The limitation on any contribution from a person
in this section does not apply to any contribution by the candidate or the candidate's immediate
family. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a
calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 8. That section 5 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-8. If the contributor is a person or entity, no candidate for legislative or county office
or the candidate's campaign committee may accept any contribution that in the aggregate
exceeds one thousand dollars during any calendar year. A candidate campaign committee may
accept unlimited contributions from any candidate campaign committee, political action
committee, or political party. A candidate campaign committee may only accept contributions
from any candidate campaign committee, entity, political action committee, or political party
pursuant to the limits stated in this chapter.
12-27-9. If the contributor is a person or an organization entity, no political action
committee may accept any contribution that in the aggregate exceeds ten thousand dollars during
any calendar year. If the contributor is a ballot question committee, no political action
committee may accept any contribution that in the aggregate exceeds ten thousand dollars during
any calendar year. A political action committee may also accept unlimited contributions from
any candidate campaign committee, political action committee, or political party. A violation
of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a
Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 10. That section 7 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-10. If the contributor is a person or an entity, no political party may accept any
contribution that in the aggregate exceeds ten thousand dollars during any calendar year. A
political party may accept unlimited contributions from any candidate campaign committee,
political action committee, or political party. A violation of this section is a Class 2
misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 11. That chapter 12-27 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
Section 12. That section 11 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-11. No person, organization entity, candidate, or political committee, or political party
may give or accept a contribution unless the name and residence address, mailing address, city
and state of the contributor is made known to the person, entity, candidate, or political
committee receiving the contribution. Any contribution, money, or other thing of value received
by a candidate, or political committee, or political party from an unknown source shall be
donated to a nonprofit charitable organization entity. A violation of this section is a Class 2
misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
12-27-12. No person or organization entity may make a contribution in the name of another
person or organization entity, make a contribution disguised as a gift, make a contribution in a
fictitious name, make a contribution on behalf of another person or organization entity, or
knowingly permit another to use that person's or organization's entity's name to make a
contribution. No candidate may knowingly accept a contribution disguised as a gift. A violation
of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a
Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 14. That section 13 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-13. Equipment, supplies, and materials purchased with contributions are property of
the political committee or political party, and are not property of the candidate or any other
Section 15. That section 14 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-15. Any printed material or communication made, purchased, paid for, or authorized
by a candidate, or political committee, or political party that expressly advocates for or against
disseminates information concerning a candidate, public office holder, ballot question, or
political party shall prominently display or clearly speak the statement: "Paid for by (name of
candidate, or political committee, or political party)." This section does not apply to buttons,
balloons, pins, pens, matchbooks, clothing, or similar small items upon which the inclusion of
the statement would be impracticable. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A
subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 16. That section 15 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-16. The following apply to independent communication expenditures by persons and
organizations entities related to communications advocating for or against concerning
candidates, public office holders, ballot questions, or political parties who are not controlled by,
coordinated with, requested by, or made upon consultation with a candidate, political
committee, or agent of a candidate or political committee:
Section 19. That § 12-27-18 be amended to read:
12-27-18. No organization may make a contribution to a candidate committee or political
party. An organization An entity may make a contribution to a ballot question committee
organized solely for the purpose of influencing an election on a ballot question and may make
independent communication expenditures regarding the placement of a ballot question on the
ballot or the adoption or defeat of a ballot question. Any organization entity making
expenditures, equal to or exceeding fifty percent of the organization's entity's annual gross
income, for the adoption or defeat of a ballot measure is a ballot question committee. An
organization entity may create a political action committee. A violation of this section is a
Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 20. That § 12-27-18.1 be amended to read:
12-27-18.1. A ballot question committee may only accept contributions from a person,
organization, entity, or political committee, or political party. A violation of this section is a
Class 1 misdemeanor.
12-27-19. Before making a contribution to a ballot question committee pursuant to
§ 12-27-18, an organization entity shall provide to the ballot question committee the following:
Section 22. That section 19 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-21. No candidate, or political committee, or political party may accept any
contribution from any state, state agency, political subdivision of the state, foreign government,
Indian tribal entity as defined in the Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 55 as of March 22, 2007,
federal agency, or the federal government. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 23. That section 20 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-22. A campaign finance disclosure statement shall be submitted to the secretary of
state by the. The treasurer of each:
amendments, if applicable. A termination report may be submitted at any time. A
political party that loses its status as a qualified party shall file a termination
statement by 5:00 p.m. central time the last Friday in January following the calendar
year in which qualified party status was lost;
Section 24. That chapter 12-27 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
Section 25. That § 12-27-22.1 be amended to read:
12-27-22.1. No campaign finance disclosure statement report is required to be submitted
under the following circumstances:
12-27-24. A campaign finance disclosure statement report shall include the following
Section 28. That § 12-27-25 be amended to read:
12-27-25. The last campaign finance statement report filed shall be a termination statement
report. The termination statement report shall be filed by the treasurer within thirty days
following disposition of all funds and property and the payment of all obligations. If a
termination pursuant to § 12-27-29.2 occurs, this section does not apply.
Section 29. That § 12-27-27 be amended to read:
12-27-27. Any treasurer or other person filing a statement or report pursuant to this chapter,
shall file an amended statement or report within three seven days of discovering any omission,
inaccuracy, or other change necessary to make the statement or report accurate. A person
responsible for filing a statement or report pursuant to this chapter, who willfully fails to report
a material change or correction, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within
a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor. A person responsible for filing a statement or report
pursuant to this chapter, who willfully fails to file an amendment pursuant to this section is
subject to the administrative penalty in § 12-27-29.1 beginning on the first day following the
third seventh day after the candidate, treasurer, or other person is notified of the omission,
inaccuracy, or other change necessary to make the statement or report accurate.
Section 30. That § 12-27-28 be amended to read:
12-27-28. If any candidate campaign committee for statewide office, political action
committee, ballot question committee, or political party political committee required to file a
campaign finance disclosure statement report pursuant to this chapter receives a contribution
of five hundred dollars or more within the fourteen twenty days immediately prior to an election
for which a campaign finance disclosure statement report may be filed, a supplemental
statement report shall be filed. The statement report shall state the name, street address, city, and
state and mailing address of the contributor and the amount and date of the contribution, and
information contained in any statement report provided under § 12-27-19, if applicable. The
statement report shall be filed by the treasurer within forty-eight hours of the receipt of the
contribution. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within
a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 31. That § 12-27-29 be amended to read:
12-27-29. The treasurer of a political committee and political party shall maintain and
preserve detailed and accurate records of the following:
Section 32. That section 23 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-29.1. In addition to any other penalty or relief provided under this chapter, the
secretary of state, after notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to chapter 1-26, may impose
an administrative a civil penalty for the failure to timely file any statement, amendment, or
correction required to be filed by this chapter. The administrative civil penalty is fifty two
hundred dollars per day for each violation not to exceed three thousand dollars. If any violation
is made by a county political party or auxiliary organization, the administrative civil penalty is
ten fifty dollars per day for each violation not to exceed six hundred dollars. Any administrative
civil penalty collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the state general fund.
Section 33. That § 12-27-29.2 be amended to read:
12-27-29.2. Any administrative civil penalty imposed pursuant to § 12-27-29.1 shall be
assessed against the violator by an administrative order of the secretary of state. The order shall
state the date and facts of each violation addressed under the penalty assessed and the citations
to the provisions of each law alleged to be violated. The secretary of state shall serve the order
and assessment by certified mail. The order shall contain a statement that the violator may
appeal the order within thirty days after receipt of the order by filing a written request for a
contested case hearing on the violation and penalty pursuant to chapter 1-26, by filing a written
request with the secretary of state no later than twenty days after the receipt of the order The
secretary of state shall serve the order and assessment by certified mail. If not contested with the
Office of Hearing Examiners. If no contested case hearing is requested within twenty thirty days
of receipt of the order, an administrative order assessing an administrative a civil penalty
constitutes a judgment and may be executed by delivery of a true and correct copy certified by
the secretary of state in the manner provided for the execution of money judgments provided
in chapter 15-18.
Section 34. That § 12-27-29.3 be amended to read:
12-27-29.3. No person candidate who is listed on a statement of organization for a political
candidate campaign committee or political party pursuant to §§ 12-27-3 and 12-27-6 may be
certified as a candidate for office unless the treasurer of the political candidate campaign
committee or political party for which the person candidate is listed has:
12-27-32. The secretary of state shall endorse the date of the filing on each statement filed pursuant to this chapter, and shall preserve the statement electronically among the public records of the office. However, the statement may be destroyed if the Records Destruction Board, acting
pursuant to § 1-27-19, declares the records to have no further administrative, legal, fiscal,
research, or historical value.
Section 36. That § 12-27-33 be amended to read:
12-27-33. No information copied, or otherwise obtained, from any statement or report, or
copy, reproduction, or publication thereof, filed with the secretary of state, county auditor, or
other person in charge of conducting the election under this chapter may be sold or utilized by
any person for any commercial purpose or for the purpose of soliciting contributions. Any
violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year
is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 37. That section 24 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-35. The attorney general shall investigate and prosecute any violation of the
provisions of this chapter relating to a legislative office, statewide office, or statewide ballot
question political committee and prosecute any violation thereof. In lieu of bringing a criminal
action, the attorney general may elect to file a civil action. In a civil action, in addition to other
relief, the court may impose a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars for
each violation. Any civil penalty recovered shall be paid to the state general fund. A civil action
brought by the attorney general shall be commenced in Hughes County, or in the county where
the person resides, or in the county where the organization, political party, or political
committee has its principal office. Any violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A
subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 38. That section 25 of the enrolled version of HB 1069 as previously enacted by the
Ninety-Second Session Legislative Assembly, 2017, be amended to read:
12-27-36. The attorney general may, for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this
chapter, inspect or examine any political committee or political party records required to be
maintained by this chapter. Any person having charge, control, or possession of political
committee or political party records who neglects or refuses the attorney general reasonable
access to any records required to be maintained by this chapter that are necessary to enforce the
provisions of this chapter is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a
calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Section 39. That § 12-27-39 be amended to read:
12-27-39. The provisions of this chapter apply to each statewide office, legislative office,
statewide ballot question, county offices and ballot questions in counties with population greater
than five ten thousand according to the most recent Federal census, ballot questions in first class
municipalities, and school district offices and ballot questions in school districts with more than
two thousand average daily membership. Any municipal or school district election covered by
this chapter shall conform to the contribution limits applicable to legislative offices. This
chapter does not apply to the unified judicial system, nor does this chapter apply to any township
or special purpose district offices or ballot questions or elections for municipal offices.
However, the governing body of any county, township, municipality, school district, or special
purpose district not otherwise covered by this chapter may adopt an ordinance or resolution to
make the provisions of this chapter, with or without amendments, applicable to county,
township, municipal, school district, or special purpose district elections.
Section 40. That chapter 12-27 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 151 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
The Committee on Commerce and Energy respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 166 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass.
The Committee on Commerce and Energy respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 138 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass and
be placed on the consent calendar.
The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 128
and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 25
and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 27
and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 91
which was deferred to the 41st Legislative Day.
I have the honor to return herewith HB 1195 which has passed the Senate without change.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that HB 1142 was lost on second reading
and final passage.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that HB 1150 and 1204 were lost for
failure to be placed on the Senate calendar.
I have the honor to return herewith HB 1103 and 1113 which have been amended by the
Senate and your concurrence in the amendments is respectfully requested.
I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Senate has concurred in House
amendments to SB 44, 81, 102, and 120.
HB 1183 having been amended twice in the Senate, and the last amendment having
returned the bill to a form identical to the version that passed the House, the Speaker ruled that
the provisions of Article III, Section 18 of the state constitution, which require laws to pass both
chambers, has been met, and no concurrence in the Senate amendments is required of the House.
Rep. Lust moved that the House do concur in Senate amendments to HB 1141.
The question being on Rep. Lust's motion that the House do concur in Senate amendments
to HB 1141.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 46, Nays 19, Excused 5, Absent 0
Anderson; Bartels; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet; DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin;
Greenfield (Lana); Haugaard; Heinemann; Holmes; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns;
Johnson; Kettwig; Lake; Livermont; Lust; Marty; May; Mills; Otten (Herman); Peterson (Kent);
Peterson (Sue); Qualm; Reed; Rhoden; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Soli; Steinhauer;
Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Ahlers; Bartling; Bordeaux; Brunner; Dennert; Gosch; Haggar; Hawley; Howard; Kaiser; Karr;
Latterell; Lesmeister; McCleerey; Pischke; Rasmussen; Ring; Smith; Wismer
Beal; Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
The question being on Rep. Jamison's motion that the House do concur in Senate
amendments to HB 1165.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 65, Nays 0, Excused 5, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Bordeaux; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet;
Dennert; DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Haugaard;
Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson;
Kaiser; Karr; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Livermont; Lust; Marty; May; McCleerey;
Mills; Otten (Herman); Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed;
Rhoden; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens;
Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Beal; Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the motion having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the motion carried and the amendments were concurred in.
Rep. Qualm moved that when we adjourn today, we adjourn to convene at 1:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, March 7, the 34th legislative day.
Which motion prevailed.
Rep. Qualm moved that the reports of the Standing Committees on
Health and Human Services on SB 95 as found on page 602 of the House Journal; also
Agriculture and Natural Resources on SB 130 as found on page 602 of the House Journal;
House Committee on Appropriations on SB 147 as found on page 604 of the House Journal
be adopted.
Which motion prevailed.
SB 22: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to exempt certain unmanned aircraft systems
from the requirement to be registered as aircraft.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 22 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 0, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet;
Dennert; DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Haugaard;
Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson;
Kaiser; Karr; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Livermont; Lust; Marty; May; McCleerey;
Mills; Otten (Herman); Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed;
Rhoden; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens;
Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 78: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise provisions regarding election petitions
for conservation district supervisors.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 78 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 52, Nays 14, Excused 4, Absent 0
Clark; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Jensen (Kevin); Kaiser; Lesmeister;
Livermont; Marty; May; Mills; Pischke; Tulson
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 80: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to regulate the use of drones under certain
conditions and to provide a penalty therefor.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 80 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 61, Nays 4, Excused 5, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet;
DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haugaard; Hawley; Heinemann;
Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson; Kaiser; Karr; Kettwig;
Lake; Lesmeister; Livermont; Lust; Marty; May; McCleerey; Mills; Otten (Herman); Peterson
(Kent); Peterson (Sue); Qualm; Reed; Rhoden; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund;
Speaker Mickelson
Dennert; Latterell; Pischke; Rasmussen
Carson; Frye-Mueller; Haggar; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 117: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to increase accountability in South Dakota's
criminal justice system.
Was read the second time.
Speaker Mickelson now presiding.
The question being "Shall SB 117 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 55, Nays 11, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Chase; Clark; Conzet; DiSanto;
Duvall; Glanzer; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Hunhoff; Jamison;
Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Lust; McCleerey; Mills;
Otten (Herman); Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed; Rhoden;
Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen;
Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Campbell; Dennert; Goodwin; Gosch; Haugaard; Howard; Kaiser; Karr; Livermont; Marty; May
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 124: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to repeal the authority for the Department of
Social Services to enter agreements related to the Refugee Act of 1980 and to require certain
reports regarding services provided to and arrival of refugees.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 124 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 0, Excused 4, Absent 0
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 88: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the definition of an electric
transmission facility.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 88 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 64, Nays 2, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet;
Dennert; DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Haugaard;
Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson;
Kaiser; Karr; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Livermont; Marty; May; McCleerey; Otten
(Herman); Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed; Rhoden; Ring;
Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson;
Wiese; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Lust; Mills
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Was read the second time.
" Section 1. That the code be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
Section 3. That the code be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
tap distribution system to a farm tap service provider pursuant to a written agreement which
expressly transfers the responsibility for the safety and reliability of the farm tap distribution
system to the farm tap service provider.
Section 4. That the code be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
Section 5. That § 49-7A-15 be amended to read:
49-7A-15. Underground facilities owned or operated by the landowner on his own land
which do not extend beyond the boundary of the private property are not subject to the
provisions of this chapter Any person owning or operating underground facilities, including a
farm tap customer owning a farm tap distribution system, which serves third parties or which
crosses a property line or is located in a public highway shall register with the one call
notification system as an operator pursuant to chapter 49-7A. "
The question being "Shall SB 104 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 63, Nays 2, Excused 5, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet;
Dennert; DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Haugaard;
Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Kaiser; Karr;
Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Livermont; Lust; Marty; May; McCleerey; Mills; Otten
(Herman); Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed; Rhoden; Ring;
Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese;
Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Johns; Johnson
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Soli; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Was read the second time.
1,051-1,100 | 216 | 229 | 229 | 229 | 229 | 229 |
1,101-1,150 | 256 | 279 | 279 | 279 | 279 | 279 |
1,151-1,200 | 296 | 329 | 329 | 329 | 329 | 329 |
1,201-1,250 | 319 | 379 | 379 | 379 | 379 | 379 |
1,251-1,300 | 332 | 429 | 429 | 429 | 429 | 429 |
1,301-1,350 | 344 | 479 | 479 | 479 | 479 | 479 |
1,351-1,400 | 357 | 519 | 529 | 529 | 529 | 529 |
1,401-1,450 | 369 | 539 | 579 | 579 | 579 | 579 |
1,451-1,500 | 381 | 557 | 629 | 629 | 629 | 629 |
1,501-1,550 | 393 | 574 | 672 | 679 | 679 | 679 |
1,551-1,600 | 405 | 590 | 700 | 729 | 729 | 729 |
1,601-1,650 | 416 | 607 | 719 | 775 | 779 | 779 |
1,651-1,700 | 428 | 624 | 738 | 815 | 829 | 829 |
1,701-1,750 | 440 | 640 | 757 | 846 | 877 | 879 |
1,751-1,800 | 451 | 657 | 777 | 868 | 917 | 929 |
1,801-1,850 | 463 | 674 | 796 | 889 | 957 | 979 |
1,851-1,900 | 475 | 690 | 815 | 911 | 997 | 1,019 |
1,901-1,950 | 487 | 707 | 835 | 932 | 1,025 | 1,059 |
1,951-2,000 | 498 | 723 | 854 | 954 | 1,049 | 1,099 |
2,001-2,050 | 510 | 740 | 873 | 975 | 1,073 | 1,139 |
2,051-2,100 | 522 | 757 | 892 | 997 | 1,096 | 1,179 |
2,101-2,150 | 533 | 773 | 912 | 1,018 | 1,120 | 1,218 |
2,151-2,200 | 545 | 790 | 931 | 1,040 | 1,144 | 1,243 |
2,201-2,250 | 557 | 807 | 950 | 1,061 | 1,167 | 1,269 |
2,251-2,300 | 568 | 823 | 969 | 1,083 | 1,191 | 1,295 |
2,301-2,350 | 580 | 840 | 989 | 1,104 | 1,215 | 1,321 |
2,351-2,400 | 592 | 857 | 1,008 | 1,126 | 1,239 | 1,347 |
2,401-2,450 | 603 | 873 | 1,028 | 1,148 | 1,263 | 1,373 |
2,451-2,500 | 615 | 890 | 1,047 | 1,170 | 1,287 | 1,399 |
2,501-2,550 | 627 | 907 | 1,067 | 1,191 | 1,311 | 1,425 |
2,551-2,600 | 638 | 923 | 1,086 | 1,213 | 1,334 | 1,450 |
2,601-2,650 | 650 | 940 | 1,105 | 1,235 | 1,358 | 1,476 |
2,651-2,700 | 662 | 957 | 1,125 | 1,257 | 1,382 | 1,502 |
2,701-2,750 | 673 | 973 | 1,144 | 1,278 | 1,406 | 1,528 |
2,751-2,800 | 685 | 990 | 1,164 | 1,300 | 1,430 | 1,554 |
2,801-2,850 | 696 | 1,007 | 1,183 | 1,322 | 1,454 | 1,580 |
2,851-2,900 | 708 | 1,023 | 1,203 | 1,343 | 1,478 | 1,606 |
2,901-2,950 | 720 | 1,040 | 1,222 | 1,365 | 1,502 | 1,632 |
2,951-3,000 | 731 | 1,056 | 1,242 | 1,387 | 1,526 | 1,658 |
3,001-3,050 | 743 | 1,073 | 1,261 | 1,409 | 1,549 | 1,684 |
3,051-3,100 | 755 | 1,090 | 1,281 | 1,430 | 1,573 | 1,710 |
3,101-3,150 | 766 | 1,106 | 1,300 | 1,452 | 1,597 | 1,736 |
3,151-3,200 | 776 | 1,120 | 1,316 | 1,470 | 1,617 | 1,757 |
3,201-3,250 | 779 | 1,125 | 1,321 | 1,476 | 1,623 | 1,765 |
3,251-3,300 | 782 | 1,129 | 1,327 | 1,482 | 1,630 | 1,772 |
3,301-3,350 | 786 | 1,134 | 1,332 | 1,488 | 1,637 | 1,779 |
3,351-3,400 | 789 | 1,139 | 1,337 | 1,494 | 1,643 | 1,786 |
3,401-3,450 | 792 | 1,144 | 1,343 | 1,500 | 1,650 | 1,793 |
3,451-3,500 | 796 | 1,148 | 1,348 | 1,506 | 1,657 | 1,801 |
3,501-3,550 | 799 | 1,153 | 1,354 | 1,512 | 1,663 | 1,808 |
3,551-3,600 | 802 | 1,158 | 1,359 | 1,518 | 1,670 | 1,815 |
3,601-3,650 | 810 | 1,169 | 1,371 | 1,532 | 1,685 | 1,832 |
3,651-3,700 | 819 | 1,181 | 1,386 | 1,548 | 1,703 | 1,851 |
3,701-3,750 | 828 | 1,194 | 1,401 | 1,565 | 1,721 | 1,871 |
3,751-3,800 | 836 | 1,206 | 1,416 | 1,581 | 1,739 | 1,891 |
3,801-3,850 | 845 | 1,219 | 1,430 | 1,598 | 1,758 | 1,911 |
3,851-3,900 | 854 | 1,232 | 1,445 | 1,614 | 1,776 | 1,930 |
3,901-3,950 | 863 | 1,244 | 1,460 | 1,631 | 1,794 | 1,950 |
3,951-4,000 | 872 | 1,257 | 1,475 | 1,647 | 1,812 | 1,970 |
4,001-4,050 | 879 | 1,267 | 1,487 | 1,661 | 1,827 | 1,986 |
4,051-4,100 | 882 | 1,272 | 1,491 | 1,665 | 1,832 | 1,991 |
4,101-4,150 | 886 | 1,276 | 1,495 | 1,670 | 1,837 | 1,997 |
4,151-4,200 | 889 | 1,280 | 1,499 | 1,675 | 1,842 | 2,003 |
4,201-4,250 | 893 | 1,285 | 1,504 | 1,680 | 1,848 | 2,008 |
4,251-4,300 | 896 | 1,289 | 1,508 | 1,684 | 1,853 | 2,014 |
4,301-4,350 | 900 | 1,293 | 1,512 | 1,689 | 1,858 | 2,020 |
4,351-4,400 | 903 | 1,297 | 1,517 | 1,694 | 1,863 | 2,025 |
4,401-4,450 | 907 | 1,302 | 1,521 | 1,699 | 1,869 | 2,031 |
4,451-4,500 | 910 | 1,306 | 1,525 | 1,703 | 1,874 | 2,037 |
4,501-4,550 | 914 | 1,310 | 1,529 | 1,708 | 1,879 | 2,043 |
4,551-4,600 | 917 | 1,315 | 1,534 | 1,713 | 1,884 | 2,048 |
4,601-4,650 | 921 | 1,319 | 1,538 | 1,718 | 1,890 | 2,054 |
4,651-4,700 | 924 | 1,324 | 1,543 | 1,723 | 1,896 | 2,061 |
4,701-4,750 | 928 | 1,329 | 1,548 | 1,730 | 1,903 | 2,068 |
4,751-4,800 | 932 | 1,334 | 1,554 | 1,736 | 1,909 | 2,076 |
4,801-4,850 | 936 | 1,339 | 1,560 | 1,742 | 1,916 | 2,083 |
4,851-4,900 | 940 | 1,344 | 1,565 | 1,748 | 1,923 | 2,091 |
4,901-4,950 | 943 | 1,349 | 1,571 | 1,755 | 1,930 | 2,098 |
4,951-5,000 | 947 | 1,354 | 1,577 | 1,761 | 1,937 | 2,106 |
5,001-5,050 | 951 | 1,360 | 1,582 | 1,767 | 1,944 | 2,113 |
5,051-5,100 | 955 | 1,365 | 1,588 | 1,774 | 1,951 | 2,121 |
5,101-5,150 | 958 | 1,370 | 1,593 | 1,780 | 1,958 | 2,128 |
5,151-5,200 | 962 | 1,375 | 1,599 | 1,786 | 1,965 | 2,136 |
5,201-5,250 | 966 | 1,380 | 1,605 | 1,792 | 1,972 | 2,143 |
5,251-5,300 | 970 | 1,385 | 1,610 | 1,799 | 1,979 | 2,151 |
5,301-5,350 | 973 | 1,390 | 1,616 | 1,805 | 1,985 | 2,158 |
5,351-5,400 | 977 | 1,395 | 1,622 | 1,811 | 1,992 | 2,166 |
5,401-5,450 | 981 | 1,400 | 1,627 | 1,818 | 1,999 | 2,173 |
5,451-5,500 | 985 | 1,406 | 1,633 | 1,824 | 2,006 | 2,181 |
5,501-5,550 | 988 | 1,411 | 1,638 | 1,830 | 2,013 | 2,188 |
5,551-5,600 | 992 | 1,416 | 1,644 | 1,836 | 2,020 | 2,196 |
5,601-5,650 | 996 | 1,421 | 1,650 | 1,843 | 2,027 | 2,203 |
5,651-5,700 | 1,000 | 1,426 | 1,655 | 1,849 | 2,034 | 2,211 |
5,701-5,750 | 1,004 | 1,432 | 1,662 | 1,856 | 2,042 | 2,219 |
5,751-5,800 | 1,009 | 1,439 | 1,670 | 1,865 | 2,051 | 2,230 |
5,801-5,850 | 1,014 | 1,446 | 1,678 | 1,874 | 2,061 | 2,241 |
5,851-5,900 | 1,019 | 1,453 | 1,686 | 1,883 | 2,071 | 2,251 |
5,901-5,950 | 1,024 | 1,460 | 1,694 | 1,892 | 2,081 | 2,262 |
5,951-6,000 | 1,029 | 1,467 | 1,702 | 1,901 | 2,091 | 2,273 |
6,001-6,050 | 1,034 | 1,474 | 1,710 | 1,910 | 2,101 | 2,284 |
6,051-6,100 | 1,039 | 1,481 | 1,718 | 1,919 | 2,111 | 2,294 |
6,101-6,150 | 1,043 | 1,488 | 1,726 | 1,928 | 2,121 | 2,305 |
6,151-6,200 | 1,048 | 1,495 | 1,734 | 1,937 | 2,130 | 2,316 |
6,201-6,250 | 1,053 | 1,502 | 1,742 | 1,946 | 2,140 | 2,327 |
6,251-6,300 | 1,058 | 1,509 | 1,750 | 1,955 | 2,150 | 2,337 |
6,301-6,350 | 1,063 | 1,516 | 1,758 | 1,964 | 2,160 | 2,348 |
6,351-6,400 | 1,068 | 1,523 | 1,766 | 1,973 | 2,170 | 2,359 |
6,401-6,450 | 1,073 | 1,530 | 1,774 | 1,982 | 2,180 | 2,370 |
6,451-6,500 | 1,078 | 1,537 | 1,782 | 1,991 | 2,190 | 2,380 |
6,501-6,550 | 1,083 | 1,544 | 1,790 | 2,000 | 2,200 | 2,391 |
6,551-6,600 | 1,088 | 1,551 | 1,798 | 2,009 | 2,210 | 2,402 |
6,601-6,650 | 1,093 | 1,558 | 1,806 | 2,018 | 2,219 | 2,413 |
6,651-6,700 | 1,098 | 1,565 | 1,814 | 2,027 | 2,229 | 2,423 |
6,701-6,750 | 1,103 | 1,572 | 1,822 | 2,036 | 2,239 | 2,434 |
6,751-6,800 | 1,108 | 1,579 | 1,830 | 2,045 | 2,249 | 2,445 |
6,801-6,850 | 1,113 | 1,586 | 1,839 | 2,054 | 2,259 | 2,456 |
6,851-6,900 | 1,118 | 1,593 | 1,847 | 2,063 | 2,269 | 2,466 |
6,901-6,950 | 1,123 | 1,600 | 1,855 | 2,072 | 2,279 | 2,477 |
6,951-7,000 | 1,128 | 1,607 | 1,863 | 2,081 | 2,289 | 2,488 |
7,001-7,050 | 1,133 | 1,614 | 1,871 | 2,090 | 2,299 | 2,498 |
7,051-7,100 | 1,138 | 1,620 | 1,879 | 2,099 | 2,308 | 2,509 |
7,101-7,150 | 1,142 | 1,627 | 1,887 | 2,108 | 2,318 | 2,520 |
7,151-7,200 | 1,147 | 1,634 | 1,895 | 2,117 | 2,328 | 2,531 |
7,201-7,250 | 1,152 | 1,641 | 1,903 | 2,125 | 2,338 | 2,541 |
7,251-7,300 | 1,157 | 1,648 | 1,911 | 2,134 | 2,348 | 2,552 |
7,301-7,350 | 1,162 | 1,655 | 1,919 | 2,143 | 2,358 | 2,563 |
7,351-7,400 | 1,167 | 1,662 | 1,927 | 2,152 | 2,368 | 2,574 |
7,401-7,450 | 1,172 | 1,669 | 1,934 | 2,161 | 2,377 | 2,583 |
7,451-7,500 | 1,175 | 1,673 | 1,939 | 2,166 | 2,383 | 2,590 |
7,501-7,550 | 1,178 | 1,678 | 1,944 | 2,172 | 2,389 | 2,597 |
7,551-7,600 | 1,181 | 1,682 | 1,949 | 2,177 | 2,395 | 2,603 |
7,601-7,650 | 1,185 | 1,687 | 1,954 | 2,183 | 2,401 | 2,610 |
7,651-7,700 | 1,188 | 1,691 | 1,959 | 2,188 | 2,407 | 2,616 |
7,701-7,750 | 1,191 | 1,695 | 1,964 | 2,194 | 2,413 | 2,623 |
7,751-7,800 | 1,194 | 1,700 | 1,969 | 2,199 | 2,419 | 2,630 |
7,801-7,850 | 1,197 | 1,704 | 1,974 | 2,205 | 2,425 | 2,636 |
7,851-7,900 | 1,201 | 1,709 | 1,979 | 2,210 | 2,431 | 2,643 |
7,901-7,950 | 1,204 | 1,713 | 1,984 | 2,216 | 2,438 | 2,650 |
7,951-8,000 | 1,207 | 1,718 | 1,989 | 2,222 | 2,444 | 2,656 |
8,001-8,050 | 1,210 | 1,722 | 1,994 | 2,227 | 2,450 | 2,663 |
8,051-8,100 | 1,214 | 1,726 | 1,999 | 2,233 | 2,456 | 2,670 |
8,101-8,150 | 1,217 | 1,731 | 2,004 | 2,238 | 2,462 | 2,676 |
8,151-8,200 | 1,220 | 1,735 | 2,009 | 2,244 | 2,468 | 2,683 |
8,201-8,250 | 1,223 | 1,740 | 2,014 | 2,249 | 2,474 | 2,689 |
8,251-8,300 | 1,227 | 1,744 | 2,019 | 2,255 | 2,480 | 2,696 |
8,301-8,350 | 1,230 | 1,749 | 2,024 | 2,260 | 2,486 | 2,703 |
8,351-8,400 | 1,233 | 1,753 | 2,029 | 2,266 | 2,493 | 2,709 |
8,401-8,450 | 1,236 | 1,758 | 2,034 | 2,271 | 2,499 | 2,716 |
8,451-8,500 | 1,239 | 1,762 | 2,039 | 2,277 | 2,505 | 2,723 |
8,501-8,550 | 1,243 | 1,766 | 2,043 | 2,283 | 2,511 | 2,729 |
8,551-8,600 | 1,246 | 1,771 | 2,048 | 2,288 | 2,517 | 2,736 |
8,601-8,650 | 1,249 | 1,775 | 2,053 | 2,294 | 2,523 | 2,743 |
8,651-8,700 | 1,252 | 1,780 | 2,058 | 2,299 | 2,529 | 2,749 |
8,701-8,750 | 1,256 | 1,784 | 2,063 | 2,305 | 2,535 | 2,756 |
8,751-8,800 | 1,259 | 1,789 | 2,068 | 2,310 | 2,541 | 2,762 |
8,801-8,850 | 1,262 | 1,793 | 2,073 | 2,316 | 2,547 | 2,769 |
8,851-8,900 | 1,265 | 1,797 | 2,078 | 2,321 | 2,554 | 2,776 |
8,901-8,950 | 1,268 | 1,802 | 2,083 | 2,327 | 2,560 | 2,782 |
8,951-9,000 | 1,272 | 1,806 | 2,088 | 2,332 | 2,566 | 2,789 |
9,001-9,050 | 1,275 | 1,811 | 2,093 | 2,338 | 2,572 | 2,796 |
9,051-9,100 | 1,278 | 1,815 | 2,098 | 2,344 | 2,578 | 2,802 |
9,101-9,150 | 1,281 | 1,820 | 2,103 | 2,349 | 2,584 | 2,809 |
9,151-9,200 | 1,285 | 1,824 | 2,108 | 2,355 | 2,590 | 2,815 |
9,201-9,250 | 1,288 | 1,829 | 2,113 | 2,360 | 2,596 | 2,822 |
9,251-9,300 | 1,291 | 1,833 | 2,118 | 2,366 | 2,602 | 2,829 |
9,301-9,350 | 1,294 | 1,837 | 2,123 | 2,371 | 2,608 | 2,835 |
9,351-9,400 | 1,297 | 1,842 | 2,128 | 2,377 | 2,615 | 2,842 |
9,401-9,450 | 1,301 | 1,846 | 2,133 | 2,382 | 2,621 | 2,849 |
9,451-9,500 | 1,304 | 1,851 | 2,138 | 2,388 | 2,627 | 2,855 |
9,501-9,550 | 1,307 | 1,855 | 2,143 | 2,394 | 2,633 | 2,862 |
9,551-9,600 | 1,309 | 1,857 | 2,145 | 2,396 | 2,635 | 2,865 |
9,601-9,650 | 1,310 | 1,859 | 2,146 | 2,397 | 2,637 | 2,866 |
9,651-9,700 | 1,312 | 1,860 | 2,147 | 2,398 | 2,638 | 2,867 |
9,701-9,750 | 1,313 | 1,861 | 2,148 | 2,399 | 2,639 | 2,869 |
9,751-9,800 | 1,314 | 1,863 | 2,149 | 2,401 | 2,641 | 2,870 |
9,801-9,850 | 1,315 | 1,864 | 2,150 | 2,402 | 2,642 | 2,872 |
9,851-9,900 | 1,317 | 1,866 | 2,151 | 2,403 | 2,643 | 2,873 |
9,901-9,950 | 1,318 | 1,867 | 2,152 | 2,404 | 2,645 | 2,875 |
9,951-10,000 | 1,319 | 1,868 | 2,154 | 2,406 | 2,646 | 2,876 |
10,001-10,050 | 1,321 | 1,870 | 2,155 | 2,407 | 2,647 | 2,878 |
10,051-10,100 | 1,322 | 1,871 | 2,156 | 2,408 | 2,649 | 2,879 |
10,101-10,150 | 1,323 | 1,873 | 2,157 | 2,409 | 2,650 | 2,881 |
10,151-10,200 | 1,325 | 1,874 | 2,158 | 2,410 | 2,652 | 2,882 |
10,201-10,250 | 1,326 | 1,876 | 2,159 | 2,412 | 2,653 | 2,884 |
10,251-10,300 | 1,327 | 1,877 | 2,160 | 2,413 | 2,654 | 2,885 |
10,301-10,350 | 1,329 | 1,878 | 2,161 | 2,414 | 2,656 | 2,887 |
10,351-10,400 | 1,330 | 1,880 | 2,162 | 2,415 | 2,657 | 2,888 |
10,401-10,450 | 1,331 | 1,881 | 2,164 | 2,417 | 2,658 | 2,890 |
10,451-10,500 | 1,333 | 1,883 | 2,165 | 2,418 | 2,660 | 2,891 |
10,501-10,550 | 1,334 | 1,884 | 2,166 | 2,419 | 2,661 | 2,893 |
10,551-10,600 | 1,335 | 1,885 | 2,167 | 2,420 | 2,662 | 2,894 |
10,601-10,650 | 1,337 | 1,887 | 2,168 | 2,422 | 2,664 | 2,895 |
10,651-10,700 | 1,338 | 1,888 | 2,169 | 2,423 | 2,665 | 2,897 |
10,701-10,750 | 1,339 | 1,890 | 2,170 | 2,424 | 2,666 | 2,898 |
10,751-10,800 | 1,341 | 1,891 | 2,171 | 2,425 | 2,668 | 2,900 |
10,801-10,850 | 1,342 | 1,892 | 2,172 | 2,427 | 2,669 | 2,901 |
10,851-10,900 | 1,343 | 1,894 | 2,173 | 2,428 | 2,671 | 2,903 |
10,901-10,950 | 1,345 | 1,895 | 2,175 | 2,429 | 2,672 | 2,904 |
10,951-11,000 | 1,346 | 1,897 | 2,176 | 2,430 | 2,673 | 2,906 |
11,001-11,050 | 1,347 | 1,898 | 2,177 | 2,431 | 2,675 | 2,907 |
11,051-11,100 | 1,348 | 1,900 | 2,178 | 2,433 | 2,676 | 2,909 |
11,101-11,150 | 1,350 | 1,901 | 2,179 | 2,434 | 2,677 | 2,910 |
11,151-11,200 | 1,351 | 1,902 | 2,180 | 2,435 | 2,679 | 2,912 |
11,201-11,250 | 1,352 | 1,904 | 2,181 | 2,436 | 2,680 | 2,913 |
11,251-11,300 | 1,354 | 1,905 | 2,182 | 2,438 | 2,681 | 2,915 |
11,301-11,350 | 1,355 | 1,907 | 2,183 | 2,439 | 2,683 | 2,916 |
11,351-11,400 | 1,356 | 1,908 | 2,184 | 2,440 | 2,684 | 2,918 |
11,401-11,450 | 1,358 | 1,909 | 2,186 | 2,441 | 2,685 | 2,919 |
11-451-11,500 | 1,359 | 1,911 | 2,187 | 2,443 | 2,687 | 2,921 |
11,501-11,550 | 1,360 | 1,912 | 2,188 | 2,444 | 2,688 | 2,922 |
11,551-11,600 | 1,362 | 1,914 | 2,189 | 2,445 | 2,689 | 2,923 |
11,601-11,650 | 1,363 | 1,915 | 2,190 | 2,446 | 2,691 | 2,925 |
11,651-11,700 | 1,365 | 1,918 | 2,193 | 2,449 | 2,694 | 2,929 |
11,701-11,750 | 1,370 | 1,924 | 2,200 | 2,458 | 2,703 | 2,939 |
11,751-11,800 | 1,374 | 1,930 | 2,207 | 2,466 | 2,712 | 2,948 |
11,801-11,850 | 1,379 | 1,937 | 2,215 | 2,474 | 2,721 | 2,958 |
11,851-11,900 | 1,383 | 1,943 | 2,222 | 2,482 | 2,730 | 2,968 |
11,901-11,950 | 1,387 | 1,949 | 2,229 | 2,490 | 2,739 | 2,978 |
11,951-12,000 | 1,392 | 1,956 | 2,237 | 2,498 | 2,748 | 2,987 |
12,001-12,050 | 1,396 | 1,962 | 2,244 | 2,507 | 2,757 | 2,997 |
12,051-12,100 | 1,401 | 1,968 | 2,251 | 2,515 | 2,766 | 3,007 |
12,101-12,150 | 1,405 | 1,975 | 2,259 | 2,523 | 2,775 | 3,017 |
12,151-12,200 | 1,410 | 1,981 | 2,266 | 2,531 | 2,784 | 3,026 |
12,201-12,250 | 1,414 | 1,987 | 2,273 | 2,539 | 2,793 | 3,036 |
12,251-12,300 | 1,418 | 1,993 | 2,280 | 2,547 | 2,802 | 3,046 |
12,301-12,350 | 1,423 | 2,000 | 2,288 | 2,555 | 2,811 | 3,056 |
12,351-12,400 | 1,427 | 2,006 | 2,295 | 2,564 | 2,820 | 3,065 |
12,401-12,450 | 1,432 | 2,012 | 2,302 | 2,572 | 2,829 | 3,075 |
12,451-12,500 | 1,436 | 2,019 | 2,310 | 2,580 | 2,838 | 3,085 |
12,501-12,550 | 1,441 | 2,025 | 2,317 | 2,588 | 2,847 | 3,095 |
12,551-12,600 | 1,445 | 2,031 | 2,324 | 2,596 | 2,856 | 3,104 |
12,601-12,650 | 1,449 | 2,038 | 2,332 | 2,604 | 2,865 | 3,114 |
12,651-12,700 | 1,454 | 2,044 | 2,339 | 2,613 | 2,874 | 3,124 |
12,701-12,750 | 1,458 | 2,050 | 2,346 | 2,621 | 2,883 | 3,134 |
12,751-12,800 | 1,463 | 2,056 | 2,354 | 2,629 | 2,892 | 3,143 |
12,801-12,850 | 1,467 | 2,063 | 2,361 | 2,637 | 2,901 | 3,153 |
12,851-12,900 | 1,472 | 2,069 | 2,368 | 2,645 | 2,910 | 3,163 |
12,901-12,950 | 1,476 | 2,075 | 2,375 | 2,653 | 2,919 | 3,173 |
12,951-13,000 | 1,480 | 2,082 | 2,383 | 2,662 | 2,928 | 3,182 |
13,001-13,050 | 1,485 | 2,088 | 2,390 | 2,670 | 2,937 | 3,192 |
13,051-13,100 | 1,489 | 2,094 | 2,397 | 2,678 | 2,946 | 3,202 |
13,101-13,150 | 1,494 | 2,101 | 2,405 | 2,686 | 2,955 | 3,212 |
13,151-13,200 | 1,498 | 2,107 | 2,412 | 2,694 | 2,964 | 3,221 |
13,201-13,250 | 1,503 | 2,113 | 2,419 | 2,702 | 2,973 | 3,231 |
13,251-13,300 | 1,507 | 2,119 | 2,427 | 2,710 | 2,982 | 3,241 |
13,301-13,350 | 1,512 | 2,126 | 2,434 | 2,719 | 2,990 | 3,251 |
13,351-13,400 | 1,516 | 2,132 | 2,441 | 2,727 | 2,999 | 3,260 |
13,401-13,450 | 1,520 | 2,138 | 2,448 | 2,735 | 3,008 | 3,270 |
13,451-13,500 | 1,525 | 2,145 | 2,456 | 2,743 | 3,017 | 3,280 |
13,501-13,550 | 1,529 | 2,151 | 2,463 | 2,751 | 3,026 | 3,290 |
13,551-13,600 | 1,534 | 2,157 | 2,470 | 2,759 | 3,035 | 3,299 |
13,601-13,650 | 1,538 | 2,163 | 2,478 | 2,768 | 3,044 | 3,309 |
13,651-13,700 | 1,543 | 2,170 | 2,485 | 2,776 | 3,053 | 3,319 |
13,701-13,750 | 1,547 | 2,176 | 2,492 | 2,784 | 3,062 | 3,329 |
13,751-13,800 | 1,551 | 2,182 | 2,500 | 2,792 | 3,071 | 3,338 |
13,801-13,850 | 1,556 | 2,189 | 2,507 | 2,800 | 3,080 | 3,348 |
13,851-13,900 | 1,560 | 2,195 | 2,514 | 2,808 | 3,089 | 3,358 |
13,901-13,950 | 1,565 | 2,201 | 2,521 | 2,817 | 3,098 | 3,368 |
13,951-14,000 | 1,569 | 2,208 | 2,529 | 2,825 | 3,107 | 3,377 |
14,001-14,050 | 1,574 | 2,214 | 2,536 | 2,833 | 3,116 | 3,387 |
14,051-14,100 | 1,578 | 2,220 | 2,543 | 2,841 | 3,125 | 3,397 |
14,101-14,150 | 1,582 | 2,226 | 2,551 | 2,849 | 3,134 | 3,407 |
14,151-14,200 | 1,587 | 2,233 | 2,558 | 2,857 | 3,143 | 3,416 |
14,201-14,250 | 1,591 | 2,239 | 2,565 | 2,865 | 3,152 | 3,426 |
14,251-14,300 | 1,596 | 2,245 | 2,573 | 2,874 | 3,161 | 3,436 |
14,301-14,350 | 1,600 | 2,252 | 2,580 | 2,882 | 3,170 | 3,446 |
14,351-14,400 | 1,605 | 2,258 | 2,587 | 2,890 | 3,179 | 3,455 |
14,401-14,450 | 1,609 | 2,264 | 2,595 | 2,898 | 3,188 | 3,465 |
14,451-14,500 | 1,614 | 2,271 | 2,602 | 2,906 | 3,197 | 3,475 |
14,501-14,550 | 1,618 | 2,277 | 2,609 | 2,914 | 3,206 | 3,485 |
14,551-14,600 | 1,622 | 2,283 | 2,616 | 2,923 | 3,215 | 3,495 |
14,601-14,650 | 1,627 | 2,289 | 2,624 | 2,931 | 3,224 | 3,504 |
14,651-14,700 | 1,631 | 2,296 | 2,631 | 2,939 | 3,233 | 3,514 |
14,701-14,750 | 1,636 | 2,302 | 2,638 | 2,947 | 3,242 | 3,524 |
14,751-14,800 | 1,640 | 2,308 | 2,646 | 2,955 | 3,251 | 3,534 |
14,801-14,850 | 1,645 | 2,315 | 2,653 | 2,963 | 3,260 | 3,543 |
14,851-14,900 | 1,649 | 2,321 | 2,660 | 2,972 | 3,269 | 3,553 |
14,901-14,950 | 1,653 | 2,327 | 2,668 | 2,980 | 3,278 | 3,563 |
14,951-15,000 | 1,658 | 2,334 | 2,675 | 2,988 | 3,287 | 3,573 |
15,001-15,050 | 1,662 | 2,340 | 2,682 | 2,996 | 3,296 | 3,582 |
15,051-15,100 | 1,667 | 2,346 | 2,689 | 3,004 | 3,305 | 3,592 |
15,101-15,150 | 1,671 | 2,352 | 2,697 | 3,012 | 3,314 | 3,602 |
15,151-15,200 | 1,676 | 2,359 | 2,704 | 3,020 | 3,322 | 3,612 |
15,201-15,250 | 1,680 | 2,365 | 2,711 | 3,029 | 3,331 | 3,621 |
15,251-15,300 | 1,684 | 2,371 | 2,719 | 3,037 | 3,340 | 3,631 |
15,301-15,350 | 1,689 | 2,378 | 2,726 | 3,045 | 3,349 | 3,641 |
15,351-15,400 | 1,693 | 2,384 | 2,733 | 3,053 | 3,358 | 3,651 |
15,401-15,450 | 1,698 | 2,390 | 2,741 | 3,061 | 3,367 | 3,360 |
15,451-15,500 | 1,702 | 2,397 | 2,748 | 3,069 | 3,376 | 3,670 |
15,501-15,550 | 1,707 | 2,403 | 2,755 | 3,078 | 3,385 | 3,680 |
15,551-15,600 | 1,711 | 2,409 | 2,762 | 3,086 | 3,394 | 3,690 |
15,601-15,650 | 1,716 | 2,415 | 2,770 | 3,094 | 3,403 | 3,699 |
15,651-15,700 | 1,720 | 2,422 | 2,777 | 3,102 | 3,412 | 3,709 |
15,701-15,750 | 1,724 | 2,428 | 2,784 | 3,110 | 3,421 | 3,719 |
15,751-15,800 | 1,729 | 2,434 | 2,792 | 3,118 | 3,430 | 3,729 |
15,801-15,850 | 1,733 | 2,441 | 2,799 | 3,126 | 3,439 | 3,738 |
15,851-15,900 | 1,738 | 2,447 | 2,806 | 3,135 | 3,448 | 3,748 |
15,901-15,950 | 1,742 | 2,453 | 2,814 | 3,143 | 3,457 | 3,758 |
15,951-16,000 | 1,747 | 2,460 | 2,821 | 3,151 | 3,466 | 3,768 |
16,001-16,050 | 1,751 | 2,466 | 2,828 | 3,159 | 3,475 | 3,777 |
16,051-16,100 | 1,755 | 2,472 | 2,836 | 3,167 | 3,484 | 3,787 |
16,101-16,150 | 1,760 | 2,478 | 2,843 | 3,175 | 3,493 | 3,797 |
16,151-16,200 | 1,764 | 2,485 | 2,850 | 3,184 | 3,502 | 3,807 |
16,201-16,250 | 1,769 | 2,491 | 2,857 | 3,192 | 3,511 | 3,816 |
16,251-16,300 | 1,773 | 2,497 | 2,865 | 3,200 | 3,520 | 3,826 |
16,301-16,350 | 1,778 | 2,504 | 2,872 | 3,208 | 3,529 | 3,836 |
16,351-16,400 | 1,782 | 2,510 | 2,879 | 3,216 | 3,538 | 3,846 |
16,401-16,450 | 1,786 | 2,516 | 2,887 | 3,224 | 3,547 | 3,855 |
16,451-16,500 | 1,791 | 2,523 | 2,894 | 3,233 | 3,556 | 3,865 |
16,501-16,550 | 1,795 | 2,529 | 2,901 | 3,241 | 3,565 | 3,875 |
16,551-16,600 | 1,800 | 2,535 | 2,909 | 3,249 | 3,574 | 3,885 |
16,601-16,650 | 1,804 | 2,541 | 2,916 | 3,257 | 3,583 | 3,894 |
16,651-16,700 | 1,809 | 2,548 | 2,923 | 3,265 | 3,592 | 3,904 |
16,701-16,750 | 1,813 | 2,554 | 2,930 | 3,273 | 3,601 | 3,914 |
16,751-16,800 | 1,817 | 2,560 | 2,938 | 3,281 | 3,610 | 3,924 |
16,801-16,850 | 1,822 | 2,567 | 2,945 | 3,290 | 3,619 | 3,933 |
16,851-16,900 | 1,826 | 2,573 | 2,952 | 3,298 | 3,628 | 3,943 |
16,901-16,950 | 1,831 | 2,579 | 2,960 | 3,306 | 3,637 | 3,953 |
16,951-17,000 | 1,835 | 2,585 | 2,967 | 3,314 | 3,646 | 3,963 |
17,001-17,050 | 1,840 | 2,592 | 2,974 | 3,322 | 3,655 | 3,972 |
17,051-17,100 | 1,844 | 2,598 | 2,982 | 3,330 | 3,663 | 3,982 |
17,101-17,150 | 1,849 | 2,604 | 2,989 | 3,339 | 3,672 | 3,992 |
17,151-17,200 | 1,853 | 2,611 | 2,996 | 3,347 | 3,681 | 4,002 |
17,201-17,250 | 1,857 | 2,617 | 3,003 | 3,355 | 3,690 | 4,011 |
17,251-17,300 | 1,862 | 2,623 | 3,011 | 3,363 | 3,699 | 4,021 |
17,301-17,350 | 1,866 | 2,630 | 3,018 | 3,371 | 3,708 | 4,031 |
17,351-17,400 | 1,871 | 2,636 | 3,025 | 3,379 | 3,717 | 4,041 |
17,401-17,450 | 1,875 | 2,642 | 3,033 | 3,388 | 3,726 | 4,050 |
17,451-17,500 | 1,880 | 2,648 | 3,040 | 3,396 | 3,735 | 4,060 |
17,501-17,550 | 1,884 | 2,655 | 3,047 | 3,404 | 3,744 | 4,070 |
17,551-17,600 | 1,888 | 2,661 | 3,055 | 3,412 | 3,753 | 4,080 |
17,601-17,650 | 1,893 | 2,667 | 3,062 | 3,420 | 3,762 | 4,089 |
17,651-17,700 | 1,897 | 2,674 | 3,069 | 3,428 | 3,771 | 4,099 |
17,701-17,750 | 1,902 | 2,680 | 3,077 | 3,436 | 3,780 | 4,109 |
17,751-17,800 | 1,906 | 2,686 | 3,084 | 3,445 | 3,789 | 4,119 |
17,801-17,850 | 1,911 | 2,693 | 3,091 | 3,453 | 3,798 | 4,129 |
17,851-17,900 | 1,915 | 2,699 | 3,098 | 3,461 | 3,807 | 4,138 |
17,901-17,950 | 1,919 | 2,705 | 3,106 | 3,469 | 3,816 | 4,148 |
17,951-18,000 | 1,924 | 2,711 | 3,113 | 3,477 | 3,825 | 4,158 |
18,001-18,050 | 1,928 | 2,718 | 3,120 | 3,485 | 3,834 | 4,168 |
18,051-18,100 | 1,933 | 2,724 | 3,128 | 3,494 | 3,843 | 4,177 |
18,101-18,150 | 1,937 | 2,730 | 3,135 | 3,502 | 3,852 | 4,187 |
18,151-18,200 | 1,942 | 2,737 | 3,142 | 3,510 | 3,861 | 4,197 |
18,201-18,250 | 1,946 | 2,743 | 3,150 | 3,518 | 3,870 | 4,207 |
18,251-18,300 | 1,951 | 2,749 | 3,157 | 3,526 | 3,879 | 4,216 |
18,301-18,350 | 1,955 | 2,756 | 3,164 | 3,534 | 3,888 | 4,226 |
18,351-18,400 | 1,959 | 2,762 | 3,171 | 3,543 | 3,897 | 4,236 |
18,301-18,450 | 1,964 | 2,768 | 3,179 | 3,551 | 3,906 | 4,246 |
18,451-18,500 | 1,968 | 2,774 | 3,186 | 3,559 | 3,915 | 4,255 |
18,501-18,550 | 1,973 | 2,781 | 3,193 | 3,567 | 3,924 | 4,265 |
18,551-18,600 | 1,977 | 2,787 | 3,201 | 3,575 | 3,933 | 4,275 |
18,601-18,650 | 1,982 | 2,793 | 3,208 | 3,583 | 3,942 | 4,285 |
18,651-18,700 | 1,986 | 2,800 | 3,215 | 3,591 | 3,951 | 4,294 |
18,701-18,750 | 1,990 | 2,806 | 3,223 | 3,600 | 3,960 | 4,304 |
18,751-18,800 | 1,995 | 2,812 | 3,230 | 3,608 | 3,969 | 4,314 |
18,801-18,850 | 1,999 | 2,819 | 3,237 | 3,616 | 3,978 | 4,324 |
18,851-18,900 | 2,004 | 2,825 | 3,244 | 3,624 | 3,987 | 4,333 |
18,901-18,950 | 2,008 | 2,831 | 3,252 | 3,632 | 3,995 | 4,343 |
18,951-19,000 | 2,013 | 2,837 | 3,259 | 3,640 | 4,004 | 4,353 |
19,001-19,050 | 2,017 | 2,844 | 3,266 | 3,649 | 4,013 | 4,363 |
19,051-19,100 | 2,021 | 2,850 | 3,274 | 3,657 | 4,022 | 4,372 |
19,101-19,150 | 2,026 | 2,856 | 3,281 | 3,665 | 4,031 | 4,382 |
19,151-19,200 | 2,030 | 2,863 | 3,288 | 3,673 | 4,040 | 4,392 |
19,201-19,250 | 2,035 | 2,869 | 3,296 | 3,681 | 4,049 | 4,402 |
19,251-19,300 | 2,039 | 2,875 | 3,303 | 3,689 | 4,058 | 4,411 |
19,301-19,350 | 2,044 | 2,882 | 3,310 | 3,698 | 4,067 | 4,421 |
19,351-19,400 | 2,048 | 2,888 | 3,318 | 3,706 | 4,076 | 4,431 |
19,401-19,450 | 2,053 | 2,894 | 3,325 | 3,714 | 4,085 | 4,441 |
19,451-19,500 | 2,057 | 2,900 | 3,332 | 3,722 | 4,094 | 4,450 |
19,501-19,550 | 2,061 | 2,907 | 3,339 | 3,730 | 4,103 | 4,460 |
19,551-19,600 | 2,066 | 2,913 | 3,347 | 3,738 | 4,112 | 4,470 |
19,601-19,650 | 2,070 | 2,919 | 3,354 | 3,746 | 4,121 | 4,480 |
19,651-19,700 | 2,075 | 2,926 | 3,361 | 3,755 | 4,130 | 4,489 |
19,701-19,750 | 2,079 | 2,932 | 3,369 | 3,763 | 4,139 | 4,499 |
19,751-19,800 | 2,084 | 2,938 | 3,376 | 3,771 | 4,148 | 4,509 |
19,801-19,850 | 2,088 | 2,945 | 3,383 | 3,779 | 4,157 | 4,519 |
19,851-19,900 | 2,092 | 2,951 | 3,391 | 3,787 | 4,166 | 4,528 |
19,901-19,950 | 2,097 | 2,957 | 3,398 | 3,795 | 4,175 | 4,538 |
19,951-20,000 | 2,101 | 2,963 | 3,405 | 3,804 | 4,184 | 4,548 |
A roll call vote was requested and supported.
The question being on Rep. Pischke's motion that SB 141 be amended.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 32, Nays 34, Excused 4, Absent 0
Bartels; Beal; Brunner; Campbell; Clark; Dennert; DiSanto; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield
(Lana); Haugaard; Howard; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Kaiser; Karr; Latterell; Lesmeister;
Livermont; Marty; May; Mills; Otten (Herman); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen;
Steinhauer; Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; Zikmund
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartling; Bordeaux; Chase; Conzet; Duvall; Glanzer; Haggar; Hawley;
Heinemann; Holmes; Hunhoff; Johns; Johnson; Kettwig; Lake; Lust; McCleerey; Peterson
(Kent); Reed; Rhoden; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Stevens;
Tieszen; Wismer; York; Speaker Mickelson
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the motion not having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members
present, the Speaker declared the motion lost.
The question being "Shall SB 141 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 40, Nays 26, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Bordeaux; Chase; Clark; Conzet; Duvall; Glanzer; Haggar;
Haugaard; Hawley; Holmes; Hunhoff; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson; Kettwig; Lake; Lust;
McCleerey; Mills; Peterson (Kent); Reed; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith;
Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 23: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the authority of the Transportation
Commission to make loans from the state highway fund to local governments for highway and
bridge construction and maintenance purposes.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 23 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 63, Nays 3, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet;
Dennert; DiSanto; Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Haugaard;
Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson;
Karr; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Livermont; Lust; McCleerey; Mills; Otten (Herman);
Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed; Rhoden; Ring; Rounds;
Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese;
Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Kaiser; Marty; May
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 43 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 51, Nays 15, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Chase; Clark; Conzet; Duvall; Glanzer;
Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Haugaard; Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes; Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen
(Kevin); Johns; Johnson; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Lesmeister; Lust; McCleerey; Mills; Otten
(Herman); Peterson (Kent); Qualm; Reed; Rhoden; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer;
Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Wiese; Willadsen; Wismer;
York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Brunner; Campbell; Dennert; DiSanto; Goodwin; Gosch; Howard; Kaiser; Karr; Livermont;
Marty; May; Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Rasmussen
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 172: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to authorize the South Dakota Building
Authority to provide for the construction of and improvements to the State Animal Disease
Research and Diagnostic Laboratory and infrastructure at South Dakota State University, to
transfer certain funds, to make an appropriation, and to declare an emergency.
Was read the second time.
And the roll being called:
Yeas 56, Nays 10, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Anderson; Bartels; Bartling; Beal; Bordeaux; Brunner; Chase; Clark; Conzet; DiSanto;
Duvall; Glanzer; Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Hawley; Heinemann; Holmes;
Hunhoff; Jamison; Jensen (Kevin); Johns; Johnson; Karr; Kettwig; Lake; Lesmeister; Lust;
McCleerey; Mills; Otten (Herman); Peterson (Kent); Peterson (Sue); Pischke; Qualm;
Rasmussen; Reed; Rhoden; Ring; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli;
Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Willadsen; Wismer; York; Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Campbell; Dennert; Haugaard; Howard; Kaiser; Latterell; Livermont; Marty; May; Wiese
Carson; Frye-Mueller; McPherson; Turbiville
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 125: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the list of organizations that may
approve and accredit a nonpublic school.
Having had its second reading was up for consideration and final passage.
The question being "Shall SB 125 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 31, Nays 35, Excused 4, Absent 0
Ahlers; Bartels; Bartling; Bordeaux; Duvall; Haugaard; Hawley; Johns; Johnson; Lesmeister;
Livermont; Lust; May; McCleerey; Otten (Herman); Peterson (Kent); Ring; Rounds; Rozum;
Schaefer; Schoenfish; Smith; Soli; Steinhauer; Stevens; Tieszen; Tulson; Wismer; York;
Zikmund; Speaker Mickelson
Anderson; Beal; Brunner; Campbell; Chase; Clark; Conzet; Dennert; DiSanto; Glanzer;
Goodwin; Gosch; Greenfield (Lana); Haggar; Heinemann; Holmes; Howard; Hunhoff; Jamison;
Jensen (Kevin); Kaiser; Karr; Kettwig; Lake; Latterell; Marty; Mills; Peterson (Sue); Pischke;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Reed; Rhoden; Wiese; Willadsen
So the bill not having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill lost.
There being no objection, the House reverted to Order of Business No. 5.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that HB 1005, 1044, 1084,
1124, and 1174 were delivered to his Excellency, the Governor, for his approval at 11:30 a.m.,
March 2, 2017.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Office of Engrossing
and Enrolling has carefully compared HB 1053, 1065, 1077, 1100, 1107, 1144, and 1195 and
finds the same correctly enrolled.
The Speaker publicly read the title to
HB 1053: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions concerning the
attorney recruitment assistance program.
HB 1065: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
liability of persons for certain business debts.
HB 1071: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to require the approval of the Legislature
before any high level nuclear waste may be processed or deposited within state boundaries.
HB 1077: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to provide for the assignment of certain
benefits in dental care insurance coverage.
HB 1100: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to allow law enforcement to initiate a mental
illness hold in domestic abuse situations.
HB 1107: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
approval by the governing board of licenses for alcoholic beverages.
HB 1117: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding golf
carts on state highways.
HB 1118: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to eliminate the need to prove the use of
force, fraud, or coercion in the human trafficking of minors.
HB 1144: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding
commercial driver license disqualification for refusing to submit to a chemical analysis.
HB 1149: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the tax on certain
telecommunication services and devices.
HB 1195: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding health
coverage for applied behavior analysis.
HB 1211: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to provide for a grace period after the
expiration of a permit and a warning ticket for carrying a concealed pistol while in possession
of an expired permit.
SB 1: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions of the prescription
drug monitoring program.
SB 6: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the review process to determine the
need for additional nursing facilities or nursing facility beds and to require a report to the
SB 7: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the criteria for determining if property
is classified as agricultural land for property tax purposes.
SB 11: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the State
Fair Commission and the administration of the fairgrounds and to declare an emergency.
SB 14: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make an appropriation from the coordinated
natural resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission and to declare an
SB 15: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make an appropriation for costs related to
suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
SB 18: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to authorize the Board of Regents to contract
for the design, renovation of, and addition to, the Stanley J. Marshall Center on the campus of
South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 19: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish for the Board of Regents and its
institutions a fund for the receipt and disbursement of federal grants and contracts and a fund
for the receipt and disbursement of other grants and contracts and to make an appropriation
SB 34: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions related to securities
held as unclaimed property and to declare an emergency.
SB 36: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the time to file certain tax returns and
remit certain taxes.
SB 49: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to license and regulate freestanding emergency
medical care facilities.
SB 59: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to delay the effective date for initiated
measures and referred laws.
SB 63: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to eliminate the postage administration fund
and deposit fees to the general fund.
SB 66: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to specifically classify certain agricultural land
as riparian buffer strips, to establish the criteria for the riparian buffer strip classification, and
to provide for the taxation thereof.
SB 68: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain alcoholic beverage sampling
SB 69: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the tax required when a new motor
vehicle dealer licenses a new motor vehicle.
SB 70: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make appropriations from the water and
environment fund and its revolving fund subfunds for various water and environmental
purposes, to increase the transfer from the water and environment fund to the environment and
natural resources fee fund, and to declare an emergency.
SB 71: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions of the reinvestment
payment program.
SB 75: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
purchase from a municipality of malt beverages by certain alcoholic beverage licensees.
SB 77: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to provide for a fiscal note for any initiated
measure, initiated amendment to the Constitution, or referred law that would have a fiscal
impact on the state.
SB 79: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
display of motorcycle license plates.
SB 82: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
review of juvenile corrections.
SB 84: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to provide for the suspension of the
probationary period for juvenile probationers under certain conditions.
SB 86: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
deposit of county funds.
SB 113: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to require certain provisions to be met before
distribution of the 911 emergency surcharge revenue and to revise the effective date for the
sunset clause provisions that lower the 911 emergency surcharge and revise the method of
distributing funds.
SB 118: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to allow for special motor vehicle license
plates depicting the Dignity sculpture.
SB 123: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the area where certain nonresident
waterfowl licenses may be issued.
SB 131: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions concerning the
period of time certain persons are prohibited from lobbying after leaving office.
SB 136: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to permit and regulate the practice of licensed
certified professional midwives.
SB 140: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to require schools to provide instruction in
hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
SB 143: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to create an off-sale delivery license and to
allow certain off-sale licensees to deliver alcohol.
And signed the same in the presence of the House.
Rep. Beal moved that the House do now adjourn, which motion prevailed and at 5:08 p.m.
the House adjourned.