P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Bartling
P Beal
P DiSanto
P Haggar
P Hawley
P Heinemann
P Latterell
P Lust
P Mickelson
P Peterson (Kent)
P Rozum
P Qualm, Vice-Chair
P Rhoden, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Representative Rhoden, Chairman.
Moved by: Qualm
Second by: Mickelson
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
SB 131: revise certain provisions concerning the period of time certain persons are prohibited
from lobbying after leaving office.
Presented by: Senator Curd
" Section 6. That § 2-6-35 be amended to read:
2-6-35. The Legislative Planning Government Operations and Audit Committee shall develop
and implement a performance management review process that provides the Legislature with a
consistent system to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies and to provide
additional government transparency and accountability to the public.
Section 7. That § 2-6-37 be amended to read:
2-6-37. The Legislative Planning Government Operations and Audit Committee shall establish
a schedule whereby the committee reviews the performance management of each state agency at least
once every three years. The performance management review shall include the following:
2-6-38. Once the Legislative Planning After the Government Operations and Audit Committee
has completed a performance management review of a state agency, and the committee has approved
the agency's desired outcomes and accompanying performance measures, the agency shall provide
the committee with a report highlighting up to six of the performance measures that show the
progress being made toward the desired outcomes. Thereafter, the The report shall be updated by the
agency annually and submitted to the committee no later than November fifteenth. Each agency
report shall include the source of the information and references to where legislators can obtain
further information.
Section 9. That § 2-6-39 be amended to read:
2-6-39. The Legislative Research Council shall compile the reports provided pursuant to § 2-6-
38, and distribute a compiled report to each member of the Legislative Planning Committee, the
chair and vice chair of the Joint Committee on Appropriations, and the chair and vice chair of the
Government Operations and Audit Committee. During the first week of the legislative session each
year, members of the Legislative Planning Government Operations and Audit Committee shall
present and review the compiled report with legislators in each legislative body. Individual reports
may also be distributed to the chair of any standing committee of the Legislature as determined by
the chair of the Legislative Planning Government Operations and Audit Committee.
Section 10. That § 13-48A-7 be amended to read:
13-48A-7. The Board of Regents and the Board of Education shall each provide to the
Legislative Planning Government Operations and Audit Committee an annual accountability report
as determined by the committee. ".